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"Spirit Awards" Live Blog!

A great and gracious good evening everyone! Anne Marie here, slightly late and very winded. While the Spirit Awards may not suffer TV delays, the LA Metro system is not nearly as reliable, so I sprinted three blocks trying to get here on time.

The Spirit Awards are an odd group. Ostensibly, the rule is that any "indie" is eligible, but as often as not they end up looking too much like the rest of awards season. This was an especially strong year for small (by Hollywood standards) films, so it looks even more homogenous. Still, I support the effort to celebrate the smaller side of Hollywood.

I turned on the TV right as Kristin Bell and Fred Armisen broke into song, so I'm still trying to play catch up. Awards and more after the jump!

First up is Best Supporting Actress which goes to... Patricia Arquette for Boyhood!
Is anyone surprised? Not really. But I'm still very happy to see her. She seems to have sorted out delivering her speeches without a crib sheet. She even handled the sound glitch well. ("Was that God? She sounded great!") I like the bit on thanking the distributor. I don't know about giving the distributors an award, just because these shows tend to get so ungainly anyway, but her point about how important distrbutors are for Indies definitely stands. Yay, Patricia!

Miles Teller and J.K. Simmons have fantastic chemistry onstage while introducing Whiplash. It makes me hope for a comedy starring the two.

Best First Screenplay goes to crowd favorite Justin Simien for Dear White People!
Simien gives a great speech about writing Dear White People to put himself in the culture, and encourages others who don't see themselves represented to do the same. "We need to see the world through your eyes."

Kerry Washington is drinking onstage, which is why I love smaller awards shows. The retrospective shows what a mix of big (in impact) and small that the Spirit Awards have celebrated.

God looks great in a weird gold and purple silver dress! It fits, since she's introducing Inherent Vice.

Paul Thomas Anderson is awarded the Robert Altman Award for Inherent Vice.
Is he wearing plaid flannel? Are you allowed to wear flannel at an awards show? (Apparently American Airlines lost his "f*cking" luggage.) He thanks his casting director, which he should, because that cast is incredible.

The Lenscrafters Truer Than Fiction Award goes to Dan Krauss for The Kill Team.
I'd tell you more, but the title of the award is longer than the time allotted to it.

Marissa Tomei and Alfred Molina introduce Love Is Strange, which did not get nearly the attention it deserved.

Best International Film goes to Ida!
Man, what a great category. Leviathan, Mommy, Ida, Force Majeure, Norte, Under the Skin. Any one could have won totally deservedly. Pawel Pawlikowski thanks his competitors for losing, since he shares my excitement about how good the category was.

The John Cassavetes Award (for films made for under $500,000) goes to Land Ho!
Ava DuVernay's Middle of Nowhere won this award in 2012, so directors Aaron Katz & Martha Stephens should ask her for pointers on how to go from under $500,000 to working with Oprah. I mean, network while you're in the room, right?

Best First Feature goes to Nightcrawler!
This is another amazing category: Nightcrawler was against Dear White People, Obvious Child, A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night, and She's Lost Control. I didn't realize Nightcrawler was a first film. That did not feel like a neophyte effort. Holy cow! They tried to cut to Renee Russo, but she was obscured by a camera man! For shame, camera man. For shame.

Oprah introduces Selma because of course she does. Ava DuVernay looks flawless in plum. Then Jared Leto walks out and I honestly didn't recognize him because he looks like Freddy Kruger's mariachi-obsessed homeless cousin. 



Best Supporting Actor goes to J.K. Simmons for Whiplash!
In the last decade, has the Supporting Actor race been this much of a cinch? I'm very excited for my friends to stop calling him "the Allstate Guy" and start calling him "the Oscar winning guy." Simmons gives a gracious speech, which is a relief because every time they show a clip from Whiplash he scares the bejeezus out of me.

Fred Armisen & Kristin Bell were doing fine as hosts until this inner monologue camera bit. Please stop. Please, please stop.

Best Screenplay goes to Dan Gilroy for Nightcrawler
So it's a first directing effort, but not a first screenplay. That makes more sense. The screenplay category was a list of movies that would never be nominated by the bigger awards ceremonies, for a variety of reasons: Only Lovers Left Alive, Love is Strange, Big Eyes, A Most Violent Year. This is the kind of variety you hope for from an awards show like the Spirit Awards. (Minus Big Eyes.)

Best Editing goes to Tony Cross for Whiplash.

Best Cinematography goes to Emmanuel Lubezki for Birdman.
(Both were announced after the commercial break.) 

Alexander Payne presents the Special Distinction Award to Foxcatcher.
Director Bennett Miller pokes fun at PTA's slipup by reading an "apology" for dropping the F word and dissing American Airlines. It's pretty good.

The Spirit Awards haven't been great at explaining what distinguishes the various non-competitive awards from each other. The Robert Altman Award goes to a director and ensemble. The John Cassavetes Award is given to a movie made for less than $500,000 (as previously stated). There's no information on what gives a movie "Special Distinction" though, so if you know then please tell me in the comments!

Best Documentary goes to Citizenfour.
Citizenfour is probably the best-known film of the documentary nominees. Director Laura Poitras introduces Glenn Greenwald, who ensure that Citizenfour's win will be reported on when he calls on us to thank Edward Snowden instead of villifying him.

The Piaget Producers Award goes to Chris Ohlson for Kumiko The Treasure Hunter.
The award comes with a grant so more movies can be made! 

Kristin Bell just introduced Scarlett Johannsson, "star of the microbudget independent feature The Avengers: Age of Ultron!" Scarjo is presenting the award for Best Director.

Best Director goes to Richard Linklater for Boyhood!
Ethan Hawke accepts it on his behalf. He calls Boyhood a flare gun to shoot up for other people with radical visions to keep making movies. When Hawke thanks producer Jonathan Sehring for being the only other person besides Linklater who thought Boyhood was a good idea 13 years ago, the room erupts in cheers.

Ewan McGregor is wearing a leather jacket and his hair is a mess. I rescind my earlier question about wearing flannel at awards shows. 

 Best Female Lead goes to Julianne Moore for Still Alice!
I typed this out before they announced the win, because there was no way she wasn't winning. For some reason, her table was way in the back, so it took her a while to get to the stage. She talks about how independent film has shaped her life and career in the last 25 years. Also, apparently she brought her own food (and bras) to Still Alice

Andy Samberg just called Jessica Chastain "Jay Chay" and I kinda hope it sticks.

Best Male Lead goes to Michael Keaton for Birdman!
Keaton's being weird. He stutters a bit, then thanks "Narcissus" (points for the Greek mythology reference). States that he's sure people are sick of hearing him talk, continues to ramble, but ends on a good note. Birdman is indeed "bold cinema." Still, that was really strange.

Best Feature goes to Birdman!
Inarritu gives a heartfelt-if-morbid speech about human mortality and the importance of film. He also calls Lubezki "the genius of light," which is a brilliant way to describe a good cinematographer. Does this change your Oscars predictions at all?

Somehow the Spirit Awards have ended 5 minutes early! That's its own award. Everyone wish Nathaniel a speedy recovery, as he's under the weather. Thank you all for reading, and enjoy your awards weekend!

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Reader Comments (28)

She risked going paperless! BREAKTHROUGH

February 21, 2015 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

I heard that my 2 favorite actresses in Jena Malone and Scarlett Johansson.... are in the same building. If there's a picture of both of them right now and if they make out.... I will die... happy!

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSteven

Steven -your life will go on! but I did spot ScarJo.

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterNATHANIEL R

I was rooting for Love Is Strange for Best Screenplay and The Immigrant for Best Cinematography. It wasn't meant to be.

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterPeggy Sue

I totally sympathize with PTA, American Airlines lost my luggage on Thursday, finally got it back today!

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterRami

ScarJo is looking stunning with the new hairdo. And Blanchett is looking amazing.

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterRami

Blanchett's dress is SO odd. but that applique thing (is that what it's called?) is very popular right now.

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterNATHANIEL R

Nathaniel - Cate Blanchett would look good wearing a paper sack, but the blue dress was odd. So was Julianne Moore's shiny dress, actually. Makes me curious about what tomorrow will bring.

February 21, 2015 | Registered CommenterAnne Marie

Jared Leto looks amazing. Get into him!

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSan FranCinema

That was the only award that could have gone to the actual best performance of the year (decade?), Marion Cotillard in The Immigrant. But I'm happy for Moore.

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered Commentercal roth

Even though Birdman won Best Pic, I'm happy Linklater won Director. If Boyhood can't win both I'm glad the wealth is being spread a bit and both are getting something. Although I still hope both go to Boyhood tomorrow, but now I'm really doubting it... I mean if the Spirit awards didn't go for Boyhood, which I mean, is the most indie thing ever...

And @Nathaniel - Patricia was already paperless at the BAFTAs! :p But she seemed much more at ease tonight. Hopefully she will be paperless tomorrow but I doubt she'll be so at ease. The Oscars are horrifying I'm sure lol. Also, feel better!

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip H.

Cal -- Amen

Philip H. -- I hope so too! I also got Boyhood + Linklater in my predictions.

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterPeggy Sue

In the last decade, has the Supporting Actor race been this much of a cinch? I think Plummer, Waltz (first), Leto, Ledger and Bardem were all cinches.

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterArkaan

I just watched some of the acceptance speeches and I feel like Michael Keaton threw some shade at Boyhood..........

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip H.

Big Eyes actually has a very good screenplay in my opinion.
and now there is no way Birdman is losing at the Oscars! even the indie spirit awarded it.

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterfadhil

When will Ewan McGregor get an Oscar nomination?

Quite easy on the eye, too.

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterPatryk

Philip H, I totally agree. Major Boyhood shade during Keaton's speech. I found it a little ironic that he joked about something being "indulgent" and then went on and on about how bold his own film is...

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterTom

Didn't find Keaton shady at all, just funny. But he was (understandably) a bit drunk. After hours of free hooch, I'm surprised he was able to put a coherent sentence together.

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Outlaw

I think the scheduling of this awards show was ridiculous. The day before the Oscars??? You'd think some of the nominees would have liked to have rested the day before arguably the biggest awards night of the year.

The Indies organisers should rethink this next year.

February 21, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterBette Streep

Bette -- they've always been the day before the Oscars. It used to be kind of fun as a relaxed alternative in the 1990s and early 00s but that was before they started rewarding the same films all the time.

February 22, 2015 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

Keaton's speech was classless. The Spirits are usually an event where everyone celebrates all of the nominees, under the guise of celebrating independent film. Guess he didn't get the memo.

February 22, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSuzanne

The "special distinction" was just a mea culpa for snubbing "Foxcatcher" across the board, I'd imagine.

February 22, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterXY

XY -- exactly. but why feel the need to do that when several prestige films get snubbed each year. I think it's a fascinating case since the GOTHAMS did the same. what possessed them?

February 22, 2015 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

Did Lubeski just blew a kiss to Jessica Chastain??

February 22, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterVictor S

Foxcatcher had a $24 million budget. It wasn't eligible to compete for nominations. Ruffalo, at a minimum, almost certainly would have been nominated.

February 22, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSuzanne

Suzanne -- but that still doesn't explain why they felt the need to honor it when it doesn't even match their criteria for honors. I find that whole film and its reception mystifying.

February 22, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterNathaniel R

These are my Oscar predictions so I hope I'm right - Birdman/Boyhood split with Keaton pulling through!

February 22, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJoseph W

Patryk--I second the sentiment that Ewan McGregor is long overdue for a nomination. He has been worthy of a nom for so many films--most recently for Beginners.

I do find it a bit dull when there is so little variety in winners across awards season. The Spirit Awards have become less unique over time. As much as I liked Keaton in Birdman, this would have been a great opportunity to award Lithgow's beautiful work in Life is Strange. I thought that performance was worthy of an Oscar nod, but it seemed like he didn't land nominations in any of the precursors.

Also, I am a big Moore fan, and I actually think she was the best of those nominated in this category (as well as at the Oscars). That said, I would have been tickled to see Swinton awarded. She had a banner year with three great performances, and she injected Only Lovers Left Alive with focus, gentle humor, and a relaxed sensuality. Total opposite end of the spectrum from Snowpiercer!

I was actually not thrilled with Cotillard's inclusion here for The Immigrant. At the risk of being burned at the stake, I thought the film was extremely clumsy. She was the best thing about it, but I wouldn't rank it among her finest performances. I thought she was much better in Two Days, One Night. I would agree with Oscar on this one ...

February 22, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJJ
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