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Beauty Break: World Lion Day

Today is World Lion Day so let's gaze at those utterly majestic felines posing with actors and actresses because it's an excuse to honor them. A beauty break gallery after the jump featuring Kirsten Dunst, Joanna Lumley, Buster Crabbe, Gregory Peck, Cara Delevigne and more...

Tippi Hedren with her pet lion "Neil" in the 1970s

Julianne posing with cubs for Bulgari

Greta Garbo doesn't look too happy to be posing with MGM's lionGregory Peck and Sophia Loren with a young'un



Melanie Griffith as a teenager with mom's pet lion "Neil"Tippi & Neil reading the morning paper

Cara Delevigne with cub

Gloria Swanson pretending to be dead on the set of a DeMille film with a live lion as co-star



Marc Singer as Beastmaster (1982) and Tanya Roberts as Sheena, Queen of the Jungle (1984). Anyone remember these movies?



The MGM Logo through the years.

and let's end with Kirsten Dunst getting friendly with a lion (remember that Bulgari ad?) with a bunch of oohing on the soundtrack (although you can see from this behind the scenes footage that Kiki was never actually with the lion but posed with a fake one before he arrived)


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Reader Comments (13)

Beauty break indeed. That shot of Julianne Moore still gives me chills. Stunning.

August 10, 2016 | Unregistered Commentersfenton24

Yeah haha I dunno about all that Brandon. But no judgment here, all the power to ya!

How about.. Let's celebrate the fierce roar in our souls when we encounter the majestic wonderment of leaping into a great movie, when we see the lovely lionesses of the big screen, when we learn a little, laugh a little, cry a little, even, just maybe.. when we purr a little. ;)

August 10, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterT-Bone

Lions are not props for fashion. And shut your mouth, Julianne.

August 10, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAngelina

Julianne what a great photo. The others were pretty good too.

August 10, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterLadyEdith

This blog has to be one of the UH" Strangest!!!

August 10, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterrick

Julianne looked great. I definitely remember "Sheena" as it's one of the rare PG movies to show full-frontal nudity from a woman and a fine woman that was Tanya Roberts.

August 10, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterSteven

Does anyone remember Beastmaster? Um...

August 10, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Outlaw

rick -- what do you mean UH" Strangest?

August 10, 2016 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R


OMG !!! for a minute I thought I had lost my mind... but look at the 1st and 2nd writers here and notice that the T-Bone blog says" I don't know about that Brandon"...
There were at least 4 paragraphs or more stating parts of the Bible about lions, etc from a blogger named Brandon ...

Now ... how could that disappear without you seeing it??? or both T-Bone and I are crazy!!!!!!!

August 10, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterrick

thank you for noticing Angelina. it does not matter how "fabulous" they look with them, lions are not decorations. just like LGBT people are not sex-crazed deviants who make straight people look more pure/normal, black people are not props for white people's entertainment, women are not open mouths for the long dick of the male gaze- animals are NOT fuel for our happiness. we've already done a bang up job destroying their world, the LEAST we can do is have the respect to let the ones who aren't ridiculously domesticated lick their genitals in peace.

that said; julianne moore really does look fabulous, damn, damn damn.

August 11, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterkris

Human A: We can't eat lions...what are we supposed to do with them?

Human B: I dunno...zoos, photo shoots, movies, have them by the pool...

August 11, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterJames T

rick -- oh i deleted it. I'm done warning people. if something is wayyyyyyyy off topic and rude or offensive or just spam trolling, i'll delete it if i see it. But no you weren't imagining it. He was just telling me (us?) that we'll all burn in hellfire or something. whatevs.

August 11, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterNATHANIEL R

Thank you ...

August 11, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterrick
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