Would You Rather

Time for a favorite celebrity social media game. Pictures after the jump to help you decide your answer.
Would you rather...
... go to Disneyland with Michelle Dockery?
...snuggle with Bianca Del Rio & Latrice Royale?
...smush faces with Juliette Lewis & Alicia Silverstone?
...or pay homage to George Takei with Westworld's Leonardo Nam?
Reader Comments (8)
Juliette and Alicia always!
That was the pairing I didn't know I needed but now can't live without.
I am so happy to see Michelle Dockery having fun after her fiance's death last year. Wish her star is going to be bigger.
alicia silverstone turned into helen hunt so gradually i barely even noticed...
michelle dockery for the win for having the username theladydockers
Leonardo cleans up nice! I'll take all of the above.
Go to Disneyland with Michelle Dockery.
Snuggle! Latrice & Bianca would be just too much fun!
I would ANYTHING for the ALWAYS brilliant Juliette Lewis!
Juliette Lewis, but only her. Wouldn't get near that batshit crazy anti-vax lady Silverstone (speaking as a parent and a member of the human race who does not want to contract diphtheria, or mumps, or smallpox).