Beauty Break: It's World Egg Day !

Today is World Egg Day. For real. The Film Experience's official preference order:
- Burnt alien eggs prepared by Lt. Ellen Ripley
- Baby Munchkin birthing eggs in the merry old land of Oz
- Jurassic Park eggs when Laura Dern stares at them
Nathaniel's official preference order: Scrambled, poached, over easy, fried, boiled but whichever way you prepare them, they're wholly delicious. To celebrate this important occassion, here are some movie star photos...
Bette Davis
Elvis Presley
Roger Moore and Bond Girl
Paul Newman with a mouthful
Reader Comments (5)
You forgot Faye Dunaway:
Go find her at YouTube /yLoyu9PcmBc
This montage begins and ends with Brenda Dickson's 'Welcome to My Home' "diet secrets."
How about Barbra as Fanny Brice when Nick gives her the "Blue Marble Egg".... does that qualify?
One less egg to fry....
There is also this infamous moment:
A moment many wishes to forget.
I agree with cal roth. This post needs Faye and her hard-boiled egg.