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Ask Nathaniel 

Let's do another Q & A round. You know what to do in the comments. Bonus points for spooky creepy scary supernatural movie themed questions that get us in the mood for Halloween

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Reader Comments (28)

What director/actor who isn't known for making horror films would you like to see attempt to make one? For example, the Coen bros, have gone to some dark places, but not outright horror. I think they could make a solid fright flick, maybe even a genre redefining one. Frances McDormand can play the last girl.

October 18, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterTom

Have you ever done a film-inspired Halloween costume, and if so, which was your favorite?

October 18, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterjakey

Best in show in Hocus Pocus? If they were to ever do that remake/sequel who would you cast in each role? One diva who's career needs a reboot, one beloved character comic actress and one sex pot ingenue - bonus if you want to cast the teenagers as well.

Sorry, I love that movie so so much, I put a spell on you is still my favourite song from any movie.

October 18, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMorganisaqt

Which movie witch is best in your opinion? And why?

October 18, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterF

1. Which young actress should change up her career, move to horror movies, and shoot for Scream Queen status?
2. Favorite scene/sequence in Rosemary's Baby?
3. Top five performances in horror movies in the last ten years!

October 18, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJake D

Thoughts on Death becomes her?

October 18, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterNathan

What's your take on updating classics with new horror twist, à la Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, and which movies would you like to see given a new spin? Gone With the Zombies in the Wind perhaps?

October 18, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterPJ

Do you think Lynch films (esp. Inland Empire, Fire Walk With Me, Blue Velvet) work well as horror movies? Do their surreality and confusing narrative make things more frightening or do you find it all too abstract to be really scary? They scare the hell out of me tbh.

October 18, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMarsha Mason

Favorite queer-themed horror films?

The topic's on my mind since I just discovered that Nightmare on Elm Street 2 is sometimes considered a gay classic.

October 18, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJames

What is your favourite performance in a horror movie?

Thoughts on Suspiria? And its potential remake with Guadagnino and Swinton, Fiennes, Johnson & Schoenarts?

How do you think Steve Jobs would have been with Fincher/Bale/Chastain as originally intended?

Who are the five most exciting actors/actresses working today?

What is the best movie set at Halloween?

Scariest film going experience?

Thoughts on Cate Blanchett's resurgence? Can you talk about your feelings on her as an actress pre and post her hiatus?

Thoughts on AHS:Hotel?

Which movie meal would you most like to eat?

What characters from 2015 films would make the best Halloween costumes?

Thoughts on The Nightmare Before Christmas?

Who would you get to sing a new James Bond theme?

If you had to cast an ensemble of six actors, ala: American Horror Story, to act in four consecutive films, who would they be?

What's the scariest non horror or thriller youve seen?

October 18, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew

Imagine you're driving down a highway in Colorado during a blizzard when you happen upon a crashed car. In it, you find a hurt Meryl Streep who you must take home to nurse back to health as in the movie 'Misery.' What big career movie could she planning that would make you go the full Annie Wilkes on her?

(If you prefer, you can change up the maimed celebrity.)

October 19, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterEvan

*could she BE planning

October 19, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterEvan

Crazy ethical question: Should Oscars be awarded by performance, end of story, OR is it ok to give career/overdue prizes? Put another way: should nominees who haven't won have a leg up on people who've already won?

They should teach this in philosophy courses.

October 19, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterBryan

What horror movie does your cat simply refuses to watch?

October 19, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSanty C.

What are your favorite vampire performances on screen (film and TV)?

October 19, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterRyan T.

What currently working director/actress combo would you most like to see tackle a horror movie? And what do you think makes for a good horror performance? Heightened genre acting can be so elusive, even for well-established talented actors!

October 19, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterCarmen Sandiego

who would you want to play ronald reagan in a movie specifically about young reagan (when he was an actor)?

October 19, 2015 | Unregistered Commentermartin

If you could revive an actress' career from the dead at the expensive of another actress who's currently popular --- who would it be and why?

October 19, 2015 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtful

Recast The Witches of Eastwick.

October 19, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMARK

I'm going to ask an actress related question AND a scary themed one :D

First, who are your favourite actresses who you wish had better careers for themselves? Lord knows there are practically hundreds...

Second, have you seen REC? It's one of the greatest horror films of the modern era. Feck that, of all time! It's a found footage (don't let that turn you off!) Spanish horror film. I'd recommend it highly. :)

October 19, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterAmandaBuffamonteezi

Death Becomes Her is always fun to talk about!

Question: Have you ever chosen your Angel? One of Charlie's?

October 19, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterforever1267

What is the largest role you would call legitimately a supporting role and the smallest role you would call legitimately a leading role?

October 19, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterEdward L.

What movie monster do you think could actually get a date if he actually started dolling him/herself up and going out?

October 19, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSTinG

Who is your favorite Universal Monster?

October 19, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJohn T

Nicole Kidman and Julianne Moore are trapped in one of Jigsaw's machinations and he wants to play a game. He wants you to teach you about "false idols". You have to choose one of them to save. But whoever you choose? Not only do they have to promise to NEVER act again but "information" will leak out that will cause the Academy to revoke their Oscar. If you save neither? Their legacy remains in tact but they will both get impaled with the same Oscar that they won.

Make your choice.


Who would you bring back from the dead to work and what current living actor/director would you pair them with?

Scariest or most unnerving on-screen death?

What's your worst Oscar-related nightmare?

If trapped in a slasher film, would you be one of the lucky ones to make it out alive?

October 19, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterDerreck.

Nicole Kidman and Julianne Moore are trapped in one of Jigsaw's machinations and he wants to play a game. He wants you to teach you about "false idols". You have to choose one of them to save. But whoever you choose? Not only do they have to promise to NEVER act again but "information" will leak out that will cause the Academy to revoke their Oscar. If you save neither? Their legacy remains in tact but they will both get impaled with the same Oscar that they won.

Make your choice.


Who would you bring back from the dead to work and what current living actor/director would you pair them with?

Scariest or most unnerving on-screen death?

What's your worst Oscar-related nightmare?

If trapped in a slasher film, would you be one of the lucky ones to make it out alive?

October 19, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterDerreck.

Top 10 Freddy Kreuger jokes?

October 19, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterVolvagia

I always appreciate your desire to call out category fraud. But do you think there's anything the Academy could actively do to prevent it?

October 19, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterRobert A.
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