YNMS: T2 Trainspotting

by Murtada
Where were you in 1996 when the first Trainspotting was released? Your answer to that question might determine how excited you are for the sequel, T2 Trainspotting. It was an exciting shot in the arm for 90s cinema three whole years before the banner year of 1999. It also soldified the careers of Danny Boyle and Ewan McGregor. They allegedly had a tiff, over The Beach (2000). A movie few remember fondly if at all. Glad they patched things up. So let's dive into the trailer with our patented Yes No Maybe So.
Choose life, choose Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and hope that someone, somewhere cares
- The jolt of the familiar. The gang's all here. Renton, Spud, Sick Boy. Even Begbie. Good to see you back boys.
- And Kelly MacDonald is back too. This is the first we hear that she’s in this. Great news!
- And Shirley Henderson… they didn’t leave anyone out.
- Ewan’s Scottish accent in the narration.
- That shot of Spud falling into Renton’s arms.
Choose watching history repeat itself
Maybe So
- Familiar is comfortable but this seems to be the same thing over again. Will it add anything besides the characters being older?
- We miss the kinetic Danny Boyle of the original and Shallow Grave (1994). Is that Boyle back?
- Bridget Jones Baby was a recent too long in the making sequel that managed to successfully blend nostalgia for the original with new character beats. Let’s hope this is more that and less Zoolander 2.
Choose reality TV, slut shaming, revenge porn
- T2 Trainspotting? Really? What’s with the silly title? Besides everyone knows T2 is title of the second Terminator movie.
Choose the ones you love, choose your future, choose life
We are definitely a yes based on our memories of the original alone. And it’s coming out February 3rd when there’s usually few movies we want to see. Consider our ticket bought. Are you in?
Reader Comments (11)
Never saw the original. Keenly aware of the movie during its release stateside and the cultural popularity it had after that. But it doesn't feel like I'm depriving myself of an experience by not becoming anxious to actually see it after all this time.
Also never saw the original. But god Ewan and Johnny got hotter as they age.
I'll revisit the original. Trainspotting was a movie I saw on video, since the years 1990-1998 were a blur of child-rearing and I only saw Disney movies in the theater. And I thought it was pretty amazing, but I don't remember it vividly (except that baby AGH!).
Still, Danny Boyle is usually a yes, and this looks pretty bold.
Also never saw the original. (1996 was a weird time.) But I will watch it before February.
The original is a film that meant a lot to me: I was 25 when it came out, and I recognised way too much of myself and my friends in that movie. Wasn't sure about the sequel, but that trailer has completely sold me.
Just one thing... can Spud have a happy ending, please? Pretty please?
He's not going to have a happy ending, is he?
I'm a YES! Trainspotting isn't a perfect movie, but it's a good enough one that a follow-up is like coming home again.
I'm fucking seeing this. Trainspotting remains my favorite Danny Boyle film.
the original was my favourite film of '96 but the intervening twenty years have left me with little memory of it except for that initial rush. i'm more than ready for another dose
Hell, why not, if they're getting the gang back together again...
I still remember seeing the first one with my morally and aesthetically (though not politically) conservative Asian mom - and being pleasantly surprised that she really liked it! Thought it was hella funny and entertaining. You could have knocked me down with a feather. But she was right!
I love the first one so I'm a NO
I thought SHALLOW GRAVE was amazing!!!