Links: Colossal's Trailer, Moana's Brothers, Namor's Rights

Coming Soon Colossal, that kaiju movie starring Anne Hathaway that we told you about at least year's TIFF is coming out this year and it has such a cute poster (pictured left) and the trailer is also here.
Deadline good interview with Octavia Spencer on why she did Hidden Figures and diversity in film
Coming Soon here's a super duper strange news item. Kenneth Lonergan is writing an miniseries adaptation of Howards End to star Hayley Atwell. Never mind that there's zero chance of improving on Merchant & Ivory's 1992 masterpiece!
Variety what does the Academy look for in an Original Song nominee and winner?
Tracking Board what makes a TV pilot script a success?
In Contention profiles former sound mixing partners nominated against each other for the first time for Hacksaw Ridge and 13 Hours
THR an anonymous source talks about the lack of shame in Hollywood around the gender imbalance in the director's chair
MNPP pays tribute to sexy German actor Clemens Schick
/Film the Jurassic World sequel has started production
Playbill a deleted scene from Moana - she had many brothers in an original draft
Playbill Fathom Events is showing the filmed movie of Disney's Broadway version of Newsies starring Jeremy Jordan today (and a couple of other dates within the next week)
Coming Soon I didn't think I could want to see Suicide Squad 2 any less than I already did. I was wrong. Mel Gibson is in talks to direct
/Film the latest rumor has it that Marvel Studios is secretly working on a Namor film. I don't believe this one personally because since Namor is a mutant I assume his right are locked up with Fox (though the article mentions they were once with Universal). Fox owns most of the mutant characters due to their extensive X-Men contract and even if Namor doesn't fall under that (since he's rarely thought of as an X-Universe character he is much more closely associated with Fantastic Four which Fox also owns.
Film School Rejects a call for more wangs on screen -- and this from a straight dude so everyone is noticing that they refuse to show 'em - even in sex movies like 50 Shades
Variety the hilarious Constance Wu (Fresh Off the Boat) is in talks to headline a new romantic comedy called Crazy Rich Asians
Reader Comments (15)
Beautiful poster. Can't wait for posterized to return.
The Lonergan news make no sense at all. After years of obscurity, is he really going to spend his post-Manchester credit with a remake of the close-to-perfection Howards End? What a waste of time.
I've seen Newsies twice on its national tour and I'm seeing it again tonight. Obviously I'm a huge fan. Sometimes I feel like I live in the wrong part of the country. Yeah I see a lot of tours come to cities near me and I did get the opportunity to see an out of town tryout in Berkeley for Amelie, but I wish I lived in New York and had a ridiculously expendable income to see more all of the interesting theatre that gets done there. Oh well, at least California has perks I'm happy with.
Nat: Eh, I don't think Gibson's a "bad director" so much as an okay to good director that has chosen a couple theoretically interesting subjects that his approach to gore (I can't imagine Hacksaw Ridge NOT being a worse movie than Apocalypto) has turned into pure plated dissonant cinema. Suicide Squad 2? So long as they let him make it R-rated, don't pass it over to a trailer house and are still going forward with the DCXU thing when he's ready to start (which...I'm still hoping, overall, that that's touch and go), could be at least good and the best thing they EVER produce. Probably not great (it's still Mel Gibson we're talking about), but not dissonant trash or a movie tanked by bad writing and ESPECIALLY bad editing.
Am I missing something from that Film School Rejects article? We rarely see vaginas on screen either, and when we do, they're usually covered by a merkin. One of the main reasons there's an imbalance in film nudity among the sexes (besides the male gaze) is that women have breasts and men don't.
Gibson could bring just the kind of gonzo energy that franchise needs. That said, I purposefully skipped the first Suicide film and haven't been in a rush to see Hacksaw Ridge, so I'm probably not the best person to speak in defense of the hypothetical sequel.
Colossal looks like my kind of hot mess.
don't mean to be a troll but is the howards end miniseries news that super duper strange? british movies get miniseries remakes all the time
I'm all for Constance Wu to be a big freaking star. So YES PLEASE.
Colossal looks so fucking awesome. I'm glad Anne is doing something this weird.
I agree with others here. Gibson would be a get for than franchise.
I don't get why he'd agree to it but totally get why they'd want him.
Maybe most actors don't feel comfortable showing their junk onscreen? Why always make a big fuss about everything? I don't expect actresses to necessarily take their kit off so why would I ewpevtmen to do it? Freedom of choice for all. Being an actor does not mean being owned by the public.
Geez, that THR piece is depressing.
What am I missing about Howard's End? In my quest to watch all best actress winners, I finally suffered through it a few weeks ago. While I LOVE Emma (and Sir Hopkins, and Helena, and Vanessa), OH MY GOD was that movie boring! Literally nothing happened, I couldn't describe the plot if a gun were pressed to my head. Those stuffy ruminations on the daily banalities of rich white people just don't do it for me I suppose (I also was bored to absolute tears by Love and Friendship, though I adore both Chloe and Kate and was so looking forward to it as a huge fan of The Last Days of Disco). Long story short, sad to say, I'd rate Emma's 1992 Best Actress Oscar win as the 3rd worst of my lifetime* (b. 1981), just edging out (and only in principle, certainly not entertainment value) JLaw's WAAAAY premature win for a dud of a role and Sarandon's unthinkable victory over Shue in what is (in my definitive and fiery Sagittarian opinion, anyway) the greatest travesty in Oscar history (colored significantly by my utter disdain for Sarandon's political hysterics of the past year and her cheering on a Trump presidency. Not sure I'll even be able to watch the otherwise super-appealing Feud as I despise her so deeply).
*caveat- I have not seen The Blind Side (I have my dignity)
Constance Wu is great on "Fresh off the Boat", as is Randall Park; another sitcom like "Everyone
Hates Chris" where the initial draw is the famous creature-as-child, but the real draw is the parents.
re: Colossal... checking out Vigalondo's career so far...
7:35 de la mañana (Oscar nominee for Short Film) ***** / A
Los Cronocrímenes (Time Crimes) ***** / A
Extraterrestrial **** 1/2 / B+
Open Windows **** / B
So yeah, I'm completely interested in whatever one of the most original and interesting auteurs int the world has to offer. Even if it is flawed, it would be more interesting than 99% of the years offerings.
The Namor deal came way before the character started hanging with the X-Men and despite his previous close ties with the Fantastic Four, the character had a solo deal with Universal. That should've expired by now.