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Seven things I quite enjoyed reading this weekend.
"We're still friends, right?"Seventh Row Is Tom Hiddleston's charm getting in the way of greatness as an actor?
Meta Komik I've recently discovered that "Doubtman" has been my arch enemy all along (3 pages)
Cinesnark lovely piece on the tiny arc of Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier within Captain America: Civil War
The Onion "Aging succubus lowering standards for men ever since she turned 40,000"
Thrillist why Black Widow is Marvel Studio's Best & Worst character
New York Review of Books a classic from Joan Didion on Woody Allen's new "serious" phase (originally published in the late 1970s but it's most definitely still brilliant.)
Pajiba which of the Avengers would be the best in bed? I support the results, actually, except for the absurd undervaluing of Agent Peggy Carter (it is *very* clear they haven't watched Agent Carter). On the other end of the spectrum now I feel even worse for tragic Bucky.
Reader Comments (5)
I believe Black Widow is the best (character and bed wise) When I watched the first Avengers movie, I kept thinking the first hour is just a who has a biggest dick contest. And Black Widow ended up winning. Soundly.
That Joan Didion peeve is great.
I'd say Hiddleston's middling talent is getting in the way of greatness. That essay does mention his most underappreciated (and by far his best) work in Joanna Hogg's films though. In everything else, I've found him either hammy or uncompelling/presence-less or both.
That piece on Hiddleston has great insight into what I find off-putting about him. He seems like a nice guy, so I hope he can break out of this middle ground and do something memorable.
Avant la chirurgie, le chirurgien va administrer une sédation intraveineuse ou anesthésie générale pour rendre cette procédure aussi confortable que possible. Le chirurgien fera une incision dans la bouche où la lèvre inférieure rencontre la ligne de gomme. Un emplacement d'incision alternative est sous le menton. Le chirurgien va alors couper la pointe du menton de la mâchoire inférieure et se déplacer physiquement le menton en avant. La pointe du menton et la mâchoire inférieure sont réinsérés à l'aide de petites plaques et des vis. Une fois les plaques et les vis sont en place, le chirurgien fermera l'incision avec des sutures ou des points de suture. La procédure prend environ 1-2 heures, et les patients rentrer à la maison le jour de la chirurgie.