Black Friday Tweetsgiving (Plus: The Revenant)

How is your holiday going? I'm in North Carolina for reasons that are too complicated and unrelated to my usual life to explain. Where are you right now? As I sit here, still digesting the morning after, I'm thinking about awards season and how thrilled I always am when it arrives and how it's amusing that it fills so many people other people with dread.
Even one of our team members here...
Happy Awards Season!
— Jason Adams (@JAMNPP) November 23, 2015
The Boyfriend calls himself an "Oscar Widow" but most people who hate Oscar season have less personal and more pious reasons "movies are art! they're not in a race. It's so reductive. Oh, btw, check out my top ten list here"
Since you're probably too full from yesterday's mad banquet to eat, please deour these delicious tweets instead after the jump...
Charlotte Rampling could topple ISIS with one close-up.
— Chris Schleicher (@cschleichsrun) November 12, 2015
People, #CaitlynJenner says she is STILL voting GOP in2016. Regardless of gender identity, I guess she identifies most as "uninformed."
— Bette Midler (@BetteMidler) November 19, 2015
A shock collar but for humans whenever they express an uninformed opinion.
— Jesse Ryan Knight (@Superfluously) November 22, 2015
When I see a parade I immediately look for Marcia Gay Harden.
— John Guerin (@john__guerin) November 26, 2015
Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman in Batman Returns is one of the most underrated things in movie history, even though so many love it.
— David Poland (@DavidPoland) November 20, 2015
Chris Hemsworth will return in "The Huntsman: Contractual Obligation".
— DrewAtHitFix (@DrewAtHitFix) November 16, 2015
My first language is condescension. You wouldn't understand it.
— Louis Virtel (@louisvirtel) November 22, 2015
Already looking forward to Adele's 35, where she just laughs and laughs at how dramatic she was a decade before.
— Kyle Stevens (@cinementalist) November 20, 2015
So the crux of "Civil War" is that Cap will fight the entire government and half his friends because he loves Sebastian Stan? Saaaaaame.
— Joe Reid (@joereid) November 25, 2015
tfw she wants you to watch Cake
— Richard Lawson (@rilaws) November 24, 2015
Finally, THE REVENANT hit Twitter earlier this week, even if it's still a long way off in actual movie theaters (CHRISTMAS DAY). The tweets were all over the place but always passionate. I am not embedding any of the many "Leo will finally win an Oscar tweets" but know that there are a million of them... along with the requisite opposite opinion tweets "probably won't win" -- same as it ever was with this one.
Can't tell from early tweets if The Revenant is amazing or just internet-amazing.
— Mark Harris (@MarkHarrisNYC) November 24, 2015
U could type any of these Leo's new 'Oscar buzz’ articles w/out having made it to The Revenant. Same reactions/articles every time w/ him
— Nathaniel Rogers (@nathanielr) November 24, 2015
"The Revenant" sounds like a toddler saying the name of a real movie.
— Kyle Stevens (@cinementalist) November 23, 2015
Who wore it best?
— Jose Solís (@josesolismayen) November 24, 2015
THE REVENANT: next time it would be great if Iñárritu just murdered his leading man & saved everyone some time. as banal as it is beautiful.
— david ehrlich (@davidehrlich) November 24, 2015
The Revenant is a Malick-esque beautiful, grueling, cold, brutal tale of survival and revenge. Breathtakingly authentic, cinema to behold.
— Alex Billington (@firstshowing) November 25, 2015
THE REVENANT or from Birdman to Bear-man. A return to miserabilism for Iñarritu; where Malick finds wonder, he only finds pain and grunts.
— Jose Solís (@josesolismayen) November 24, 2015
THE REVENANT: A nearly three-hour prequel to a nearly three-month press tour of DiCaprio describing how difficult it was to make the movie.
— Griffin Newman (@GriffLightning) November 25, 2015
"Honestly, we almost DIED making this movie..." has quickly become my absolute least favorite form of Oscar campaigning.
— Matthew Eng (@Eng_Matthew) November 24, 2015
The Revenant: As far as holiday entertainments go, it makes Girl with the Dragon Tattoo play like Frozen.
— Nigel M. Smith (@nigelmfs) November 25, 2015
Insert "CHILDBIRTH" for "THE REVENANT," "women seeing" for "men surviving," and then this would be accurate.
— Diana Drumm (@DianaDDrumm) November 25, 2015
Reader Comments (14)
Twitter has officially become the worst part about the Oscar race. I'm so sick of reading hyperbolic tweets after every screening of a movie with even the tiniest of buzz. #getoffmylawn
I...I liked Birdman, if only because it almost seemed like Inarritu was about to actually GROW UP. He wasn't all the way there, yet, but he was getting closer. And then The Revenant's trailer dropped. I saw almost exactly the same dreary pretentious disaster two years ago. Yes, this is slightly more justified in being like this than Man of Steel, but who gives a crap if your movie "doesn't have green-screens"? A nauseatingly miserable slog of a movie is still going to be a nauseatingly miserable slog of a bleeping movie. The only difference is: Relenting on the green screens and knocking the budget down as much as possible might mean Hollywood still trusts you after the film's released. I could buy $150-200 million worth of people wanting to see this on Leo DiCaprio's name and your perceived pedigree. But the only way this could gross the $300-350 million it needs now is if the lead was someone everyone wanted to see close to death. You know where I'm going with this: Hugh Glass needed to be Tom Cruise.
Finally, someone other than myself who thinks Bruce Jenner is a piece of shit. Thanks Bette.
Dear Academy members,
If you don't nominate Charlotte Rampling for her amazing performance (one of the year's best), she will stare with her awesomeness at you until your head explodes.
Leo's Oscar campaigns are so tiresome. It's all about the suffering in service of the performance, never about the performance itself. Remember how we had to hear about how he cut has hand during Django and OMG kept filming the scene? So what? I fell and broke arm on the way to meeting at work last year, do I deserve an Oscar, too?
Leo is at risk for the biggest backlash in history because of how hyperbolic the reception of his performances is. I like the guy and think he's a good actor but I'm prevented from completely enjoying his acting because of all the media and audience reception. Plus he looks so unpleasant at awards shows.
I will likely be skipping on The Revenant for a while. I dislike the filmmakers too much at the moment to truly enjoy their work. There is something to be said about classiness and subtlety and they have none.
The "who wore it best" tweet is hilarious
Rampling is a lock for a nomination in my mind. There are too many flashier actresses in the running for her to have a real shot at the win though.
Leo does go on about those sub zero temperatures,(and even though he is over-due for an Oscar) it does grate. I'm Canadian and we go through winter every bloody year, and we don't get an Oscar as a reward. He comes across like a bit of a wuss.
Listen Leo - stop talking about how great it was that you managed to survive ONE winter !
Thank you for posting Jose Solis's tweet here Nathaniel. I needed that chuckle.
@LadyEdith I'm Canadian also. And I live less than 15 km from where much of The Revenant was filmed. I've been at the site of the fort and on the frozen lake (ice fishing). Even in only -5 Celsius temps, the wind up there is damned cold. And the snow is powdery and difficult to navigate. And, with the sunny days, snow blindness is also a problem. Give them a break until we get to see the movie. If it tanks, so be it. But, I'll see it as I've walked so many of the locales. And the few clips I've seen like amazing!
@RJL - I am hoping the film is really good, I would like it to do well.
But I love the beauty of winter, and all I want is for Leo to stop whining about how miserable he was during the shoot.
The Who Wore It Best tweet made me laugh and laugh.
I'm familiar with the location where The Revenant was shot too, and to hear people whining about the weather is an eye-roll. If we're throwing out labels like "vanity projects", I'm ready to slap that label on this one.
And I realized watching the trailer that I'm so over the movie trope where a bunch of white guys come in and kill the locals. And I don't want to hear " well, that cliche is okay here because..."
Count me in as someone who despises the "we survived the hellish Revenant shoot" narrative. These guys sound like coddled wimps to me. It was uncomfortable, not dangerous or difficult.
But my 60-year-old dad just solo backpacked the Colorado Divide Trail from March to November of this year. He dealt with real dangers and is infinitely more badass than this entire cast put together, so I'm not easily impressed.
Just got to see The Revenant (thank you, advance screenings/film student perks). Need some time to really form a more detailed opinion, but, in terms of quick reactions, it is fantastic.
Steven - but even Bette was respectful of her by using the correct name and pronoun.