Streaming: J Edgar Drinking Games & Elizabeth's Golden Foreshadowing

Do you purchase or rent DVDs movies anymore or just wait for streaming -- however long that takes? If you do the following titles have emerged in the past week on Blu-Ray or DVD: The Finest Hours in which Chris Pine gets a man vs. ocean movie cuz Chris Hemsworth got one; Gods of Egypt which is terrible but in so-bad-it's-great way; How to Be Single which is better than you'd think but way overstuffed but you should probably see it for another great performance variation on "the boyfriend" by Jake Lacy (he's got that market covered but he's so good at it with no two characters feeling like the same guy); Pride & Prejudice & Zombies which is fun for what it is if nothing more; also new are Race, Risen, Triple 9, and Zoolander 2.
But on to the fun part, New to Streaming. Because, to quote the one and only Carrie Fisher:
Instant gratication takes too long.
Let's do our fun little freeze frame game on new streaming titles. The following films were frozen on one image completely at random to see what showed up. They're all new on either Netflix of Amazon Prime. Ready? Let's play!
J Edgar (2011) on Netflix
Charles Lindbergh. Lindbergh's baby has been kidnapped.
A fun drinking came while streaming J Edgar in five easy steps
1. Take a drink every time you wish Clint Eastwood wasn't terrified of color
2. Take a drink every time you wish Tom Stern would throw a damn light on the set for once
3. Take a drink every time you see bad old age makeup in closeup
4. Take a drink every time you're glad AMPAS dodged a bullet on this one and it's not part of Oscar history
5. Die of alcohol poisoning.
Six Degrees of Separation (1993)
You said when artists dream they dream of money.
...I must be such an artist.
Love this movie. Stockard Channing was just sensational in it. (And what a great Best Actress year 1993 was)
Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007) and more after the jump...
[Dramatic music]
In this scene baby Eddie Redmayne can't quite bring himself to assassinate regal Cate Blanchett. Isn't it so weird that just seven years later she was handing him his Oscar? Whoda thunk it while watching this scene in theaters!!!
Tab Hunter Confidential (2015) on Netflix
Without the protection of the studio, my Boy Next Door image was in total freefall. People could say and write what they wanted... and they did.
I enjoyed this documentary so much. Lots of great Hollywood gossip (Anthony Perkins is awful, yikes) and a not-so-unique (given the times) history of how gay stars functioned in Hollywood. Also if you click on that image to embiggen it there is hilarious trash about a handful of old stars. The Blind Item type of trash so how did they get away with using names back then?
Carrie (1976) on Amazon Prime
Don't bother about them. If they self-destruct, I'll dance with you."
Ultimately I think the prom scene remains terrifying in Carrie (1976) because even being nice to Carrie won't save you. Enjoy prom everyone - it's the last night of your life.
Jurassic Park III (2001) on Netflix
You have to believe me: This was a stupid decision but I did it with the best intentions!
Or: what everyone involved probably said to themselves when they saw the finished film.
P.S. I consider it a moral failure on Hollywood's part that they don't let me gaze at Alessandro Nivola constantly in close-up.
P.P.S. All the Jurassic Parks are actually streaming on Netflix now (except the Chris Pratt one)
Apocalypse Now (1979) on Amazon Prime
I like the way you walk
I like the way you talk, Suzie Q
Weird Trivia: This "Playmate" giving us booty in the image above is Colleen Camp and she's STILL working in the movies. She was in both Grandma and Joy last year. Here's to longevity!
Rules of Attraction (2002) on Amazon Prime
Hi, mom.
Straight James Van Der Beek watching porn with his smitten Gay friend Ian Somerhalder. The early Aughts were a different time. (Also even in movies I don't like I will always love deep focus and wish movies would use it all the time)
Also New on Netflix
Also New on Amazon Prime
• The Black Stallion
• Criminal Law
• Death Wish 2
• Double Whammy
• Foolish
• The Golden Child
• The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
• Ground Control
• Hammett
• Heartburn
• In & Out
• Iron Eagle IV - On the Attack
• Love & Mercy
• The Million Dollar Hotel
• Mulholland Falls
• One From the Heart
• Poltergeist III
• The Presidio
• The Program
• The Rage - Carrie 2
• Runaway Bride
• Sleepover
• Switchback
• Syriana
• Trading Mom
• Ulee's Gold
• Wayne's World
• W.
Reader Comments (22)
Who isn't in love with Jake Lacy?
"Their Finest Hour" is very old fashion movie but Pine looks great wet.
Poltergeist III is the scariest movie I ever saw theatrically.
I love "Six Degrees of Separation" - an absolutely divine part for Stockard Channing, and great performances from Donald Sutherland and Will Smith. I appreciated Kandinsky's paintings even more after seeing this film. "Chaos, Control, Chaos, Control..."
Saw How to Be Single on the plane recently and yeah you're right. I wish Jake Lacy and Leslie Mann's relationship had been the entire film to be honest. SIGH.
I am so grateful that Stockard Channing has at least once been nominated for an Oscar.
Sissy Spacek is just ageless; she basically still looks the same now as in Carrie.
The muddy make out session in Apocalypse Now is the most fucked up thing in that movie and that's saying something.
@tyler - Therese Belivet wasn't.
I really need to find someone who will trade me their Amazon prime for my Hulu.
Also, Appropriate Behaviour is on HBOGO, for those needing their Iranian bisexual comedy fix.
I love Stockard Channing. Six Degrees of Separation is brilliant and somehow quite unknown.
Mojo -- that's such a funny movie!
I purchase DVD's as well as stream.
Today I purchased the Parks and Recreation Box Set and Carol.
American Netflix sounds way more exciting than Australian Netflix, but I still manage to find something to watch on the latter.
"How much of your life can you account for?!" Stockard Channing in Six Degrees of Separation is a wonder.
Some time around the film's release Premiere did a profile on Will Smith in which he explained that Denzel Washington admonished him not to kiss a man on screen, presumably because of the ramifications it would have on his career as a black actor. That was during the time during which it still was considered "brave" even for straight white actors to take on gay roles, so I don't put a lot on it as a reflection of Washington's character. However, I wonder how his advice would be different for a young performer of color today (Smith was just breaking into movies at the time).
Apart from the make up and Hammer's terrible work I think Leo is v strong here,it's most of the other stuff that let him down inc the ladies Watts and Dench,give him a break.
Stockard Channing is unbelievable in that film. What a magnificent part and she does it such justice. I always forget how much I love the film, but caught it again on television recently and was blown away yet again.
I must see Six Degrees of Separation. I have a feeling I'm going to like it.
And I agree, 1993 was such a good Best Actresd year.
I mostly buy Blu-rays (though not many at present, as I have a number still to watch) but I do sons streaming too - mostly Amazon and Netflix.
Jake Lacy is kind of...bland? He does play the boyfriend in everything I've seen him in and it's a little much now. I know I saw him in Girls, Obvious Child, Carol, etc but can't remember a thing about him in any of them. I'm not seeing that variation.
That J Edgar drinking game doesn't sound so much like a game, but more like 2+ hours of straight chugging, even if just you follow rule #1!
I can't believe Bob Ross is on Netflix now.
@mark - I have a feeling this is an unpopular opinion but I remember thinking Hammer was actually kinda good in J. Edgar, despite the material and old-age makeup he had to work with.
Spacek looks so lovely in that photo. It's almost jarring that it came from that moment in that movie.
72 cutest animals! I wanna see it! X3
Nat, did you ever made a list of 72 cutest movie animals? I'm sure it's worth a thought at least. 8)
I just dislike how overlooked Leo's work is.the scorn,he is helping the film tremendously and should have gotten nominated..
I like DiCaprio more than most do on here but he definitely shouldn't have been nominated for J. Edgar.
Mark & Laura -- yeah, way outclassed that year by other people. (of course i'm on the side of he was actually pretty terrible in the movie -- that voice!-- but even if you accept that he's good there's much more challenging effective work that year to include him in a list of 5)
sonja -- because of your comment i realized i hadn't noticed it when i typed this list and now i've gone and watched an episode and want a ring-tailed baby lemur SO BAD
Yes the voice grates,I just think he is really committed.
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