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Whatever Happened to... NO!

I beg the industry to debunk this rumor immediately. This is Meryl Streep's page at IMDb Pro (I added the magnifying glass) 



Meryl must be stopped. If it wasn't enough to get her pick of every new role, she wants all the old ones, too? Even a signature role belonging to a fellow member of the Oscar Holy Trinity*? NO! There's no improving on Bette Davis. None. Support new stories and look for an original duet with another fab actress.


* If this goes forward, god forbid, I'd so much rather see her in Crawford's role. Let Sissy Spacek torture Meryl for her Oscar sins.

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Reader Comments (96)

There's literally nothing disparaging in the original post about Meryl. Just the correct assertion that she shouldn't be remaking classics. "There's no improving on Bette Davis. None. Support new stories and look for an original duet with another fab actress."

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterBD

rick, if anyone "slings mud" at you, it won't be because you defended Streep, because many previous commenters already did. Just sayin'.

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Outlaw

A remake of "Baby Jane" will never recapture the nervous energy of Davis and Crawford making the most of their comeback vehicle and most especially, the hostility the two legends had for one another.

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterrick gould

A remake of "Baby Jane" will never recapture the nervous energy of Davis and Crawford making the most of their comeback vehicle and most especially, the hostility the two legends had for one another.

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterrick gould

Or maybe it was not appropriate comment or that she must be stopped - both of those comments were in the original post as well

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

BD, for what it's worth, it wasn't Nathaniel's assertion that bothers me (I disagree with it, but that's neither here nor there) but the thread itself.

But for the record

Nathaniel: "Let Sissy Spacek torture Meryl for her Oscar sins."

Fadhil: "I'd prefer Glenn Close to torture her. ooh this is fun! let's cast, who of our favorite actresses is to torture The Meryl in a camp movie?"

brookesboy: "But, as you say, if they MUST remake this with Meryl, yes, she should be Joan. And let Sissy, Jessica Lange, Marsha Mason, Diane Keaton, Kathleen Turner or Glenn Close smack her around. LOL"

Peggy Sue: "I just remembered the scene in Airplane! in which a number of passengers queue to slap a hysterical woman. They should be remaking that scene with all the actresses cockblocked by Meryl over the years."

Yeah, you're going to say it's humour, and it is. It's still mean spirited humour based on a number of misguided notions.

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterArkaan

Nathaniel --- you're wasting value space on Streep when you could be reminding us that Julianne Moore now has an Oscar.

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered Commenter3rtful

Seriously- something is going on with Streep's Imdb page- now there is a film called Cruella de Vil starring Streep as Cruella and produced by Glenn Close...!!???

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

Meryl. Meryl. Meryl. Meryl. Wah. Wah. Wah
(say all that the way Bette Davis would have.)

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterDiego

what 3rtful said :-) Juli has an Oscar :-)))

Nobody has anything against Meryl on this blog, relax . I read 'The Good House" and I can imagine Meryl playing a drunk. But Baby Jane? Ha!

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered Commenteradelutza

Jamie -- "this is not appropriate" is not mean spirited. it's simple statement of opinion that is NOT CONTROVERSIAL AT ALL. Many many many people in the world, not just me, believe that classics should not be remade. it's kind of a common statement. particularly when they feature definitive performances. (she must be stopped was a joke. but yes this remake should never happen)

In this comment thread I said that I'm looking forward to her Florence project. i think she'll be perfect in that. And I'm totally excited for Ricki & The Flash which I just wrote about. But Streep fans are SO TOUCHY that they can never handle even the slightest criticism, even when praise is sometimes meted out when its deserved..

a criticism like "she makes too many movies" (she had 3 last year FYI and has 2 this year) is arguable yeah but "she should not be taking other actresses classic roles" is not something i think most people would think of as a mean comment or controversial.

March 5, 2015 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

I don't understand the hate for Meryl here. Botox Kidman, Jessica Chastain and Julianne Moore are doing 2 to 3 movies per year too. Meryl is a better actress than all of them combined.

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterAV

Come on Nat,

she did 2 cameos and 1 supporting actress and this year it looks like 1 cameo and 1 main actress Tell me her 3 movies!!!!!!!

Keep your Nicoles and Juliannes and leave Streep alone .. good or bad .. it just stirs up controversy ... or is that what you are looking for in your blog??? you never commented on any thing I said.

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterrick

3rtful ... quit brown nosing it with nathaniel !

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterrick

First off, the Meryl Army can be a bit terrifying. Secondly, I'd like to see her take some time off to calm it down a bit & just spend time with Don Gummer. That's all...

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterKL

Nathaniel- but Julianne Moore can be in Psycho and the Hannibal movie without judgement/criticism right?

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

I thought it was a joke but "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?" is also on Sissy Spacek's IMDb Projects in Development page. If that's true I'd love to see it greenlit as soon as possible and I will tell you why:

- legendary films are, historically, not depreciated via their remakes
- if the remake sucks or is only just OK, the original's legendary position is further cemented
- For example, I can't possibly imagine how a potential A Streetcar Named Desire remake will hurt the original; on the contrary, I'm welcoming it.
- sometimes remakes are better (True Grit)
- Streep not only rocked The Manchurian Candidate but the film was good, too
- Neither Streep as the Senator, nor the remake have devalued Angela Lansbury's greatest cinematic performance or the legacy of the original
- I love Sissy Spacek and it'll be great to see her in an Oscar loaded film again. She's a great actress and deserves a 2nd win.
- Whatever Happened to Baby Jane was not a great film, in my opinion, it's flawlessly acted but that's mostly it
- I agree that Nathaniel has been aggressive towards Streep
- Streep always delivers, even when she overdoes it, just like Blanchett, hence, the two are in a league of their own. Blanchett has raised the bar by doing the one thing Streep said she can’t do – combining film and theatre because she can’t raise her children properly. Reminds me of how Streep accomplished what Katharine Hepburn said you can’t have – a successful career and a family. Hands down to Blanchett.
- I agree with Rick that Moore has been in way way WAY too many films and they don't make money; what’s worse, her films are often in the mediocre-to pointless directory; even now Still Alice is struggling to earn money after its fresh Best Actress Oscar win and it’s your standard, relatable disease film not Under the Skin.
- I agree that a Kidman-led film hasn't been able to attract audiences since forever. Not even the good ones (Rabbit Hole).
- Kidman needs to pause for a bit because the trash and junk is piling up and it's starting to stink
- I loved Paddington and Kidman in it and am happy a film of hers finally made money
- Streep hasn't had a lead role in 2014 and a film at all in 2010
- Looking at Streep's body of work over the decades it's evident she is not overworking and that compared to Moore and Kidman she's almost passive
- Think about this:
-> if Streep had to skip projects out of generosity for the actresses in her age bracket she would have even more gap years on her CV. Why would an actor do that? That alone makes me scoff at Nathaniel's logic. Nathaniel is not an actor and he doesn’t understand that. I remember when Viola Davis was cast in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and Nathaniel was like “Ahh, Viola darling, why are you trying to snatch every black woman role out there?” Cuz she’s an actress Natahiel cuz her struggle for potentially good material is decades-old, cuz it’s a freakin’ Daldry film!
- It'll be great to see Dunaway in a good film again
- instead of worrying about who's cast in this, people should worry about who's directing and producing :)

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterYavor

BD -- thanks for taking the post as it was intended.

Yavor -- you need to check your math. Still Alice is a hit. It's her biggest hit (it may well end its run as the biggest hit that she's carried herself) but yeah, she's not a box office draw. But so what? Since when does box office correlate with quality. If that's the argument from the Streep crowd. WOW. That's just... I guess that makes Michael Bay one of the best filmmakers alive.

Jamie -- I hated Hannibal and was mad that Julianne took that part. Julianne is not the topic of this discussion. I also thought it was stupid of her to do Piper Laurie's role in Carrie and I opted not to see it which is something that almost never happens with me and Moore. I complained about that movie being made. I am not inconsistent on this matter.

Everyone -- I don't know how this devolved into a Moore / Kidman discussion and more depressing is that you're claiming *I* am the meanspirited one when you are all just relentlessly bitching about how bad Kidman's box office is and how no one sees Julianne Moore's movies: LOOK IN THE MIRROR PEOPLE -- you are being mean spirited.

But again: Nicole & Juli are not the topic. and i've critizied them plenty when they're bad. Y'all have selective memories ;)

AV --- here's the chief difference: their peers are still working. It's not the same as being the only one who gets to make movies. And I stand by my statement that a star of Meryl Streep's calibre should absolutely not be taking cameos and supporting roles in worthless films when the non-worrking actors in her age bracket (i.e. all of them) could totally benefit and would probably be more memorable because they're hungrier to make an impact.

Streep had no business being in The Giver or in The Homesman -- and anybody who thinks no one else would have been better in those roles probably didn't see those movies. We can't judge yet on Suffragette but it's another small part. We can't blame her for taking meaty roles like August & Into the Woods (who would turn those down). It's all the extra stuff. She doesn't need it. It makes her film outings less special because she's everywhere.

Rick -- i don't know why the numbers are complicated? Last year she made THE GIVER, THE HOMESMAN, and INTO THE WOODS. This year she has RICKI & THE FLASH and SUFFRAGETTE. Had both of her current projects gone according to schedule she would have had two Opera Singer biopics in the same year. (both seem to be delayed though or slow to start) She had a more sensible output for a few years (2009-2012) but before that was 2 to 3 a year except in the 1980s when she was more sensible about not risking people getting tired of her and was just doing one big movie a year.

March 5, 2015 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

Nathaniel-But what about all the commercials Kidman and Moorre take away from models and other actresses?? Do you think they really need to do makeup commercials to make ends meet?

Streep's cameos are about getting the pic made... About money and other elderly actresses just cannot get the publicity that streep draws in... It is a business after all

And as far as the anti Moore/Kidman posts from you- I guess I have selective memory

And frankly- why not post this once we know if this is ACTUALLY being made

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

A hate-filled post against Streep, with a few minor exceptions. Typical on this site and it grows tiresome. And it seems to be getting worse and worse. Me thinks people are jealous/envious of Streep and her abilities. Whatever.

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterbrandz

Jamie: "And frankly- why not post this once we know if this is ACTUALLY being made"

I believe you posted the information first in the Stop Daydreaming thread.

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterHenry

Henry- I did. I said I saw it listed. Never stated my opinion on it. I also posted numerous new Streep projects on this thread as well.

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

Woah... I read the entire thing, comments and all and I have to admit, I was laughing out loud while doing so, I just find very impressive how Meryl manages to cause this much commotion even with a film that isn't even confirmed, and well, that is just the power of Streep so congrats to her, and about the post I just gotta say that a) I agree with some people here that many times posts about a new Meryl movie are not about celebrating her continued varied career but instead end up as bitching fests, and I just don't get why people insist on complaining about THE SAME THINGS when it comes to Streep, but either way, that's just a lost battle, so I'll keep my opinion to myself on that, just wanted to note that this "discussion"should probably be held when this project is a reality, because otherwise, the comments on Nat's post does seem mean spirited, and easily bring the worst in the Streep stans, so why go there when it's not even a fact, it just causes 70 comments arguing about streep and then other actresses who were not even in the conversation. People need to chill out. If it happens and Meryl is involved, is probably because Meryl has the talent and box office power so why complain when we know that is a fact and at the end of the day this is a business.

And btw I think I read somewhere that Bette Davis wrote a letter to Meryl and one of the things she said in it was that if anybody ever did a remake of WEHTBJ she wanted Meryl to play her part so, maybe this is Meryl just wanting to play a role her idol wished for her, anyway long live La Streep haters/stans and all XD

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJakeL.

Are you Streep baiting Nathaniel? IMDB is notoriously wrong, so this seems sensationalized to encourage bashing.

If you want to do a Baby Jane remake, throw Jessica Lange at Melanie Griffith. On F\X.

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMono

Agree with Jamie. Where are the anti Moore posts? Julianne Moore is her 50s. How many actresses in their 50s are getting decent movie roles? Moooooore is hogging all of them.

You have a bias against actresses like Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. You are always trying to throw shade against them but I don't see you complaining about Julianne Moore or Jessica Chastain.

March 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterDerrick

"Let Sissy Spacek torture Meryl" is fucked up, even for your shitty writing standards.

March 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterHoney

I think this is where we part ways in this thread, but a few thoughts

a) While I know "What Happened to Baby Jane" is a cult classic, I feel it's more True Grit than All About Eve (though how awesome would Streep be as Margo Channing?). So the idea of the remake doesn't bother me.

b) Bridges didn't take anything from John Wayne. Just like Jessica Lange didn't take anything away from Elizabeth Taylor; or Kate Winslet from Joan Crawford or Nicole Kidman from Elizabeth Montgomery/Katherine Ross. Classic performances don't cease to exist because of the remake.

c) Looking at Meryl Streep's recent filmmography, we've got a mix of films that definitely would've been made if she didn't take the role (The Giver, Into the Woods, The Homesman); some that would've been made "eventually" a la Evita (August Osage County, Doubt, Mamma Mia) and some that wouldn't have been made at all (It's Complicated, Hope Springs, Julie & Julia, The Iron Lady). Whatever your personal mileage would be (I derived pleasure from about about a third of the list; skipped another third and the rest....) I think it's a logical fallacy, to presume that if she wasn't taking a role that another actress would get it. I think it's plausible that about 1/3 would just not be made at all.

d) Am I just a humourless dolt for thinking "I'd like to watch so and so torture Streep in a fictional context lolz" is meanspirited? I get that it's a joke the same way I get that Seth McFarlane is a comedian, but really?

Who wouldathunkit that one of the greatest American screen actresses ever would join Clint Eastwood and Mad Men on the "Do not discuss with Nathaniel" list.

March 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterArkaan

Nat. You do not get it. You do SELECTIVE reading on some blogs

March 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterRick

Paul Outlaw. You do not get it either. My fear of mud slinging had nothing
To do with defending Streep but speaking poorly
of Moore and Kidman. Just sayin'.

March 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterRick

streep had 1 cameo last year and 2 supporting roles and is being criticized here for hogging roles. Chastain had 3 major roles last year and we here nothing. that's not fair

March 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterBecausewhynot

And yet: no one's slinging mud at you, Rick.

March 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Outlaw

This....went places.

People are really touchy about Streep. I mean, shit, Nicole Kidman is the only celebrity that I would actively grieve for if she died but even I can laugh at "These days Nicole Kidman can't even open a supermarket."

March 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterDerreck.

Because why not -- i explained why it was different up above in the comment thread. Most actreses of Chastain's stature in her age range are still working -- and many of them make multiple films the same year. It's very different once you hit 50. But at least things are improving because it used to be very different once you hit 40. (and was briefly for Streep who thankfully recovered.)

anyway, I'm sure Meryl helped with that since she had such a great "comeback" so to speak even though she never really went away past the point when most actresses can't get arrested.

A Note for All Younger Streep Stans -- i was a huge defender of Streep when everyone hated her (in the early 90s) --before everyone started loving her again in full force in the first half of the Aughts (when incidentally i thought she was doing insanely good work and I kept nominating her for it) but Streep IS working more now than she ever did. This is not normal for her (check her filmography -- it was a very sensible amount of films when she was in highest demand until about the mid Aughts) and i think her work has suffered from overworking. I don't think it's "mean spirited" to say so. It's just obversation which you know, is what culture blogs are supposed to be doing. If I didn't have opinions about the movies it would be stupid for me to have a website about them.

Derreck -- right? I guess that "touchiness" includes me though.

Honey - that's sweet of you to say. (FYI The Baby Jane role tortures the Blanche role which is why i used that word. maybe you haven't seen the movie?).

Streep lovers -- y'all seem to have msised the part in the post where i wished Streep would find new stories and a great duet with another actress. I actually really wish that. I Just don't think this should be it. I also would not have posted it had it not been on IMDb Pro. And if you think I hate Streep you obviously missed MANY POSTS wherein I praised her, including the one about Ricki & The Flash (which I hope she's great in). She and I have just had a rough relationship since The Devil Wears Prada (her last truly Oscar worthy performance though she's been really good in a couple since then like Julie & Julia and It's Complicated -- a very fun "light" comic performance)

Peace out.

March 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterNATHANIEL R

@ Nat, Still Alice is a hit, but's not the hit it should have been considering the BA Oscar and the names attached to the project. If it earns 30+ million domestically I'll be able to call it a hit. We'd have to wait and see I guess.

March 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterYavor

I sometimes don't agree with this site because of the Kidmaniac slant on some posts (sickening really, LOL) but I wholehearteadly agree that an actress of Streep's stature should not be doing glorified cameos like The Giver and The Homesman. There is no need for that! Those roles don't ask anything from her and in turn, she phones it in, relying on her ethereal presence albeit in unattractive hair and clothing. She really needs to limit her appearances in movies where she's in a lead role, that way it sends a great message to her audience and to producers that movies led by a woman of a certain age can still make money since she is like one of the 5 actresses working today who is actually a draw. I hope she realizes this in some way.

Now, she does get unreasonable flak for allowing the Academy to nominate her over and over again. To that, I roll my eyes and laugh until I break a vein. She's an actress. She's not Mother Teresa. People expecting her to refuse to be honored? Are you serious?!?!?!

March 6, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterheadphoner

Reading this thread got me like


March 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterRyan

So much passion for Meryl, on both sides.
She truely is the Iron Lady of Hollywood, isn't she?

March 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSonja

PS, I apologize if I offended anyone.

March 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterNATHANIEL R

You know, I actually understand everyone with different issues about her.
I mean her nomination numbers are simply insane. 19!
But personally I just can't help admire her for actually getting them, especially at this age.

About "...Baby Jane", that is still a rumor, so let's calm down unless it's official.

March 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSonja

Please remember that Streep has said she really enjoys working a lot and on various roles, even if they happen to film very close together. Theater-like repertoire, juggling more than one thing at a time. Previously, that was difficult with four children. Now that they're all out of the house, Streep has that career freedom to be away more regularly if she desires. I think this helps explain how she'll do more films at times. NEVER slow down, Meryl.

March 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

91 and counting: once again, Streep is hogging all the comments that other actresses of a certain age deserve. Shame, I say, shame.

March 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Outlaw

I don't get the hate for Meryl Streep doing small roles. She does them as a favor to the filmmaker and because she believes in the source material. It also raises the profile of the film if she appears in it. Not a bad thing. People dig her. She's 65 so she can make as many movies as she wants.

I also agree that this seems geared towards baiting. If you think she is too dominant, then stop using her name and fame to get attention.

March 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMonique

This thread is like road kill. I don't want to look, but I can't help myself. Was it a kitten? How sad. Was it a possum? That's 25 points. Broken headlamp? SCORE for the skunk.!!

March 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterHenry

I would pee my pantalones if Spacek and Streep signed up for this...two greats with five-star imaginations who have never worked together (even in their 80s heyday)! Oh stop complaining all y'all tired old queens!

March 7, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMama Knows Best

Cruella de Vil Alert! Suddenly the film "Cruella de Vil" is included in La Streep's list of Projects in Development. So is Glenn Close. When initially announced, Close was confirmed only as a producer of the film for Disney. So will Streep play Cruella? Wasn't this supposed to be sort of a prequel? Please please, Nathaniel! Get somebody with imdbPro to go in again and get a screenshot of the Cruella's entry. We mere mortals want to know!

March 8, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMarcos

This Movie Should Never be Remade, It is to Unique and perfecto For that bullshit.
Although, If they are going to do so, Then Streep and Lange For The Roles, Lange as The Unstable Childish Crazy hag, and Streep as The more composed and calmed Blanche.

May 15, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterEsteban Cepeda
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