Link Slippers. They're Surprisingly Comfortable

Defamer Jessica Lange throwing shade Lady Gaga's way in an American Horror Story press event
White Noise wonders why Hollywood can't get hackers (and computers in general) right?
Salon Excellent interview with Daniel Franseze (Mean Girls) about his breakout Looking character, a complete rarity for TV, and HIV prevention
Playbill has an updates on the musical version of Mean Girls that Tina Fey is working on
CHUD Bobby Cannavale says that there's a lot of comic improv in the Ant-Man film this summer
Pajiba looks at "Jonathan" (aka Danny Strong) and how the Buffy super villain surprisingly became such a success story after the series.
Comics Alliance Captain America: Civil War wants to start shooting in a couple of while while the various Avengers actors are still deep in promotion duties for Age of Ultron. (Marvel has definitely moved into "rush everything!" mode. It wouldn't seem to impossible if all the Avengers weren't in it but they seem to be.)
PressPlay has a video essay on what it means to be an auteur
Playbill Liza Minnelli has reentered rehab after a recent back surgery
Black Maria has some recommendations on Warner Archive. I keep wondering if I should join this but I already spend so much $$$ on movies. Have any of you tried them out?
The Dissolve is horrified by forthcoming Robin Hood adaptations from Hollywood. Yes, there are five of them in development and they all sound quite dumb!
Pajiba omg you guys, did you see the Miley Cyrus wax figure? Yikes.
The Film Doctor looks back at Nightcrawler's "atrocity montage"
Women and Hollywood check on these horrifyingly sexist casting ads. Like this one... ugh:
There's something unnerving about her. Maybe she's read too many books?
Oscars are so far away but Oscar talk never is
Gold Standard Glenn Whipp on why the Academy shouldn't go back to 5 Best Picture nominees. Did I share this already? I might have shared this already.
Awards Daily One of our most high profile documentarians, Alex Gibney, has a possible contender this year in Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief which hits HBO at the end of the month. (Seems like wishful thinking, Oscar-wise, to me since Hollywood has a lot of Scientologists that will undoubtedly be offended by it.
Cinderella is still spinning
i09 in our Cinderella retrospective we forgot about this oddity. Fairie Tale Theater's version with Matthew Broderick as Prince Charming!
Guardian attacks the new Cinderella for not being more like Frozen and selling feisty girlpower and for its "pinkification"... whatever that word means in this context. Sigh. This article and line of thought make me angry. Listen, I'm all for feisty girlpower but you know what's even better for men and women alike? diversity in representation. It's not good for boys to only have heroes that are physically intimidating and it's not good for girls to only have heroes that are anachronistic 'you go girl!' athletic types. There's more than one way to be an admirable film character that kids can look up to. I think this adaptation does wonders keeping the princess-to-be true to the material while also transforming her into a better role model. A protagonist that emphasizes fine-tuning your inner moral compass and positively affecting change through compassion and forgiveness is a protagonist that's still mighty heroic and worth emulating if you ask me. Not every "hero" needs to be able to kick ass.
Reader Comments (14)
I usually think of Danny Strong as Doyle in Gilmore Girls. The one man that could tame Paris Gellar.
"A protagonist that emphasizes fine-tuning your inner moral compass and positively affecting change through compassion and forgiveness is a protagonist that's still mighty heroic and worth emulating if you ask me. Not every "hero" needs to be able to kick ass."
God bless you, Nathaniel. Well put!
I remember Fairy Tale Theater and that particular version of Cinderella!
I wish we got a recap of the Leslie Ann Warren version, but I know there's a million versions of Cinderella and that's not one of the most famous ones. Stuart Damon (Prince Charming) in tights made quite an impression on me growing up. lol.
Faerie Tale Theatre is life. Life!
I think the most irritating part about the feisty girl-power heroine is that she is usually cast as the "exceptional" one. Like, she kicks but only because all other women/girls are useless and powerless and wow look at her standing up and being different! See also: The Homesman...
Oy, I wish people would understand that there are all kinds of women in the world, and they all deserve to have their stories told. Not everyone has to be a hero.
Orange shouldn't compete in the drama category.
There, I said it.
The Frozen comparison makes no sense, Anna the hero, didn't have any powers and she wasn't an ass kicker either. Now if you compare Cinderella and Frozen as teaching young girls not to marry someone as soon as you meet them then I agree.
That Lange/Gaga link.... how in the world is that shade?
JD -- i believe what we have here is the implied read, what's left unsaid. Or as Dorian would put it... "and that's Shade"
Lange is serving 17 varieties of side-eye in less than two minutes, and that's shade.
I fear Ms. Lange is sipping closer and closer to Blanche than is prudent.
Yeah, I think people are reading way too much into that. She was drunk, and didn't understand anything that anyone said the entire time. And judging from the way that her co-stars were behaving ("fire! fire!"), it's more likely that they wanted to keep her from revealing something about the next season.