
Awards Daily Jazz interviews Ali Fazal of Victoria & Abdul
Variety Rock star Tom Petty was reported dead today but reports may have been premature. Story developing but sounds dire
Coming Soon M Night Shyamalan's sequel to Unbreakable starring Samuel L Jackson and called Glass is now shooting
/Film Charlies Angels, a property which never truly dies but keeps trying to find new relevance, is trying again. They're talking up Lupita Nyong'o and Kristen Stewart for leading roles. Kristen's been doing amazing work lately but she is 100% wrong for Charlie's Angels which needs exuberant pop flair when she's all minimalist / sober as an actor. WTH?
Decider surprise! Gerald's Game, a Stephen King adaptation for Netflix starring Carla Gugino, is good
Coming Soon Daniel Dae Kim's stunt training for the Hellboy reboot
/Film Hocus Pocus moves forward as a TV movie remake - none of the original actors or filmmaking team are involved
David Poland on Blade Runner 2049 with no spoilers "It is Aliens to Alien" ... whoa, that's high praise
Billboard composer Danny Elfman interviewed about Superman's iconic theme (redeployed for Justice League) and his long collaboration with Gus Van Sant
Playbill Judy Garland's final concert, restored/remastered from 1969 will be released for the first time
i09 on why you should be watching the Exorcist TV series, back for Season 2
/Film Amazon still has a lot of work to do to catch up with Netflix and Hulu but they're diving into the sci-fi genre big time
stage of screen
Playbill a new musical version of Roald Dahl's The Witches (previously dramatizes wonderfully with Anjelica Huston as the High Witch in the 1990 film) coming to the National Theater of London
Gothamist more on the Pretty Woman musical coming to Broadway
Playbill the Mean Girls marquee is up on Broadway now. It's not just on Wednesdays when it's pink
funny haha
Electric Literature what 7 classic literary characters' dick pics would look like from Atticus Finch to Jay Gatsby (p.s. this is actually safe for work so go ahead and click if you're at your place of employment)
Reader Comments (12)
@Nathaniel; what are your thoughts on Unbreakable? I liked it fine, it was a little dull, but I appreciated a superhero movie that wasnt just about who Batman is punching this week.
Wow, I actually think Lupita and Kristen are such inspired, off the wall choices. I see a really cool, post-modern Charlie's Angels happening with them. Very HBO...lol.
I wonder who would join them.
Gee a Davis was in the first season of that Excorcist show ? How did I miss that!
My goodness, I love Anjelica Huston and Mai Zetterling so much in the movie version of The Witches - each radiate evil/warmth respectively in every scene.
They'll need pretty commanding actresses to try and match those performances!
Carla Gugino is a godess
kris: I'd agree Unbreakable is interesting. I'm going to share what I think the biggest adaptation problem is with The Dark Knight: At multiple times, Commissioner Gordon gives these fawning paeans to Batman's awesomeness to his son, setting up this movie doing their version of Batman: Year One's bridge scene. Not only is it a really bad adaptation choice that Nolan's priorities are so skewed that he ISN'T having these kinds of moments be between Gordon and the daughter they establish exists (y'know, the future Batgirl? So the speeches have extra resonance and foreshadowing due to who they're being addressed to?), but, hilariously, the comics turned the character he is talking to at these moments into a boring no frills serial killer character. A walking punchline for "lamest villain that beat you" banter.
Co-Sign the brilliance of Gerald's Game, which I just saw last night. I've long since considered the book to be his most underrated with probably the scariest sequence I've ever read in any horror novel. As far as King movie adaptations go, it's a cut above the rest. There might be a few lapses in judgement/execution (what film,especially a horror film,hasn't?).But I will say that Carla Gugino and Bruce Greenwood are absolutely stellar in the film. Powerhouse performances.
I love Carla Gugino and I hope one day she could enjoy some Oscar buzz
This morning i didn't even know a Gerald's Game adaptation was actually being made, and thanks to your article i watched it tonight.
I just couldn't believe how good it was : the script was really smart (even if the very end is a bit too much), the direction was strong but the acting was the most surprising. I always liked to see Gugino on screen but here she really gets her chance to shine and she reaaaaally does. What an incredible performance ! And the ever relatable Bruce Greenwood is ideal as Gerald.
The question remains : as a Netflix release, is it considered a Feature Film or a TV Movie ? I mean, Gugino couldn't dream of an Oscar nom for a Netflix horror flick, but maybe in the "Mini-Series or Movie" Golden Globe or SAG categories ?
Mike Flanagan who directed "Gerald's Game" knows how to create terror and suspense just take a look at his first film "Absentia"(2011)
Pretty Woman musical? WTF, I feel sick. However, I can get on board with Mean Girls the Musical, esp since Tina Fey and her musical hubby are part of the creative team. A similar film, Legally Blonde, worked pretty well in that format.
Wow, another Stephen King TV adaptation? The guy must be rolling in it. 11.22.63 for Hulu was good, not so much Bag of Bones. Really looking forward to this new one, but honestly, Netflix, can you just slow down with the new releases? I can't keep up.
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