Kieran Gives Thanks

Kieran, here wishing all TFE readers a very Happy Thanksgiving. Being part of Team Experience these past few months has been a sheer joy. I’m thankful for a place to share the love of movies where the discussions are always interesting, thoughtful and fun. Thanks to our gracious host, Nathaniel for providing this space.
I'm thankful for
...Shameless and more specifically Emmy Rossum on Shameless. After her breakthrough in 2004’s Phantom of the Opera, it seemed that Rossum found herself underutilized and underserved in a lot of films. After that rocky slate of film roles, seeing her cast against type on Shameless and doing some of the best, criminally ignored work on television today is absolutely thrilling.
-For the bathroom scene in James White, acted brilliantly by Christopher Abbott and Cynthia Nixon. One of the most heartwrenching moments in cinema all year that will hopefully help the awards campaign for Nixon in particular. It's always exciting to see actors nailing chemistry and familial drama when it's this lived-in and specific.
-For Viola Davis and her beautiful, timely speech at the Emmys after her historic win. When an actress transitions to long-form television, it’s too often cause to mourn the loss to the film world. With Davis, fingers are crossed that the shortened seasons for How to Get Away With Murder (compared to other network shows) and her immense talent means we may continue to see her film career blossom.
-For Ava DuVernay—shrewd, talented, vocal and vital to the film industry. In her decision to turn down the directing gig for Marvel’s Black Panther, she showed us that no film will bear the words “directed by Ava DuVernay” without her passion, her deft personal touch and her vision behind it. The world awaits DuVernay’s next project with bated breath and the cinematic landscape is richer for her being in it.
-For Brie Larson’s ascendance. As has been reported by critics and audiences alike, she’s just aces in Room. From early roles on United States of Tara and supporting roles in movies like Rampart and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Larson has put in the work. It was satisfying to see her breakthrough in Short Term 12, though an Oscar nomination didn’t come to pass. Seeing her in The Hollywood Reporter roundtable, dressed in blazing red, Larson is finally achieving the stardom she has long deserved.
-While we’re on the topic, The Hollywood Reporter roundtable itself. I cosign Nathaniel’s assessment that the criticism of lack of diversity can’t be laid at The Hollywood Reporter’s (or the Academy’s) doorstep if the roles for women of color are not there for them to honor. However, we are living in an age where people are becoming more and more willing to even have these conversations about diversity—conversations that would have been roundly dismissed not even five years ago. The needle for change moves very slowly; a fact often forgotten in the culture of online outrage. It’s cause to be thankful that we're living through this change and the expansion of who tells stories and who those stories are about.
And lastly, I'm thankful for Tangerine. For its humor, its humanity, its precision and for everything it means for a project like this to be this good and to get the kinds of notices it's getting.
A safe, happy and movie-filled Thanksgiving holiday to you all!
Kieran Scarlett (News)
Kieran is a Canadian expat whose love affair with movies began with Judy Garland and Julie Andrews. He thanks his older brother for his film fanaticism and apologizes profusely for dragging him to see Cold Mountain on opening weekend because 'people in it might get nominated for stuff.' He received his MFA in writing from the American Film institute. He spends a lot of time thinking about the 1974 Best Actress race, admiring Dorothy Malone's mambo skills and longing for the return of Holly Hunter. Kieran can be found in Los Angeles, writing, working on movies and searching for the perfect arthouse theater with good parking. [Follow him on Twitter / All Kieran articles ]
Reader Comments (5)
Kieran, great article! Happy Thanksgiving and here's to including Julie Andrews' music and movies in the celebration.
i love what you say about Brie putting in the work. You don't often think of that with young actors but she really has been busy and impressive for years.
Kieran, ur a cutie. Happy turkey day
Fellow Canadian here, echoing your love for Emmy Rossum (the irony since she should at least won an Emmy) in Shameless :)
Another beauty!