Hot Rumor Alert: The Return of Doris Day?

Doris Day a year ago when she was turning 90Clint Eastwood has supposedly convinced Doris Day to return to the movies. She hasn't been in one since... (gulp)... the summer of 1968 when the romantic comedy With Six You Get Eggroll premiered. It had a plot not entirely unlike The Brady Bunch which premiered the following year. Day's character even had three sons she was bringing along into the new blended family.
This rumor seems suspect. If they can't convince the legend to spend even one night at an industry event honoring her, which is often the rumor in regards to the sore subject of the annual Honorary Oscar selections -- why would she be willing to spend weeks in front of a movie camera and all the promotion that that would then entail, including surely, more events than just one honoring her to promote it when it premiered!
I'm not sure I believe this rumor at all though it's cute to think of Octogenarian Eastwood strolling across the street or the lawn or what have you in Carmel to hand the 91 year old legend a movie script. Does she even remember what they look like? There's no word yet on what the movie or the role is but Clint Eastwood always has a lot of projects simmering so it could be anything. I suddenly pictured her in the cast of that probably aborted Eastwood-helmed A Star is Born remake with Beyoncé. Heh.
UPDATE: Doris Day has since denied this but then she would.
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Reader Comments (7)
That is suspect even though it's a nice dream. They've been neighbors and friends for years and he's tried to get her to return before but she's always been adamant that she's done. If she wouldn't come back for a plum role like Mother, which Albert Brooks offered her and she refused, 20 years ago I can't imagine at this point in time she would put herself through the grueling exercise that a return to filmmaking would entail.
Well, remember, Mike Nichols wanted her to play Mrs. Robinson in THE GRADUATE. She declined, maintaining that it would "ruin her image." Heh.
she so deserves an honorary Oscar for the many roles in movies and albums she has mae..
unfortunately, I don't believe it is going to happen ...
Even if she doesn't show up this woman deserves an honorary Oscar...
What difference does it matter if she shows up or not - honorary awards have been pulled from the broadcast - which was a dumb dumb dumb move. they should have pulled some of the boring categories and kept the honorary awards.
@Jimmy...they needn't cut the "boring" categories and keep the honorary awards. Why not both and get rid of the ridiculous and arbitrary "tribute to horror films" and all that unnecessary tripe they've had in recent years.
Ahhhhh.... thanks for this Nathaniel ! Guess we can all Day-dream a bit. I think it would be an amazing tribute to her - even if she got just one scene in a Eastwood movie ! Why shouldn't she pull that off - she looks fit !? I believe you're not that keen on her - but Hey - give this last golden area fossil a second bite at your cherry-pie ;-) Please go and watch her subtle work in "Love Me Or Leave Me" or "The Man Who Knows Too Much" - and match it with her powerful opening scene (nearly uncut) in "Calamity Jane" and you can't deny her tremendous natural talent ?! And yes Oscar is so due 2017 - Whip-crack-away !!!