With Six You Get Linkroll

Towleroad Florence Henderson, "Mrs Brady" herself, dies at 82
Letterboxd "movies where jessica chastain gets fed up with the useless men around her so she decides to save the world herself"
EW Martin Scorsese's Silence to get world premiere at The Vatican
Medium "a letter to Tom Ford from a fat moviegoer" regarding Nocturnal Animals
Coco Hits NY finds Moana distractingly relevant to the current political situation
Elle Magazine all the different women who've played Jackie Kennedy (amazing, really)
The New Yorker the evolution of Pedro Almodóvar
oops that was seven links
Exit Video
Doctor Strange as 8 bit game
They only do this for action and genre flicks since they're a natural fit but wouldn't it be satirical fun to do it for an unexpected non-teen boy favorite like say... Carol or The Hours?
Reader Comments (9)
I wanted to see Nocturnal Animals, but the more I hear about it, the worse it sounds.
Hey Nathaniel, thanks for the link!
Suzanne - Nocturnal Animals is definitely a bad. Saw it this weekend. It's not that it's just kind of boring, but it's a really hateful movie.
Yikes, that Tom Ford comment about the actresses he cast is really disappointing. I guess only skinny people have souls, though he might want to check on his.
I saw Nocturnal Animals in a semi-full theater over the weekend and no one said anything in the opening sequence. In fact, at the end, walking out, I heard one guy say to his wife/girlfriend/lady friend, "The best part was the opening sequence." And I have to agree. I don't know WTH Tom Ford is talking about, but I certainly did NOT get "witches" from that opening sequence.
Regardless of what I think of what Tom Ford wanted to say or his personal opinions or their validity, I am really really sick of open letters to actors, artists and directors. I go to the movies because I like to see what the director's vision is. I am very happy being a spectator, enjoying, evaluating, judging, agreeing, disagreeing... it's a whole experience. I don't get how people get to be outraged and publically vocal and directly address and shame the directors. That is why I can't watch American mainstream movies anymore. They are so censored to be as appropriate and the least offensive possible. I like to be offended at the movies. It provokes a reaction, a feeling of some sort. Europeans offend all the time at the movies. It is ok to be offended and react viscerally without taking on a public cause to shame the director is all I'm saying. Tom Ford made a stylish movie that is deeply flawed and we should be discussing it based on its artistic merits not its message. That belongs to the director and only him and it goes to bed with him and does not have to go to bed with you.
^ We can't discuss a movie based on its message? Sounds like a page from the "art doesn't have to be political" playbook. Provocation must open itself to reaction at all levels and on all platforms. Without a corresponding discourse, it just becomes empty shock value.
Anyway, Nocturnal Animals was a huge piece of shit and Tom Ford is a hack.
I love that Jessica Chastain list on Letterboxd.
I have seen a short movie and that was amazing
This blog is getting to be rather boring and so righteously judgemental by so many....
What happened to the blog site I looked forward to reading daily for the last 8,years?