London "Angels In America" Revival Coming to Cinemas!

Chris here, reminding you about an important revival coming across the pond. Tony Kushner's beloved Angels in America is getting a new production in London this spring, with probable Hacksaw Ridge Oscar nominee Andrew Garfield. But wait - it's also coming to cinemas!
The National Theatre production will be broadcast this summer with Part 1 on July 20 and Part 2 on July 21. Garfield will play Prior Walter, but he's not the only star power in the production. Joining him will be Russell Tovey and Nathan Lane as Joe Pitt and Roy Cohn, respectively. All of this casting feels slightly off for my Angels-obsessive mind, but that's not enough to diminish my excitement! Here's a first look at the cast, which also includes James McArdle and Denise Gough:
The National Theatre has had several productions shown in cinemas, such as War Horse and Helen Mirren in The Audience. Have you seen any broadcast theatre productions on the big screen?
Reader Comments (23)
I saw the Young Vic's A View from the Bridge in theatres and it was superb. Mark Strong's electrifying performance and Ivo Van Hove's superb direction was such a thrill to watch and it translated beautifully to screen. It really didn't feel 'theatrical' at all, particularly Strong, who would've easily made my Best Actor line-up had it truly been a 'film.'
My crush on Andrew Garfield grows. Thought he was superb in Silence (and would rather his Oscar nod come for that - Hacksaw was better in the second half). Plus all those male on male smooches as of late...
To be perfectly honest, I'm not crazy about the cast.
I'll be trying for tickets in London (they go on sale this week). I'm dubious about Tovey in that role, but Denise Gough is beloved over here by anyone who saw People, Places and Things last year, so very excited to see what she does with the role.
In that format, I've seen "A View From the Bridge" with Mark Strong, "One Man, Two Guvners" with James Corden, and "Hamlet" with Benedict Cumberbatch. All worth seeing, and I agree with Andrew about Mark Strong. A heart-breaking performance.
I am so upset I won't be in London to see it in person, but the cinema experience will be the next best thing.
These are so common in Australia that is amusing to see Americans consider it news. I'm definitely going to try and see it in cinemas though.
I wish such productions were more often available like this - but I'm really not into the casting of Tovey and Lane in those roles. But given what it is, and Garfield, I may still see it,
I saw NT Live's A View from the Bridge, too. Just, terrific!
Okay, so who's the guy second from the right and what role is he playing?
Paul -- That's James McArdle who does a lot of stage work. But i can't find a cast list *with* the names of characters. But i would assume he would have to be playing Joe Pitt (given that we know who some of the others are playing) OOPS that's not right because that's who Russel Tovey is playing. So... I guess Louis?
Tovey's playing Joe Pitt, according to the post. Please do not tell me McArdle's playing Belize.
I've seen a few theatre productions on the big screen more recently Branagh's Romeo and Juliet. I also remembered seeing NT's production of Coriolanus starring Tom Hiddleston. Keep 'em coming!
Glenn - it's common here too, but Angels in America is always news ;)
Recently saw The Entertainer w Kenneth Branagh and Greta Scacchi. Not ideal compared to REAL LIVE theater, but an affordable, better-than-nothing alternative. Particularly since some of these productions are amazing. Wish Broadway and Off-Broadway producers would consider this format more often. Not everyone can get to NYC (or even buy tickets due to price, lack of availability, etc.) and therefore miss great performances.
Nathan Lane is such outside-the-box casting for Roy Cohn that I can't help but be excited and scared.
I've never liked Nathan Lane (he strikes me as narcissistic - both as an actor and person) and something about Tovey has always stuck in my craw too. So I dunno, can't get excited about this. Yet.
@ Rob & Austin
I used to be meh on Lane myself, but ever since the combination of his Hickey (The Iceman Cometh), Pepper (Modern Family), Clarke (The Good Wife) and F. Lee Bailey (People vs OJ), I'm convinced he can do anything.
@ Paul Outlaw
Belize is played by Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (star of a couple of U.K. TV shows and heartbreaking in The Comedian).
I don't really buy Tovey as Joe either but we'll see...
I think Lane is fantastically talented and generally is able, single-handedly, to elevate a production (see: the current revival of The Front Page). He's the type of theatre actor that used to fill our stages but now has dwindled down to few examples. But that being said, he nowadays often does productions where he rests on his tried-and-tested schtick (see: the current revival of The Front Page). He's been breaking out of that mold, like in The Iceman Cometh, but I think playing Roy Cohn will be a major shift for him.
I also saw A View From the Bridge and agree Mark Strong was very good and the play managed to feel cinematical even in Van Hove's reduced and minimalistic stage.
Russell Tobey and Andrew Garflied yes!