La Pfeiffer Set Photos + Superhero Fever Running Amok

by Nathaniel R
we're pretending this is a script Pfeiffer is about to sign on to -- may the RePfeiffal continue!
Michelle has been spotted filming what appear to be 80s flashbacks on the set of Marvel's Ant Man and the Wasp (July 6th, 2018). We had assumed her role was meant to be a sudden reveal that she's still alive but perhaps it's only retro scenes? Michael Douglas was also on set. They're wearing strange dots on their faces (which are hard to tell in these images) but which indicate that they'll be de-aged later via CGI (like Robert Downey Jr in that Avengers Ultron hologram scene).
Michelle doesn't need any computer help to look unfathomably gorgeous or younger than her years (the woman turns 60 (!) in April. I mean...) but she'd have to be 1980s young for these scenes, hence computer help...
Still it's going to be weird for us to see her young self again in modern context having first fallen for her when she turned to the camera in moonlight in Ladyhawke (1985).
It's worth noting that the studios will continue to test how much superhero action people can take at once -- daring the bubble to burst. Consider what's happening in the next two years.
Nov 3rd, 2017 (Marvel) Thor Ragnarok
Nov 17th, 2017 (WB) Justice League
Feb 16th, 2018 (Marvel) Black Panther
April 13th, 2018 (Fox) New Mutants
May 4th, 2018 (Marvel) The Avengers: Infinity War
June 1st, 2018 (Fox) Deadpool 2
June 15th, 2018 (Pixar) The Incredibles 2
July 6th, 2018 (Marvel) Ant Man and the Wasp
Nov 2nd, 2018 (Fox) X-Men Dark Phoenix
Dec 21st, 2018 (WB) Aquaman
March 2, 2019 (Marvel) Captain Marvel
April 5th, 2019 (WB) Shazam!
May 3rd, 2019 (Marvel) Avengers 4... supposedly the "culmination" of the Marvel Cinematic Universe whatever that means because it's clear they won't be killing this cash cow until the films start failing...
July 5th, 2019 (Marvel/Sony) Spider-Man Sequel
Dec 13th, 2019 (WB) Wonder Woman
(Interesting that amidst all this Marvel still doesn't seem interested in a Doctor Strange sequel or a first time Black Widow movie.)
PLUS supposedly three more movies within this time frame -- an animated Spider-Man movie, a live action Venom movie, and a Suicide Squad sequel but none sound far enough along to actually make supposed 2018 or even 2019 dates given the long production demands of visual fx pictures. AND on the small screen there are *at least* 18 television series currently running or returning or beginning in the same time frame: Marvel's Inhumans, Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, The Punish, Daredevil, Luke Cage, The Flash, Supergirl, The Gifted, Legends of Tomorrow, Arrow, Runaways, Black Lightning, Cloak and Dagger, Marvel's New Warriors, Legion, and Preacher but bound to be more given TV's eager pilots and the ever replicating streaming services trying to get a piece of the pie.
Reader Comments (3)
I hope one of these comeback roles connects with audiences. mother! was not seen by very many people, and I hope for the best with the generic looking MOTOE. It's good she is getting cast, but I am not sensing any heat (yet).
Someone should explain to WB that putting the Shazam movie out a month after Captain Marvel is a really bad idea.
She's alive, don't worry. Her shape can be seen in the first movie when Scott goes subatomic.