Say What: Rose & Susan?

Amuse us by adding a caption or dialogue to this image of Susan Sarandon and Rose Byrne as mother and daughter in their new film.
(The film is called The Meddler from the writer/director of Seeking a Friend at the End of the World. Susan is the lead, a widow who moves to LA to be near her daughter.)
Reader Comments (12)
"I'm glad they didn't cast you as my grandma."
"Haha. Bulgarian clown. It's still funny."
"Honey, they all break your heart in the end"
Susan & Rose - great combination, Lorene Scafaria, is the writer/director. I always liked
"Seeking a Friend at the End of the World", it may have been a little uneven but it was very funny in certain sections. My favourite scenes were Keira Knightley & Steve Carrell in that bar and later in the car. Glad to see Scafaria is getting another chance, with another interesting cast. Lucy Punch and JK Simmons will also be in this.
wouldn't it be great if Geena Davis was the aunt, Melisa McCarthy the sister, and Glen Close the villian? (She is alway great at villianous roles)
Susan : "We don't look anything like each other"
Rose: "I know!"
Sarandon: I need another nomination.
Byrne: I need a first.
Sarandon: There are only three ages for women in Hollywood: "Babe," "District Attorney," and "Driving Ms. Daisy." And right now...
Byrne: ...I want to be young. Science-fiction young!
Please don't make me take another bath with you.
Susan: Wanna drive off a cliff? Come oooon.
Before the picture:
Rose Byrne: The Meddler? Unless you're playing an aging Velma Dinkley can we ask for a title change?
And then, the Picture.
Where's Melissa?
I love seeing Rose Byrne and her career. Hope she can top it off someday with an Oscar, cause she can and she will, people!