Everybody Freeze! Oscar Nomination Ballots Are Due

Everybody make like Prince Charming and freeze 'On the Steps of the Palace.'
At 5:00 PM PST / 8:00 PM EST this evening Oscar nominating ballots were officially due. Full stop. No really, STOP. May all your favorites be nominated on January 15th. Unless they conflict with my favorites. Over the next four days we'll be revising each Oscar chart with final predictions but freeze that buzz where it's at right now because everything from this point forward can only either a) entertain us movie nuts b) help or hurt at the box office c) help or hurt careers d) influence Oscar wins or e) influence future Oscar races when it comes time to make up for past slights. As they do.
How will you be celebrating this momentous nerve-wracking week now as we wait?
BAFTA nominations are announced tomorrow morning (aka while we're sleeping) The Golden Globes are Sunday night. And a week from today, Oscar nominations are announced. The red carpet unfurls forever.

Reader Comments (15)
I think I'll celebrate by watching Still Alice (I keep putting it off), The Honorable Woman and the season premieres of Archer, Agent Carter and Empire.
Just got a copy of The Guest and think that will be my comfort. That and the rest of season two of Copper, Ripper Street, The Imitation Game, Birdman and possibly Penny Dreadful.
I'm celebrating by praying to St. Katharine Hepburn and St. Bette Davis that Marion will show tomorrow morning and on Oscar morning.
Nomination morning is the best part of award season.
Been watching all 18 of Streep's nominated performances in anticipation of # 19!
Nat, if Jake Gyllenhaal gets in, you should do a top 10 list of the weirdest, most bait-free performances ever to be nominated for Oscars. I once asked you that on of the "Ask Nathaniel" collums (whatever happened to those?) and you gave up on writing it because you didn't like the questions (one of them was why you didn't like Greta Garbo more and your answer was something along the lines of "uhhh, because I... don't?").
If he doesn't get in, I'll buy you a drink! ^^
take a f*ing break, amy! (reacting to bafta nominations here)
Just a few quickies from the live broadcast of Bafta:
- RENE RUSSO and Jake both got in for Nightcrawler;
- Streep and Chastain did not make the cut for Supporting Actress;
- Carell was (rightfully) relocated and bumped Duvall out of the Supporting Actor race;
- Ralph Fiennes made it on Best Actor, but Spall did not;
- Selma was completely snubbed (maybe they got techs, they didn't announce those on the live stream);
and (drumroll)
- Amy Adams (HAHAHAHAHAHA) bumped both Aniston and Cotillard in Lead Actress. Honestly, if she makes it in Oscar, I will get some popcorn and just hit F5 on the comment sections for a good 5 hours.
@John: Co-sign! Or, rather, co-pray! #TeamMarion
How does Spall not get nominated for Mr Turner???? The Oscars I would understand but the BAFTAS?????
Spall missing out it disappointing, but the film also being snubbed, even in the best *British* film category is just outrageous!
As a British, French and German co production did Mr Turner qualify for Best British film? Does anyone know?
Weirdly, Mike Leigh has a much better record with Oscar than with BAFTA - his only real successes here have been Secrets & Lies and Vera Drake. Don't forget that Sally Hawkins inexplicably missed with BAFTA too...
I'm more intrigued by the prospect of Oyelowo or Cumberbatch missing at Oscar (no director nomination here for The Imitation Game) - both Gyllenhaal and Fiennes getting in would be fun!
A few other thoughts -
Selma - did they even screener the BAFTA membership? I'm very, very surprised to see it snubbed, which makes me think that voters simply didn't see it.
Steve Carell - the chances of him repeating in Supporting next week and deposing Duvall are very slim. Unlike Oscar, BAFTA themselves decide category placements (sometimes inexplicably - in 2005, they seemed to think that Best Actress was a bit weak, so Rachel Weisz, Scarlett Johansson and a holdover Sophie Okonedo all found themselves competing in Leading).
Crossing my fingers for
Foxcatcher For Picture
Fiennes For Actor
Swank for Actress
Russo for Supporting Actress
Brolin for Supporting Actor