Musical Oscars: JHud, Kendrick, Jack Black & More to Perform

Anna Kendrick singing her ass off all month on screen and stageManuel here bringing more news about the Oscar telecast. While some continue to ponder whether we’ll really be asked to be Team BOYhood or Team birdMAN (and how’s that for a an apt metaphor for contemporary Hollywood!), we’ll be focusing more on what Craig Zadan and Neil Meron have in store for us during the sure-to-be-endless ceremony that shortchanges winning speeches for needless montages and musical performances.
Speaking of these, it looks like we’re getting a full Best Original Song performance roster, with Adam Levine ("Lost Stars"), Tegan and Sara with The Lonely Island ("Everything is Awesome!!!"), Common & John Legend ("Glory"), Tim McGraw ("I'm Not Gonna Miss You") and Rita Ora ("Grateful") slated to sing their respective numbers on the big night.
"We're creating several musical sequences for the Oscars and we couldn't be happier that our friend, Jennifer Hudson, will be performing in one of them," say Zadan and Meron.
On top of this, last week came word that Jack Black would be performing, that Anna Kendrick would be part of a "special performance" and just this past weekend, Meron and Zadan confirmed that Jennifer Hudson would also be performing (my guess is she might be doing the In Memoriam number? That is, unless they’ve designed another “tribute to musicals” like they did in 2013, remember that?)
That already looks like quite a stacked schedule, especially once you add NPH’s number, so maybe we’ll be spared the montages that celebrate “Oscar’s history” or some oddly specific genre rather than the year in film and the actual nominated films?
The Best Picture lineup may look quite oppressively manly, but with all these musical numbers (and NPH on hand), it’ll be quite the glittery gay spectacle, no? Fingers crossed! My only hope is that Hudson wears something as cray-tastic as that cape from her Dreamgirls red carpet.
Reader Comments (23)
A glittery gay spectacle is still focused on man. Sigh...
After the disaster that was the Grammys, I'm not really looking forward to extraneous production at the expense of celebrating the films that are supposed to be honored. Unless we get another Snow White "Spectacular, Spectacular!"
Praise Jesus, we have a stacked Best Song lineup this year! And performances of all of them. I can't wait for these, though for me a little Adam Levine goes a long way.
Sorry, but I'm a sucker for those montages, unless they are purely arbitrary like that absurd horror tribute in 2010. And we defs gotta have a 50th anniversary for The Sound of Music with Dame Julie officiating. Hell, we need one for Doctor Zhivago too.
Could Jack Black be doing a Linklater tribute? They have made multiple movies together. It'd be oddly singular for them to do that, but I can't fathom what else he'd be there for.
When I heard about JHud yesterday, I immediately thought "In Memoriam (please)" too.
brookesboy-get Julie Christie and Julie Andrews to present Best Picture!!!
But JHud already did an "In Memoriam" to Whitney Houston at the Grammys a couple of years ago that was pretty unbeatable. How do they expect to match or top that?
Btw: also the 50th anniversary of Cat Ballou. I wonder if this will seem as awful on a rewatch, or if it has become so bad it's good. It was after all one of the highest-grossing movies that year.
And now that I think of it, I wouldn't mind hearing JHud or Jack Black sing "So he Thuuuun-der-baaaaal!" (also 50 this year)
John T--OMG, reading your post made me almost faint! YES!
I think it's quite a good list of best songs and I'm looking forward to them being performed. Give me reaction shots of Keira Knightley as Adam Levine sings "Lost Stars" and a heartrending version of "Glory" and I will be happy.
It's just been announced that John Travolta will be presenting again at the ceremony - wtf?
Just don't let him announce another musical performer.
Why do they have to keep bring Travolta back? I would rather see so many other actors/actresses, why do they have to keep wheeling him out when there is so much talent out there?
LadyEdith -- i will never understand the need to have certain people always present when they haven't been contributing much of note. the Cameron Diazes, Ben Stillers, Salma Hayeks, and John Travoltas of the world. It's not like they're the only household names you could ask and yet there's a certain type that always gets invited and i can't quite figure why given the options out there.
Travolta has a lot of new projects lined up so this is good for him.
The machinations of getting to present at the Oscars rival any political campaign. The young guns want to be on so they can say "Look, I've arrived." and those who haven' been seen for awhile want to be on so they can say "Look, I'm still alive." No doubt blow jobs are being given all over town in hopes that they lead to a coveted spot ("I'll even do documentary shorts!") on the broadcast.
Streep always presents because she is smart (if she is nominated and has to be there anyway that is). Tom Cruise always presents but makes sure there is a press release detailing how they "asked him to present" and he only does one of the biggies (because he is smart) and they almost never present with a co-presenter (the cream do not share). Anniston is presenting this year to show there are no hard feelings because she is smart (and still wants a little gold man or at least a nomination) goes on and on. And then there are the studios trying to get the stars of their soon to be opening money maker on (look for someone from Cinderella--probably Lily James as she will tie to Downton and the prestige tv crowd and possibly Richard Madden (Prince Charming-GoT).) goes on and on.
Travolta is old Hollywood now and after last year's fiasco, which gave the broadcast a lot of free publicity, they are probably hoping for another brain fart from the old queen. At least people will tune in to see if he repeats. "And now to sing the nominated song from Begin Again, please welcome Ardent Livinia."
We still have no idea why he flubbed her name. He never explained. Anyone who can read should have gotten a lot closer pronunciation than he did. Sigh.
Nathaniel & co. - As soon as I read the announcement about Juan Travolti, I knew that like minded readers at TFE would share my disdain for this choice.
Henry - "Ardent Livinia" very funny - ( Keira just looks up with a big smile & quizzical brow)
I firmly agree that there is a lot of political stuff going on regarding these choices, but are they doing it out of mercy ("put me in again coach I swear I can read") or because they they want another screw up? They want the twitter reaction I'm sure.
Who would we invite instead? I would opt for Michael Fassbinder - huge audience with Xmen and he can read. Your choice ?
I'll take anyone British (except Ricky Gervais), because they almost always sound good as presenters/winners, but the truth is, there's no guarantee they can read either. Even Fassy isn't immune to a teleprompter flub, a forgotten pair of reading glasses or the unexpected side-effects of "medication."
On the 20th anniversary of the release of Muriel's Wedding in the US, former nominees Toni Collette and Rachel Griffiths should introduce a montage celebrating the explosion of Australian film and filmmakers over the last 20 years. The number of Australian nominees across the entire array of categories has doubled during that time. Plus, I imagine they would be hilarious.
We need my beloved Greer Garson back with us to present. Not only did she have the most gorgeous voice ever, but I guarantee she would not mispronounce Benedict Cumberbatch.
I read somewhere that most actors don't want to present Oscars and consider it one of the thankless jobs of the season. They'd rather be at home in their pajamas watching the show than being there unless nominated. So it gets to a point where the only ones willing to get all dolled up to be on screen for a minute or two end up being the career presenters who will do anything to keep their names in the spotlight. Jessica Biel, J-Lo, John Travolta, Kate Hudson, Cameron Diaz, Salma Hayek, Kate Beckinsale, etc. I'm gagging at the thought of Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson being asked to present any day now. :-(
"... ceremony that shortchanges winning speeches for needless montages and musical performances."
None of which happened at last year's Oscars, so I have no idea why you're predicting this.
I also never understand why Jennifer Lopez is always invited to present. Like, she's an A list celeb and a gorgeous woman who is certainly talented when she tries but she doesn't care about making good films so I'm not sure why she should be granted the honor of presenting Oscars each year. (Golden Globes are more understandable).
"Ardent Livinia". That is awesome!
I'm sure Travolta or Travolta and NPH will spin some joke on that litttle flub. Oh, a montage of unusual names in the movies!
For me, presenters should be a mix of those who did good work the previous year, some current nominees, and some legends of Hollywood. No more Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Lopez, Salma Hayek, please.
If I had my way, I'd invite the following as presenters:
-The four current acting winners are a given
-Breakout male (box office) star of the previous year: Chris Pratt
-Breakout female (box office) star of the previous year: Shailene Woodley (since she has a film coming out, her PR people should get to work, pronto)
-"Almost, but not quite, nominees": Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Chastain, David Oyelowo, Jake Gyllenhaal
-"You're not going to win, but you deserve to be up on stage": Rosamund Pike, Felicity Jones, Steve Carrell, Benedict Cumberbatch, Emma Stone
Now Lady GaGa has been announced to sing and ABC prime time actors announced to present. It is looking less and less like a celebration of the year in film.