Whatever Happened to... NO!

I beg the industry to debunk this rumor immediately. This is Meryl Streep's page at IMDb Pro (I added the magnifying glass)
Meryl must be stopped. If it wasn't enough to get her pick of every new role, she wants all the old ones, too? Even a signature role belonging to a fellow member of the Oscar Holy Trinity*? NO! There's no improving on Bette Davis. None. Support new stories and look for an original duet with another fab actress.
* If this goes forward, god forbid, I'd so much rather see her in Crawford's role. Let Sissy Spacek torture Meryl for her Oscar sins.
Reader Comments (96)
I'd prefer Glenn Close to torture her.
ooh this is fun! let's cast, who of our favorite actresses is to torture The Meryl in a camp movie?
I'd love to see Bebe Neuwirth. But maybe she's too young?
You think she would have learned her lesson from Manchurian Candidate
At this point I don't care at all if they remake US movies, my problem is when they remake foreign non British movies (I hope "The Secret In Their Eyes" bombs big time). But since this movie contains my favorite performance done by a caucasian actor (Bette Davis), I shall refuse,
" If this goes forward, god forbid, I'd so much rather see her in Crawford's role. Let Sissy Spacek torture Meryl for her Oscar sins."
No, just effing no. You're deep inside encouraging this remake. No. Stop it.
Nathaniel, you made me spew Diet Coke through my nose!
Agree with EVERY WORD YOU POSTED! Bette's incomparable legacy must be protected. Meryl has to be taught the hard way that she doesn't get to make the rules.
But, as you say, if they MUST remake this with Meryl, yes, she should be Joan. And let Sissy, Jessica Lange, Marsha Mason, Diane Keaton, Kathleen Turner or Glenn Close smack her around. LOL
*I do like Meryl, but this insanity must end NOW.
I think this is a trolling internet rumor.
oh I don't know, I feel like if Meryl doesn't get involved a lot of films about older women would never get financed in the first place so I don't mind her getting a lot of parts.
I think it is only a rumor. Calm your tits, ladies.
Meryl adores Bette Davis since she wrote her a personal letter.
I doubt she'g take her part. Blance on the other hand.... That'd be GREAT!
She tends to overact A LOT lately so this project seems perfect.
I want her to drop Master Class.
BTW.... next to her picture:
I don't condone this specific remake, but as a genre ripe for revival? Sure. Bring on Kelly Bishop in "Lady in a Cage"! Kathleen Turner and Bernadette Peters in "What's the matter with Helen" would be sure to sweep awards for sound mixing.
Just tell Ryan Murphy to mind his own business.
Meryl fatigue. I love her, but seriously, take a year off?
Directed by Walter Hill!!! Oh my god! This sounds awful!
P.S. I love the autoreference to your hierachy post, so clever ;)
I can see why a producer would want to remake this, I can even understand why two actresses (but not these two—Jessica Lange and Kathleen Turner, sure) would want to do it. But why would any director in his/her right mind want to go near this material, unless s/he were Gus Van Sant-ing it?
Oh God! This post gave my life! I was so fucking bored!
I just remembered the scene in Airplane! in which a number of passengers queue to slap a hysterical woman.
They should be remaking that scene with all the actresses cockblocked by Meryl over the years.
Peggy Sue--PREACH! LOL
Peggy Sue--PREACH! LOL
Meryl would make a better Blanche than a Baby Jane, but I want nothing to do with another remake of this movie.
Forget Meryl. Gaby Sidibe as Blanche, Mo'nique as Baby Jane.
This is such an atrocity. I hate the idea of this project moving forward, since the original is such a trashy guilty pleasure and a classic for all the right reasons. UGH...Streep...how inspired.
Meryl and Sissy paired in a film - of course; why hasn't this been realized earlier? But in a . . . Baby Jane remake? Can not - CAN.NOT. fly with that. The next thing you know, they'll be doing The Whales of August in 2030.
Shame on all of you!
You all wanted Meryl to win her third Oscar since... I don't even remember when. And now that she has it, you keep hating her for...what exactly? Being an excellent actress, probably the best screen actress ever? Even if she starred in Agnes of God remake playing all three characters, I'd love to see it. And you know why? Beacuase her acting talents is beyond anything describable with words. Don't care about any Lange, Close, Spacek, Turner, or anyone else. They're all good, but they are not even close to Meryl.
Meryl - You in danger, gurl!
Pam -- well, than IMDbPro shouldn't be printing it, you know? I hope it is humor gone wrong.
I read this with immense dismay, and do not wish this project to be completed with Streep, because I like her and love her work.
First of all, the original was beneath the talents of Bette Davis and Joan Crawford back in the day. Ok, now it is a camp classic, but it's still a terrible sight to see those great ladies reduced to the dregs. And that movie made Davis look so old and ugly that she was typecast from then on.
This film is like re-doing "Mommie Dearest". With Walter Hill in charge you can expect the very worst.
Seriously, I hope this falls through, and sane people around her talk her into giving this up.
Actresses over the age of 60 should NOT be reduced to playing a Gorgon.
They already remade this with the Redgrave sisters. Why not another version? It's a classic, but it's not sacred. I can't wait to see Meryl doing her Bette best.
San FranCinema: Yeah, this isn't freaking Casablanca or The Red Shoes or Sierra Madre or something.
This version has been around since, what, 2012? It says just a rumour anyways. I don't think Walter Hill is able to cook up a worthy remake, so I hope Meryl stays away. She shouldn't get near this thing with a ten foot pole. Throw some hungry B or C listers in the role. Barbara Hershey as Baby Jane and Debra Winger as Blanche.
I'm with Rami, a lot of projects happen when she signs on because she can get things made. The reaction to this is a little sexist and gross.
I wonder if Master Class is even being made now?
moviefilm -- i would glady see an All Meryl version of AGNES OF GOD. that sounds wild. but: not a classic. and: not anybody's signature role.
meryl has her pick of parts. she should not be retroactively taking lansbury's (god i hate manchuraian candiate remake) or davis's (this)
the only thing i can say to "none of these actresses can hold a candle to meryl is this. Think of the 20 something and 30 something actressses out there -- it's hard to say who is "best" of an entire generation right? eventually some of them will lose their careers and whoever is left standing automatically becomes "best" but that doesn't mean the other people weren't capable of genius. They just got less opportunities to show it is all.
Love Meryl but the utter worship of fans has made it so sour. There are other stellar actresses out there. She is not the only one capable of transcending and elevating a role and a movie. There are DOZENS of others that can. They just dont get the opportunity and people forget that they can when they haven't seen them in a long time.
Faye Dunaway should be doing Master Class. That role needs a level of psycho bitch mystery and I just don't get that from Meryl. Callas went a little bonkers after Ari dumped her for Jackie and as good as Meryl is, I can't really see her as Maria any more than I can see Dunaway as Julia Child. Meryl is great, but she can't do everything.
I don't want to see Baby Jane remade. I want to see the Jenkins film get off the ground. I think Streep is perfect for that.
I think i'm the only person who aores her TMC turn in 04.
Henry -- of all the upcoming Meryl projects the Jenkins bio does sound the most promising. In fact, it sounds perfect for her unique gift and i wouldn't want anyone else to play it. I just dont feel that about every role like so many people and then they think i hate meryl because of it.
the truth is, if you truly love actresses, you will love and respect and want to see more of them than just one. Michelle Pfeiffer has always been my favorite but if she was taking every role including cameos, leads and supporting -- even ones she wasn't suited for -- and I wasn't seeing any other actress of her generation getting good parts it would piss me right off.
Nathaniel, I agree. I will never deny Meryl's brilliance, but part of the perception of her greatness among the masses comes from her ubiquity. She is in a lot of projects, and that connotes to many that she is the best choice. This in turn leads to greater popularity, and consequently more bankability. This in turn leads to more roles. And because there is such an unforgivably small demand by filmmakers for older actresses, many get pushed aside. I can't help but feel many of these other ladies would be held in higher esteem if they had more opportunities to show what they can do, but that is not happening. Take August: Osage County. There are about five other actresses who I believe fit that role better than Meryl. But now, we'll never know.
brookesboy: The stupid, broken, disgusting cycle.
I think Streep *can* do anything, I just don't think she should. (I'm a rabid fan of hers, but I haven't even seen all her films—there are limits.) She's also one of the only goddesses that I haven't heard any behind-the-scenes bad stories about (and believe me, I have heard a LOT of 'em from actors and crew folks). That said, I can totally see her in Master Class and I'm looking forward to it. We've seen elements of what the role needs in The Devil Wears Prada, The Bridges of Madison County, August: Osage County, Death Becomes Her and Music of the Heart (maligned, but I like her work in it).
But Baby Jane? See above. Just no.
Paul Outlaw: The idea of a Baby Jane remake is a good one (it's not Casablanca sacred), but it needs two stars who are perceived to have faded or not TOO important right now. Streep's never been in that position. Dunaway and Close?
OK, I wrote my comment under an emotional outburst, because I got sick of the hatred against Meryl. I adore many old actresses, I loved Glenn Close in Albert Nobbs (unlike many others), Emma Thompson is one of my favourites, Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Jessica Lange, Susan Sarandon and I loved some particular late performances of some actresses (Sharon Stone in Lovelace, or Shirley MacLaine in Bernie). I just love Meryl and her presence on screen.
If we're talking about other Meryl Streeps of other decades, I think that previous Streep was Katherine Hepburn (or Elizabeth Taylor) and the next one is Jessica Chastain. But the time will show...
moviefilm: "I adore many old actresses,.....Glenn Close....Emma Thompson......Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Jessica Lange, Susan Sarandon.......Sharon Stone.....Shirley MacLaine....Meryl"
At least 6 pf these things are not like the others. I would avoid dark alleys for the next decade or so if I were you.
Yeah, Volvagia, I just say no to Streep/Spacek. I'm not terribly interested in the project, but I could watch it (on TV) with Turner/Lange.
I've been thinking a lot about Madonna lately. It really bothers me that Streep's brand of safe, capitulating, toothless artistry is what our society rewards.
It would literally be Meryl and a rotating cast of other actresses that got parts stolen by her.
Honestly feel that this is fan made in someway... I know that it is on Imdb but I cannot find anything else written about it anywhere... Not to mention that Streep is also rumored to be "circling" the new Power Rangers Reboot and The Expendabelles....!!?? The only sure things right now are ricki, suffragette, florence foster Jenkins, and The Good House.
One interesting rumor is that she is joining Jolie and Pitt in Africa playing Pitt's mother?
Love it that she shows no signs of slowing down.
I predict it won't happen ...
She didn't learned her lesson after The Manchurian Candidate...
There are many other actresses which should "learn lessons" in Hollywood- think Meryl is doing pretty well for herself.
This thread is remarkably mean spirited.
Of course it is a mean spirited thread- that is what happens on this site whenever streep is mentioned... Also why I do not visit often
save some of the complaining for when (if) nathaniel mentions j-law upcoming projects!
(j-law and meryl should star in a project called "RECAST!", where they play top actresses in their age group in hollywood being the target of revenge from sidelined actresses)
*respective age groups
Nathaniel... et al
This whole Meryl fatigue really fries my ass ... she basically does on average a movie and a half a year ... Also, she was considered brilliant from her first few roles..
Furthermore, no one on this blog goes after Nicole Kidman who cannot even open a super market at this point in her career... her last few movies have lasted a week in the theaters, gone straight to videos or have been dumped in the U.S. ( not Paddington .. but she certainly did not open the film )
And "god" Julianne Moore makes 10 movies a year ( granted no one really sees most of them ) and she is like the second coming of Christ
I really like Moore as an actress, but her talents are limited IMO
And Kidman has done maybe 3 really good movies ( I do not count The Hours ), but she is such a one note performer.
I have followed this blog site for maybe 6-7 years and it was really fun... Now people are like bitter about everything... certain bloggers are correcting other people's grammar or spelling!!!
I love Streep, but I did not like her in Into the Woods, Doubt, Prime, Manchurian Candidate,and Music from the Heart ... so I can be objective.. but there is no denying she can perform well in any kind of role.. while I do not think most other actresses are so versatile.
Now, I feel better.. so let the mudslinging at me begin!!