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Clint Eastwood likes broccoli.
This report just in from the set of Sully, Clint Eastwood's latest. It is not a biopic about the star of Monsters, Inc. The 85 year old workaholic's latest project will star Tom Hanks as Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger who landed a plane in the Hudson River in 2009 (remember that?) to save everyone's lives onboard. It seems a slim premise for a whole feature but maybe Clint will keep the running time short for a change? That would give him more time to squeeze in a second or third picture for 2016, you know.
Reader Comments (5)
Eat broccoli and live forever
Tom Hanks as the world's whitest hero in a Clint Eastwood flim. Snore.
Now that's a film I want to see zero percent.
I wonder what happened to that Star Is Born remake. That was much more interesting, minus the Beyoncé part.
Good that Eastwood is still working at his age...
Good that Eastwood is still eating solid food at his age...