RIP Kenny Baker (1934 - 2016)

Kenny Baker, the actor inside R2-D2 in each of the Star Wars films, has passed away at 81. Share your favorite R2-D2 moments and insights in the comments.
Kenny Baker,
Star Wars

Reader Comments (4)
My favorite R2 moment is in The Empire Strikes Back where he is in the Falcon and annoying the hell out of C-3PO about the hyperdrive and R2 fixes it and then falls into the hole where 3PO goes "you did it". He is my favorite character. I also love Kenny for Time Bandits which is a film everyone should see. At least it is fitting that there is someone that will take on the mantle to play R2 in Jimmy Vee as Kenny at least found someone to keep that character alive. Thank you Kenny.
R2 is the secret hero of the Star Wars movies. While Threepio is whining and freaking out, R2 marches straight into danger, fixes up the ships, rescues them from trash compactors, randomly wakes up to inform the crew where Luke Skywalker is. And his sound effects are totally adorable. Truly one of the great supporting characters in pop cinema.
I still have a remote control R2D2 toy. I think it was from the Empire Strikes Back, but it could very well be from the original Star Wars. And no, it does not work (no remote control). But I had a lot of fun playing with it
He was the droid I was looking for