Sad Wednesday

Feeling blue today. I know there is much to be happy about but some days it just gets to you even if, with a little perspective, you know that your life is kinda all right. Call it The Pixar Depression (and please do click on that link for an illustration).
I was sad to read this morning that The Dissolve has closed shop effective immediately. They had so many good writers, and were kind enough to link us a couple of times. I hope we hear so many of their regular voices elsewhere soon.
With the Pixar depression caveat in mind, let's just say that running a daily website about the movies is tough work. Though it can be emotionally and intellectually rewarding, it's no easily sustainable road financially... and can also be tough socially and creatively (you don't know what I'd give for a little corporate sponsorship in these parts -- the ability to hire full timers and meet in an office space and brainstorm ideas on a wipe board, and not to have to beg for donations). I sometimes think the movie web is not unlike the current movie business. If you're not on the blockbuster side of things (which for the entertainment web means paparazzi celebrity sites, aggregate list sites, and superhero movie rumor sites) you're only ever going to scrape by if you can scrape by at all.
And today hug a fellow cinephile! The internet brought so many of us together but we are still a rare and precious breed.

Reader Comments (21)
Nathaniel and Company - I cannot thank you enough for The Film Experience. I read it every day, usually several times a day. I have for years. It brings me so much joy and entertainment. You should be nothing but proud. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE TFE!!!!!
Your blog makes me smile so often, right now I'm recalling your brilliant illustrative play on "Martha Marcy May Marlene". It's genius lasted in my memory far longer than Olsen's "it" girl moment. And your Oscar Isaac gif, priceless. You can even make me have a fondness for "W.E." with the story that accompanied Mr. Isaac's about face. So cheer up, you spread brightness all over our screens.
I'm sorry you're sad. I love TFE. It's my favorite place on the web.
My happy thoughts - both Rectify and Masters of Sex are back this week. Have you thought about recapping Masters of Sex? It seems like many of your readers might enjoy that. By the way, I'm enjoying Deutschland 83 on Sundance as well. It's not as good as The Americans, of course, but some others who are missing The Americans might like Germany's take on a similar theme.
Oh that we all had Amy Poehler's Joy on call for days like these!
But you asked for happy thoughts: Best Actress looks to finally shed its "it's so weak!" disclaimer this year, no? I mean, on paper you at least every single Best Actress winner since Julia (save Swank, Berry & Witherspoon) gunning for a nomination, making it one of the more competitive races even before anything's opened that I can remember. The world IS round, people!
Hugs all around!
The Film Experience has always been one of my favorite film sites on the internet. Nathaniel, you have such a strong voice on cinema and awards and manage to convey how these things do matter on a more macro level. Keep up the good work, it truly matters. Plus, you brought back Supporting Actress Smackdown, to which I am eternally grateful.
As for happy thoughts on a Wednesday, only 8 more days until Emmy nominations (go Showtime underdogs The Affair and Masters of Sex!!!) and 9 more days until Trainwreck. So much to look forward too!
I watch this when I'm feeling down because there are few problems that Julie and Carol can't fix:
I come to this site every day to read what someone has written and it has become one of those places where we can all share our movie obsessions, for which I am grateful. I like that this site has a personality and a very clear focus on discussing movies seriously and playfully.
I actually really disliked that Pixar Depression video, since it attempts to undo something very admirable that the film itself did, which is take emotions seriously (and I hope you're not using it to discredit your own emotions, because that would make me sad). If Inside Out taught us anything is that it's okay to be sad and if the emotion we need to feel is Sadness, then we should just allow ourselves to feel it (soon it will be Joy's turn again). Plus, you're using that sadness to reach out to us, which is exactly what it's for (even if putting it in perspective minimizes it, you still need to feel it for a reason).
Happy thought: you get to indulge in regular exchanges about movies with Nick Davis. You are blessed. ;-)
I am devastated at the loss of The Dissolve, one of my favorite sites and home of such talented, insightful writers. As a Chicagoan, it cuts especially deep. I take solace here at TFE, where I have spent many hours reveling in its glory. Thank you, Nathaniel, for all you do so tirelessly for us, the cinephiles of the world.
Charles O, thank you for this video...I have watched it countless times, and you echo my sentiments.
Big hugs to you, Nathaniel. You're a great writer and The Film Experience is a great site, plus being one of my favourite places, not just online but overall.
If you're down, try not to worry - you don't have to be up all the time.
I too sometimes feel a bit low - sometimes for reasons I can identify, other times for reasons that I suspect worm their way into me without my realising it. As Churchill said, "If you're ever going through hell, keep going." Remembering that usually gives me a bit of comfort. Might work for you too.
And perhaps go for a run. A wise friend of mine once said "Running shakes the brains" and I think she's right!
Happy thoughts? Well, think of favourite actresses and beautiful men! And remember, we're never more than a year away from Oscar nomination day!
Take care.
So many happy thoughts about The Film Experience -
1) Unlike any other site it sifts through the web and chooses all of the news that actually matters to me.
2) It contains contributions from writers with skill and passion - all (you included) writing from their own perspectives, untainted by corporate sway, championing passion projects. A positive review from The Film Experience practically forces me to seek out a movie, while a negative is frequently countered by another contributor who loved it. The truly bad movies? Hardly a mention!
3) You revived the Supporting Actress Smackdown!
4) You champion diversity in cinema - a celebration of the many (not white, straight male) stories yet to be told
5) I check the site daily and get nervous when I'm away for a week or two
And a tiny negative to end on - I STILL NEED TO DONATE (I'm sure that there are many like me). No negatives for The Film Experience. You go The Film Experience!
Only happy thoughts today and forever!
Have loved this site for at least 7 years... and often respond.. I was away for 2 and a half years and where I was had no internet access... I have just recently discovered something that went on with your website when I was away...
nathaniel... if you are interested,, please feel free to email me so I can explain
Keep up the sterling work.....
Hugs, Nathaniel!
I hope you feel better tomorrow! You have a lot to be proud of, especially your work here at TFE. Cheer up!
I haven't commented in quite some time, but thought I would today to tell you that your site is the only film blog I follow, which is solely because of the freshness of your voice, and the topics you choose to discuss, which have completely changed the way I watch movies. So for that, I thank you.
And anytime I need help cheering up, I think about something I'm looking forward to, and try to focus on that; there must be something on the horizon you're looking forward to, film-related or otherwise!
That makes me sad about the Dissolve. That was a really good site and certainly featured some of the best film criticism of the past 2 years along with some great essays.
I'm late to the game, but, Nathaniel, I just wanted to express my thanks for all you do. I love this site, and I so enjoy how you put your heart and soul into it. Even though it may not seem like it sometimes, your work is very much appreciated. Thank you!
Echoing what others have said - you're a great writer and can relay your passion for films/performances/performers coherently and stylishly. Ditto for all of the site's other contributors, as well. It's so much fun visiting TFE!
Also - It's Anjelica Huston's birthday today!
Still my favourite film website out there (even though that may sound biased).
You really should turn off the computer once in a while. Get some fresh air and exercise. Make sure you eat lots of fresh vegetables. Get a part-time job where you can speak to people about topics other than movies. Follow these steps and your blues will be cured
Jes06 -- this is probably good advice. but it is summertime and that is when i become a total airconditioned hermit cuz i hate summer ;)
Actually, if you exercise a little, you become slightly immune to the summer heat. But, anyway, you can decide for yourself. Hope you're feeling better.