Tweetweek: ABBA in a White Room, Carrie Gifs, 1999 Supporting Actress

In today's tweetweek, the 1999 supporting actress race, mindy project A+ joke, ABBA, Lindsay Lohan's new accent, and the last few days of political anxiety (in this phase at least). It's all after the jump...
For Toni Collette's birthday, I broke into Angelina Jolie's home and retrieved her Supporting Actress Oscar. It's the very least I could do.
— Matthew Eng (@Eng_Matthew) November 1, 2016
What if you were a Marvel fan with last name Stone & you named your daughter "Infinity," how great would that be until she became a hooker.
— Scott Renshaw (@scottrenshaw) November 4, 2016
This is a just cat playing a theremin.
— Ziya (@ziyatong) November 3, 2016
“If I want to hang out with Broadway stars, I'll just turn on Grindr in a Mormon church." Dammit, Mindy Project, that's a great joke.
— emily nussbaum (@emilynussbaum) November 2, 2016
Saw another EGOT today
— Robert Lopez (@lopezbobby) November 2, 2016
I've been thinking a lot about the white room ABBA apparently lived in. Do you think they owned or rented? Where was the bathroom?
— Alex Kittle (@alexxkittle) November 3, 2016
The Others' twist > The Sixth Sense's twist
— Matt Jacobs (@tarantallegra) November 1, 2016
Um, we need to talk about @jes_chastain's boyfriend Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo. OMG.
— AwardsWatch (@awards_watch) November 4, 2016
There should be a "No, I don't mean the 2013 CARRIE when I search for GiFs. I NEVER mean that" setting in Google.
— [kie.ran] (@danblackroyd) October 31, 2016
The greatest thing is how spell-check always
— Jason Adams (@JAMNPP) November 2, 2016
wants to change SUSPIRIA to PSORIASIS
— Joe Reid (@joereid) November 1, 2016
quote this tweet with where you'd sit senior year
— Marc Snetiker (@MarcSnetiker) November 4, 2016
in our darkest moment, Lindsay Lohan has descended like an angel from on high with a bizarre faux-Euro accent
— Kevin O'Keeffe (@kevinpokeeffe) November 2, 2016
with a little movie / tv joking to ease the pain
Gary Johnson can't name a single global influence on Lindsay's new accent. Not one.
— Nick Davis (@NicksFlickPicks) November 2, 2016
Six days out from the election, "stress eating" pulling way ahead of "constant nausea" in personal poll of how I've been expressing anxiety.
— Alison Willmore (@alisonwillmore) November 2, 2016
Maybe Hillary should send an e-mail about Trump's rape trial so people will talk about it
— Ira Madison III (@ira) November 1, 2016
ALTS (cont'd):
— Aaron Fullerton (@AaronFullerton) November 4, 2016
"It's Really Not That Complicated."
"This election: Mamma Mia!"
"The President Wears Pantsuits."
"Vote Hillary. That's all."
“Ohio has been called for Trump, reminding us that civilization is like a thin layer of ice upon a deep ocean of chaos and darkness.”
— david ehrlich (@davidehrlich) November 2, 2016
There have been so many non-stories in the last few weeks of the election, you'd think it was True Detective Season 2.
— Erik Hauntin (@erikhinton) November 1, 2016
Me for the rest of the week. #ImWithHer
— Adam Sass (@TheAdamSass) November 4, 2016
— Scott Sigler (@scottsigler) November 1, 2016

Reader Comments (17)
Toni Collette is awesome and a brilliant actress, but that 1999 Supporting Actress Oscar should have gone to soon-to-be birthday girl Chloe Sevigny.
Or they could at least split it in half and share it. ;)
@Mike agree!
Too bad it's written in capital letters but the last tweet is the best.
I've never seen Girl Interrupted--strangely that's a movie nobody ever talks about.
PS I'd sit 4 between Adele and Gaga; second voice--6 between Adele and Taylor
Would definitely sit between Beyonce and Adele- since they have mutual respect for each other, as well as the two front runners for Grammy's Album of the Year in February.
N YES! Toni Collette should've won that just for the car scene, alone.
I remember everything about Toni Collette's performance and remember not a thing about Angelina Jolie's.
I wouldn't sit between any of those women. Unless I'm being paid in blow-jobs and be allowed to wear t-shirts of Wendy O. Williams and remind them that as highly-paid they are. They will never be Wendy and if she was alive, she'd pretty much destroy them. For those who have no idea who I'm talking about...... watch and learn. None of these bitches hold a candle to Wendy.
The Jessica Chastain tweet upsets me. Mainly because I want to marry Jessica Chastain.
Chastain's new guy is okay, but I think Francisco Lachowski beats him hands down; being a genetic masterpiece, a perfect perfect, et al, certainly helps!
Seat 5 gets to pass the notes from Rihanna to Beyonce and back, so that's the seat for me.
And everyone knows Angelina Jolie's Oscar belongs to Catherine Keener.
I think it's safe to say that any of the 4 other nominees and many many non-nominees were more deserving than Angelina Jolie of that Oscar. Quite frankly I have never enjoyed an Angelina Jolie performance and I have never seen in my lifetime a movie star rise purely on the basis of celebrity appeal.
I liked all of the '99 supporting actress performances. Perhaps Angelina Jolie wasn't the best, but she was still very good. She really did steal that movie. Her win never bugged me.
Cash, I agree. While I preferred Toni Collette for the win, Angelina Jolie was actually my second pick. Her movie star performance stole the film, and made Winona's performance looked forced in the process.
"I have never seen in my lifetime a movie star rise purely on the basis of celebrity appeal."
Jennifer Lawrence?
Thought Angelina Jolie was dreadful in Girl, Interrupted...lots of empty emotion with little subtlety or depth. Desperately needed director to modulate. Recall an Oscar voter saying at the time that he was voting for her because she's "Hollywood royalty."
well.. she was playing a character who was empty inside- as explicitly mentioned by Winona's character.
Nevertheless, I think her best performance was in Changeling.
cash -- same. the whole lineup was strong and that there were 5 other awesome women outside that list says a lot about 1999 in general