Podcast: Oscar Afterglow... or is that Sleep Deprivation?

Katey phones in from Los Angeles to talk Oscar night with Nathaniel and Joe in New York and Nick in Chicago. What a crazy night that was, huh? Some of us didn't sleep much. We talk about that shocking messy finale, the history-making decision to name Moonlight Best Picture, debate which celebrity was having the most fun on the big night, judge the musical performances, name the craft wins we were confused by, and answer the age old question: junior mints or twizzlers?
You can listen to the podcast here at the bottom of the post or download from iTunes. Continue the conversations in the comments, won't you?
P.S. The podcast will return at the end of the month for a new season. If we get a few more patron saints this week I'll buy a professional mic.
Reader Comments (13)
I've been a fan of Ruth Negga since the show Misfits, so I too totally remember her being in the best part of World War Z. I don't know if people remember this, but the story behind her being in World War Z is that she shot scenes for 12 Years A Slave (that were cut in post), and Brad Pitt liked her so much he asked her to come on board for WWZ reshoots.
@Will: !!!!!!!!! I had no idea!!
Moonlight's win will age extremely well. We've had great Best Picture winners for 4 years going now!
PS Tell Nick it's never too late to publish his Fifties!
This is the fourth year in a row that Best Picture was my top film of the year. What is happening!!
The Moana song is only two thirds of a song anyway (where's the bridge!?), so makes sense they wouldn't cut that one any shorter for the Oscars.
They were eating Red Vines not Twizzlers.
And with that, I can close the book on 2016. Thanks for all the coverage. All hail Moonlight. So say we all.
This is the first time in my life I've witnessed my #1 film of the year win Best Picture!
I also frantically searched for my tweet on nomination morning predicting La La Land winning the most and Moonlight winning Supporting Actor, Adapted Screenplay, and Picture.
This was the one of the rare times this decade when I didn't agree with the critical consensus and loved the frontrunner... and they end up giving it to the former! They couldn't have done that with Tree of Life or The Social Network or Boyhood or Mad Max/Carol? ARGGGHHHHH!
This was also going to be the first time since 2003 that my favourite film of the year would've won Best Picture - but it didn't turn out that way. I don't want to take away anything from Moonlight's win, I respect the film a great deal even if I don't love it (it's more Top 20 for me instead of the very best) - I would never have imagined a film like that winning. Ever. I can only imagine what I would've felt if it was my favourite - so I'm happy for all the fans!
HOWEVER,one thing that saddens me is that La La Land would've become the first BP winner this decade with at least one Leading actress role (we've had NONE so far... ZERO!). The Academy has really regressed in those terms (part of this is an Industry issue, but the past decades have been much stronger with regards to this stat).
2010s: None (so far) - the only ones that came close were La La Land and Gravity
2000s: 2 (Chicago, Million Dollar Baby)
1990s: 5 (The Silence of the Lambs, The English Patient, Titanic, Shakespeare in Love, American Beauty)
1980s: 4 (Ordinary People, Terms of Endearment, Out of Africa, Driving Miss Daisy)
Somehow it looks like the more traditional "Oscar bait" eras resulted in more films with big female roles being honoured!
Glad to hear your amiable chatter and post Oscar night opinions. Also, Nathaniel please continue to take a break on Oscar night & actually enjoy the evening. That's the right way to end the season. cheers & thanks for all the coverage.
sid -- while i agree with your evidence that there is less and less honoring of female driven pictures, I'm not sure I agree that it's based on recent developments in Academy rules (like the expansion) or 'Oscar bait'... it's been a continual slide downward since the 1970s... so there are a lot of forces in play here that don't like honoring female stories. Not sure what happened to men (who have always had the majority in the Academy and still do) that they once cared about female stories and don't any longer...
i would sure love it if we could figure out how to change this though and start valuing women like society values men.
I was giggling out loud as I walked through the city listening to the four of you debrief and crack jokes and relive the madness. Great fun—and a fabulous end to an exciting season. Go Team!
Yay! I've been waiting for this podcast.
And I second Nick posting the fifties or even just his year-end thoughts on performances and nominees, like he did for last year's Oscars.