A Happy New (Twitterful) Year

2016 is upon us. So far it's been a wash since a cold has attacked me without warning but while I sleep and stay hydrated (not simultaneously) and procrastinate here are some favorite tweets of the week. But the year started beautifully with two of our favorite film thinkers and Oscar historians Nick Davis and Mark Harris announcing new projects. Nick will be expanding his "Best Actress" section and Mark Harris will be celebrating 1966 movies all year as he preps for the 50th anniversary of those Best Picture nominees he celebrated in his first book "Pictures at a Revolution" which was on the Best Pictures of 1967.
Our first tweet is a perfect message for the "survey the greats" season we're in via filmmaker Guillermo del Toro. Our friend Nick has an interesting solution to this favorites versus perfection equation. He has two top 100s, greatest and favorites. He just wrote a huge batch of new essays which you should really read. Recent pieces include two movies that are accidentallly perfect for New Year's week including Strange Days and When Harry Met Sally (on the "greatest" list) movies like Movies become "favorites" for so many reasons, whether that's great experiences at the theater where we saw them or, the ease at rewatching them, or just the slow dawning realization that this one you just love whatever its shortcomings (this is me with Burlesque which showed on cable in a loop in 2015 and I couldn't look away.)
Favorite movies don't have to be perfect movies. Like in any relationship, Love is what makes them stick around.
— Guillermo del Toro (@RealGDT) December 29, 2015
MORE AFTER THE JUMP including but not limited to Blanchett, Damon, Gleeson, Isaac ...and Eartha Kitt as 2016's Patron Saint?
Has that Room kid been cast in the fourth Spider-Man reboot yet?
— Brian Zitzelman (@BrianZitzelman) December 30, 2015
is the moral of BROOKLYN that u shouldn't marry yr 1st boyfriend, or do i just love domhnall gleeson so much that i misunderstood the film?
— zoe kazan (@zoeinthecities) December 31, 2015
Death to all top 10 lists that expect you click through 10 pages
— Nathaniel Rogers (@nathanielr) December 28, 2015
i don't think that one muppet is really playing those drums
— demi adejuyigbe (@electrolemon) December 30, 2015
How come my health insurance doesn't cover movie tickets? Cinema's done more for my mental health than pills and therapy ever could.
— Sebastian Nebel (@SebastianNebel) December 29, 2015
No one does butch better than Cate Blanchett pic.twitter.com/QDlr0UXOzq
— Cate Blanchett Fan (@CateWithATwist) January 2, 2016
Times Matt Damon stranded, ranked: 1) Interstellar 2) Uber driver 30 min late 3) The Martian 4) Affleck leaving him hanging for high five
— Jason Chen (@diskopo) January 2, 2016
Every argument I hear for why people don't pay for the movies they see sounds like backwards rationalization. Every one.
— Matt Zoller Seitz (@mattzollerseitz) January 2, 2016
Residuals to artists, writers, filmmakers, actors are backpay. For all the years they spent Learning to make the art you enjoy.
— Matt Zoller Seitz (@mattzollerseitz) January 2, 2016
Googled 2 celebs, one male, one female. Auto-completes for the guy: Shirtless Frontal Vacation Hung For the lady: Age Dead? Facelift Falls
— Mark Harris (@MarkHarrisNYC) December 30, 2015
I've left three pairs of gloves on three different counters. Nothing.
— Ryan Warden (@Ryan_Warden) December 28, 2015
Me when a server asks if I want butter AND syrup on my waffle pic.twitter.com/TKGRGDGbsu
— Julie Klausner (@julieklausner) January 1, 2016
tis the season!
If any award show knows what's good for them, they'll have the flaming guitar guy from "Mad Max" play during the In Memoriam! Juice that up!
— Clayton Davis (@AwardsCircuit) December 30, 2015
Petition to have Oscar Isaac perform all musical numbers at the Oscars in February pic.twitter.com/vZG1QkgRF0
— Nathaniel Rogers (@nathanielr) December 30, 2015
That are also funny because "Accuracy!"
Fun fact about THE REVENANT: if you play it back at 4 times the normal speed, it's still boring as fuck.
— amir soltani (@amiresque) December 31, 2015
Y'all: ANOMALISA is not about a man who's lost some zest for life. He's lost all ability to imagine the interiority of anyone but himself!!
— Emily Yoshida (@emilyyoshida) December 29, 2015
The movie's big revelation is that not everyone is a mannequin!! Which I guess is a revelation for Kaufman??!! I don't know!!
— Emily Yoshida (@emilyyoshida) December 29, 2015
May this be true for all of our 2016s
My 2016 will be as glorious, vivid, and full of passion as this picture of Eartha Kitt. And I hope yours is too. 😉💁👑 pic.twitter.com/G8kJa7Fds4
Reader Comments (10)
I think a lot of folks do butch better than Cate Blanchett, but that's just me.
Dem gams on Eartha. Yeowza!
Take me Cate, take me now! But you can't take me now because you are busy being fabulous at the Palm Springs International Film Festival. So take me later on. I will wait.
So we can safely assume that Mark Harris googled Fassbender...
Also I'm 100% with Zoe Kazan on this one re: Brooklyn. Although my DG love has been slightly harmed by Star Wars...such a weirdly stiff and unintentionally(?) comedic interpretation.
That Guillermo tweet is so perfect.
And I am falling in love with Oscar Isaac more and more each day.
I think the male actor Mark Harris googled was Chris Hemsworth. He was in VACATION where the joke was that he was very hung (prosthetic penis) and he's always shirtless.
And the female celeb: Madonna?
Aw, thanks, Nathaniel!! xxx
My fav film Twitter bit of the week: comedian Connor Ratliff (@connorratliff) had a brilliant idea that I'll badly paraphrase here. He said that since the Academy doesn't award comedies often, his new goal is to somehow host the ceremony and tell absolutely no jokes; instead he'd pretend to contract a disease and slowly get sicker over the course of the evening, because that seems to be what they like.