Links: Marnie, Pokemon, The Tempest, Emmys, and Squad Goals

MTV test your knowledge - is this person Miles Teller or Ansel Elgort?
Forbes very positive piece on Suicide Squad's success. But what about the fact that it's a terrible movie and terrible movies aren't good for movie culture or franchise futures?
MNPP Gratuitous Robert Redford for his 80th birthday
EW Catherine Zeta Jones joining the Feud miniseries. She'll play Olivia de Havilland
Comics Alliance Well we should have known this was coming. There's going to be a live-action Pokemon movie. Nicole Perlman, the Guardians of the Galaxy screenwriter is co-penning
Variety oops. a poster for Denis Villeneuve's Arrival has accidentally stirred up political trouble in Hong Kong
MNPP's favorite movies of 1984
We Got This Covered Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon will reteam after Big Little Lies for a movie called Truly Madly Guilty, based on another best-selling love by Liane Moriarty -- I guess they all really liked each other!
Variety Lion starring Dev Patel and Nicole Kidman will be the centerpiece at the London Film Festival this fall
Tracking Board Marvel sure its spreading itself thin. Now Hulu will be making a Marvel series with Runaways. So that means they've got shows/deals with Netflix, Hulu, Freeform, ABC, and Disney.
Variety Speaking of spreading yourself thin: Lin-Manuel Miranda will write new songs for The Little Mermaid live-action remake. I love Miranda but that seems like a strange fit to me, given that The Little Mermaid's songs are so old school Broadway musical flavored
/Film why we shouldn't expect to see sequels from Laika. (Sigh. I would proclaim this as great news but we once thought Pixar wouldn't be defeated by regurgitation and we were wrong.)
Coming Soon Natalie Portman says she's done with Marvel movies
Playbill a mostly nude female production of The Tempest is playing this summers in Brooklyn's Prospect Park. For free. I bet it's better than the Julie Taymor version with Helen Mirren!
Good Morning America Amy Schumer explains how she got Goldie Hawn out of retirement for her new film
New Yorker Richard Brody argues that Marnie, not Vertigo, is the film we should look to in regards to encapsulating Hitchcock's career...
The greatness of Hitchcock’s artistry, the musical sublimity of his images and the emotional power of his stories, isn’t separable from his carnality—rather, his greatness depends upon the worst and most bestial aspects of his character. Without them, he’d be the artisan of cinematic cuckoo clocks, and what’s all too often celebrated in the name of Hitchcock mania is precisely an abstracted craft that’s isolated from its source of power, from its dynamic principle, from its raison d’être.
Variety Creative Arts Emmys will be split into two pre Emmys awards ceremonies
Vulture an extremely choice interview with RuPaul on his first Emmy nomination and everything being political... including politics.
For Fun
Death and Taxes a kitty cat who really hates Donald Trump
Ageist six secrets to outmaneuvering ageism and living your best life
Towleroad "Greco-Roman wrestling at the Olympics is everything we wanted and more"
Towleroad Pole vaulter defeated by his own pole -- oh, I'm sorry this one isn't "fun" but painful to watch
Reader Comments (8)
Reese to the rescue. Keeping Kidman at the forefront. It worked for getting Dern her long overdue sophomore nomination.
Zeta-Jones joining the triple crown through Ryan Murphy? Hathaway is only a Tony away. She's made for Broadway more so than any other medium.
I have a lot of friends in the nudie Tempest! It's a great show, everyone in NYC go see it!
Happy birthday, Robert Redford! Hope you stay healthy and involved in film for a long time.
I still prefer Vertigo, but the argument for Marnie is legit.
I loved the book Big Little Lies... I hope HBO did the casting well and didn't screw it up...
I love Laika, but the reason they'll never make sequels is because their movies don't make enough money. I'm sure if PARANORMAN had made $200mil, they could be *convinced* to make a sequel. Alas..
Glenn Dunks: It's absolutely a shame that they weren't bigger out of the gate. Their budgets haven't increased (which, accounting for inflation, means extremely small, imperceptible drops), but Coraline barely broke even and the other two flopped. And because stop motion, in particular, probably only draws animation hardcores, they could have made these with voice actor only casts (I get Coraline hiring it's very starry cast out of the gate, but what is a studio that has twice proved they're struggling doing hiring Simon Pegg and Ben Kingsley, among others, for The Boxtrolls? Or again with the starry cast for Kubo? The racial implications are bad enough, but the budget shenanigans of keeping on with this is stupid.), likely shaved the budgets down a third ($109 million on a $40 million budget is a modest success, $109 million on a $60 million budget hasn't even arguably broke even), and made modest profits. I don't LIKE having to watch Laika die, even if I wasn't wild on The Boxtrolls, (and let's be clear, consistent results of $100-110 million on $60 million budgets is a dying company), but if grosses don't pick up and Hollywood's culture refuses to allow them to go voice actor only (like Laura Bailey or Troy Baker in major roles kind of "voice actor only"), dying is what they're going to do.
Marnie is much funnier than High Anxiety!