Podcast Pt 2: Carol, 45 Years, Christmas Gifts, Etc...

For the second half of the holiday podcast Katey, Joe, Nathaniel, and Nick, name our favorite Christmas movies, hand out lumps of coals and Christmas gifts to our least and most favorite movie achievements. Let's jump right in!
37 minutes
00:01 Previously On...
01:00 Foreign & Docs & Shorts + Heart of a Dog and World of Tomorrow
06:50 Our ongoing Carol obsession
11:00 Favorite X-Mas movies: Home Alone, It's a Wonderful Life, etc
19:01 Lumps of Coal & Beautiful Gifts. Plus a long tangent for Tom Courtenay & Charlotte Rampling in 45 Years
30:25 Random Silliness & Goodbyes
34:00 "Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas"
Further Reading for Context:
Oscar Charts & Doc Finalists & Foreign Finalists
Richard Lawson's Top 10
Nathaniel's 15 Worst
Decider's 'best movies that are only tangentially about Christmas'
You can listen to the podcast here at the bottom of the post or download from iTunes.
Reader Comments (11)
a) I watch A Christmas Tale every year too.
b) Tom Courtenay is awesome and 45 Years. I love how he totally refused to campaign - basically doesn't given a shit (ditto in 1983. He basically said "I don't even want to go to the oscars, but I'll go to support the director.")
c) Coal to Sebastian Schipper because Victoria's opening assault basically meant that I spent most of that movie wanting to punch him in the face. Gift to Liev Schreiber for basically performing in the version of Spotlight that merits rave reviews.
d) Also, Derek is right on Synecdoche, New York. Man, I hated that movie.
My family does white elephant Christmases and this is probably going to be a better gift than whatever I'm grabbing this year, so thank you.
That being said, please let there be a Part III to this holiday episode.....I'm dying to know your guys' thoughts on Star Wars.
Jeeze, this blog has been an advertisement for Carol the last couple weeks.
I've got tremendous dark circles under my eyes because of you, guys. I couldn't stop listening!
I love the Nashville tribute with the constant overlapping of your lovely voices (and minds).
Nick -- I relish "The Derek Anecdotes" and the Tom Courtenay mention. Love the actor, the performance, the concept.
Ryan -- it can't be helped! Though maybe we should have waited until it was in more theaters. this rollout is agonizing
Look forward to hearing this first chance I get but in the meantime, for the sake of my sanity I hope at least one person on this panel points out that 45 Years - not coincidentally, much like the entire first season of Looking - is an insufferably trite piece of navel-gazing ponderousness. It only happens to feature some of the most natural, mesmerising acting of the year. And much as I adore my Rampling, I'd actually argue Tom Courtenay is the MVP - perhaps because I was less prepared to be blown away by him.
Just FYI, "Miss Sharon Jones" is not a documentary shortlisted film. It's "What Happened, Miss Simone?"
Love this podcast but please allow me a bit of critisism. My least favorite recurrent theme in these is the disparaging of older moviegoers. Their dollars drive the art house box office and allow more movies we like to be made.
Otherwise you are a warm, funny and wise quartet.
@Summer: Point taken. I'm not sure which bit was irksome in this way. If it had to do with my film group's enthusiasm for Woman in Gold, I truly didn't mean that as criticism. I may have sounded condescending about the non-Hollywood, older-skewing SAG voters who repeatedly endorse longstanding favorites like Mirren; I didn't intend to be offensive there, either, but I apologize if I was. If it was the bit about the Lincoln Plaza Cinema audiences, there's no getting around what a chatty bunch they are even during the movies they see, but of course, if I can think of three moments in the podcast that might have seemed snide toward older spectators, that probably proves your point right there! Anyway, thanks for chiming in and for listening to so many.
Love this podcast but please allow me a bit of critisism. My least favorite recurrent theme in these is the disparaging of older moviegoers. Their dollars drive the art house box office and allow more movies we like to be made. Totally agreed with this statement.