Ask Nathaniel

Time for another Q&A. Ask away in the comments and I'll choose 10 to answer tomorrow evening. Let's have a loose animal theme this week. Between my ongoing sick cat drama at home and the movies (jungle book coming soon) we're feeling zoological.
Programming note: Requested Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) revisit will happen April 20th. Sorry for delay.
Previously on: If you're like "what's this Q&A business?" catch up on recent Q&As

Reader Comments (27)
With Mother's Day soon to come out, do you have a favorite Garry Marshall movie? I know he's not one of the most popular of directors, but is there one that snuck up on you?
Ever named a pet after an on-screen animal (or human)? What cinematic name would be perfect for a dog? Cat?
Hi Nathaniel!
Im writing my bachelor thesis on Demi Moore and how her Star Image embodies and/or reflects the discourse of the American Dream in the 90s. Fun fun!
I know you're a lil bit of a Demi fan, so what's ur favorite role of her and if she would have a comeback, what kind of role would u like to see her play?
Also is it just me or does a lot of these early 90s stars have a hard time making a comeback. Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Moore, Stone, Pfeiffer, Ryan. Sure Cruise, Roberts and Hanks are still active and popular, but it feels as if their star image and persona got too big to handle and doesnt' fit the mold of venturing into supporting roles, as expected by elders (especially female).
Which cinematic animal/human pairing (Like Lassie/Taylor, Hooch/Hanks) is your fave? And which animal should be paired with someone like Julianne Moore, Juliette Binoche and Jennifer Law in a movie?
How are we supposed to get any work done when there's an Antonio Banderas April Shower on TFE?
Also, do you have a favorite non-Almodovar Banderas performance?
Do you have a favourite Grim Reaper, regardless of medium? Mine's the one from Cartoon Network's The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, honestly.
What are your three favourite Emile Ardonlino films, and do you think the late director will ever be remembered?
With Melissa McCarthy topping the BO again with a solo vehicle who In your opinion who are the most successful Box Office female star in the last 30 years,Just those whom you think attracted people to their films by their name solo on the poster.
Which are the top 4 actresses you'd like to see together in a movie? ( seeing that Charlize, Emily and Jessica are all going to be at the same time on screen soon, which is mind blowing in itself )
(Inspired by the HK film awards) Which film is most deserving of wining all four acting Oscars?
These 15 films have gotten a nomination in each category, but you can pick other movies if you like.
Do you think the Academy should give Oscars (albeit honorary) to animal actors? In the same line, what are your top ten favourite animal performances in movies?
What's the most homoerotic movie you've ever seen that actually contains no sex between men? Does it have a purpose in the story? Would the story be altered or improved by actually "going there?" This question is brought to you by: I just saw Chariots of Fire for the first time.
Sorry to hear about Monty's being unwell! :(
His involuntary Oscar punditry has always been one of my fave recurring jokes on TFE. I hope he recovers fully and soon.
Can you break it down how and why Nicole Kidman's movie career went off the rails? I only associate her now with bad movies.
Do you have any thoughts on the idea of Jackie Chan being awarded an honorary Oscar?
I hope Monty gets better soon. Having a sick pet is so hard (and expensive).
Who wins Best Cinematography next year?
What are your favorite Best Movie winners EVER from the MTV Movie Awards? Emphasis on YOUR FAVORITES (which is more in line with the spirit of the MTV awards) rather than say the best film from a cinematic/cinephile/critical point of view.
You can only choose one film to live and die with from the following list of directors. Which ones would you choose?
Woody Allen
Pedro Almodovar
Paul Thomas Anderson
Ingmar Bergman
Sidney Lumet
Mike Nichols
Billy Wilder
William Wyler
You can only pick one film from each and you have to burn away the existence of any other of their films.
What was the most challenging film you had to get through? Was it challenging due to subject matter, it being long, or just bad?
Which actor has the most Film Bitch Award wins/nominations?
What are your thoughts on Barbra Streisand and Barry Levinson embarking on yet another production of Gypsy for a start up studio? My spirit animal (fox) says they likely face a difficult and painful journey.
Have you heard much word on the New Zealand documentary "TICKLED?" It's based on David Farrier's exploration of the world of competitive endurance tickling. I see it's making the rounds a lot of film festivals. Any chatter on this?
Which of these Boston bombing drama films that are in the works do you think will garner the most Oscar notices (if at all)? And do you think it's too soon?
What actresses for a mother-daughter pairing in a film would make you really happy?
OK Nathaniel, since this is an Animal themed Q&A, I am going to take you back to 1998 with this simple question: which film do you think is better, Antz or A Bugs Life?
P.S I hope your furry friend Monty feels better soon.
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