Red Carpet Lineup: Naomie Harris x 4

Naomie Harris on various red carpets promoting Spectre...
Hello mates. It's Nathaniel back from London where James Bond's latest adventure Spectre is already out and filling houses. When I was there Tim & Guy were talking about a Moneypenny commercial (embedded below) and how Naomie Harris has more opportunity to show off her action chops in that promo than she does in the films. As for Spectre, Harris herself is promising more action for Moneypenny.
TFE has been in Naomie Harris's corner since her apocalyptic fierceness in 28 Days Later (2002). That film was a great launching pad for Harris, Cillian Murphy, and Brendan Gleeson (who all worked a lot in the subsequent years) but it arguably did more for zombies themselves who've been truly ubiquitous since. Hollywood never did capitalize on this British beauty's screen presence and complete ease within the always active action genre, though. Same old story and blindspots one supposes. So we're glad she has the Bond franchises -- nice work if you can get it -- for steady income.
Do Moneypenny and Q and M get recast immediately in the next film when Bond does or do they get another paycheck before they're booted?
Reader Comments (9)
The new Q, Moneypenny, and M should stay when Craig retires from the role.
Naomie Harris is a GODDESS, and those red carpets are not worthy
I'm so happy she finally has another role in a big budget feature... she deserves to have her name in lights. She has always been uber-talented, beginning with work in 28 Days Later that should have AT LEAST been considered for a nom... I was sad she didn't gain any traction back in '03. She's also GORGEOUS.
She's gorgeous and will probably be Moneypenny for a few more Bond films, (at least 5 is is standard). She deserves an action series of her own. Btw. I just love her voice.
I like Naomie Harris and Ben Whishaw as Moneypenny and Q. That was great casting, and I hope they stay on.
But they can recast M. (having him die in a thrilling plot line). A male M makes the series too old boy's school. Judi Dench livened and freshened up the series, and gave Bond a chance to look less misogynistic.
And think of all the great English actresses you could choose from! Helen Mirren, Emma Thompson, Helena Bonham Carter, Helen McCrory, Miranda Richardson, Joely Richardson to name only a few.
adri: Or less like the racist misogynistic old school. If Idris Elba is never going to be Bond himself, maybe M would be a good use of him?
Love the form-fitter. Most don't look good in orange, but she is SMASHING, dah-ling!
Keep her as Moneypenny as well as Ben Whishaw as Q. I hope they bring in that sense of charm and wit that Lois Maxwell and Desmond Llewellyn brought with those roles in the past.
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