Bryce or Jessica: Which Redhead is Which?

In the endless press tour leading to this weekend's Jurassic World opening, the best thing to emerge is the internet's obsession with how Bryce Dallas Howard (you know, the one actually in the movie) looks just like another famous ginger, former co-star Jessica Chastain. There's already been a music video (just try getting "I am NOT Jessica Chastain!" out of your head after hearing it - our vote for Song of the Summer). And the two have been playing it up on social media with Chastain posting a video of Bryce Dallas Howard lip synching to the song on her instagram account.
"Wait, how could people confuse us? I've never been fat..."
Look alikes in Hollywood are a common occurence. (Remember when everyone kept comparing Katy Perry and Zooey Deschanel?) And if there's anything we know here at TFE it's our actresses. Confuse two-time Oscar nominated Chastain with the daughter of Ron Howard? I don't think so! But just to make sure, let's play a highly scientific and educational game. Below are 10 images of the actresses. Try to guess which one is Bryce Dallas Howard and which is Jessica Chastain. If you get any wrong, lie about it in the comments so we don't start questioning your actressexuality. (The answers after the jump)
- I am not Jessica Chastain! It's Bryce Dallas Howard!
- Wait, it is Jessica Chastain!
- That's Jessica again!
- It's me, Bryce Dallas Howard! And I was here before Chastain!
- Jessica Chastain once again!
- I thought this post was about Bryce, but it's another pic of Jessica Chastain!
- It's star of Jurassic World, Bryce Dallas Howard! (For the record, Jessica doesn't have a summer blockbuster...)
- What is this 2011 because Jessica Chastain is here again
- "Don't tell me you loved me in Interstellar! I'm Bryce Dallas Howard!"
- Oh, I guess they're not the same person. Photographic evidence: Chastain on Left in red, Howard on Right in black!
How many did you get correct? Should they play each other in dueling biopics!?
Reader Comments (28)
It was harder than I thought it was going to be, but...I got them all right(??)
I won't lie, I got them all right except #3...
I got 2 and 3 wrong.
Got them all, though I will admit that I had a moment with #1.
Chastain's the one who can act.
2 and 3 are tough because I honestly thought that was 'not' Chastain.
The wrong Van Trier movie, an unfortunate association with Shyamalan, and the movie that ruined Spider-Man, and then just as I'm about to come back with The Help, along comes Jessica Chastain: the right Malick movie, a positive association with some major indies, and a breakthrough part in The Help.
She gets the nomination, and I get that damn pie scene.
I got them all except the first one. I don't think they look THAT alike, I'd never thought of it until recently when they started joking about it, but it's cute. And I guess I can see why the general public who don't really pay attention to these things would confuse them.
Just home from seeing the film. A total disappointment and quite poorly made. Jurassic Park is my favourite film of all time so a lot to live up to. I loved Safety Not Guaranteed.
It was quite boring actually - no scares at all!
Got them all right, I see the resemblance but I don't think I'd ever confuse them for one another. I still don't know what I think of Howard as an actress, she's never knocked me off of my feet, but I've never hated a performance. 50/50 comes the closest, but even then I was more turned off by the way the character was conceived than by the performance, similar to McAdams in Midnight in Paris.
Poor BDH. This association is making her name kind of popular again, but now she's gonna be the the second best Jessica Chastain like forever.
Howard actually does have a lot of potential although you would not know it from her recent roles. Top 5 performances between them. 1. Zero Dark Thirty Chastain, 2. The Village Howard, 3. Take Shelter Chastain,.......BIG GAP..., 4. A Most Violent Year Chastain, 5. Interstellar Chastain. Note: I hated them both in The Help (both were way overacting) , have not seen Him/Her, could not make it thru Corlianus and thought Chastain did a perfectly adequate job of being pretty wallpaper in Tree Of Life.
Chastain is the one who can act. That's the difference.
Howard is definitely prettier though. :).
Chastain has a cleft chin. Her hair is lighter. Her face is more angular and her eyes are heavier. I guess there's some resemblance, but I think it's been overstated.
is it too ambitious to ask for a Single White Female remake?
I'm so in love with the name of "Bryce Dallas Howard's End". If Pat Sajak was here, he would call this category "Before and After". LOL
Got all except #2. Jonathan, as #4 shows, Howard also has a cleft in her chin. I wish everyone didn't feel they need to put down Howard just to state their love for Chastain. They are both fine actresses, in their own way. And I say that as a Chastain fan, but Bryce sure charmed me in her Conan appearance this week.
100%. I got this. Love you, Jessica! Tolerate you, Bryce D.
Got them all! I have never confused one with the other. I think Bryce Dallas Howard's face is actually more memorable, especially the eyes. Howard also reminds me of the young Sissy Spacek.
Katy Perry was really confusing for a while. She looked like Zooey Deschanel and sounded like Kimbra.
I don't think they even look that much like each other. Chastain looks wayy more like Bella Thorne. Obviously Bella is way younger but in 15 years she'll look exactly like her. Look her up if you don't know!
I got them all but #3. #6 was a guess, it really doesn't look like either of them to me.
When The Help was new, and I hadn't really registered Chastain's existence yet (I mean, Tree of Life and all, but it kind of just used her as a prop), I spent at least the first two-thirds of the movie trying to figure out if Bryce Dallas Howard was playing two roles for some reason, or if they were actually the same character and I had dozed off during some absolutely critical bit of exposition.
Wow, two comments on Chastain being "the one who can act." Really? As crappy as some of her movies were, to say that Howard can't act brings to question what you consider good acting (or why you're hating on Howard). I personally believe that she's the better actress, though I wouldn't be so condescending as to say that Chastain can't act (because she's definitely a great actress). She has just gotten better opportunities, I believe.
And good for those who say they'll never confuse one with the other, you guys are amazing. That aforementioned music video got me confused in certain instances.
OK now that is so wrong, I really did think it was Jessica in Jurassic World..... :O
G o see JW and watch her ACT for 2 hrs then come back to me,she is truly awful in it,never once trying to convince the audience this is happening,comedy line readings when shits happening is never good in my book esp if u want us to care.
Ron, I don't see Howard as an actress able to commit a nuanced performance. She tends to playher people a tad cartoonish for my tastes.
I think Jessica Chastain is an amazing actress and she really git herself an impressive career in a short time. But I fell in love with Bryce Dallas Howard in The Village (which I still think is soooo underrated because nobody admits it is a wonderful love story) and i'm always glad to see her in anything. I admire Chastain but i really, really like Howard. I was disappointed by Jurassic World but i thought her character and her acting were so much appealing than Pratt's ...
And did anybody smiled at Howard and Judy Greer playing sisters again, eleven years after The Village?
I got all of them correct, when The Help came out I was like... wait so the nice one is the mean one? I really thought there was an undercurrent narrative where she was playing both and was secretly a CIA agent. ha, the way you can tell them apart is the eyes and their jawline... easy peasy.