Teasing "The Last Jedi"

Click to see the poster largeStar Wars: The Last Jedi opens this December to once again hog all the media attention and all the box office and probably 3 or so Oscar nominations, too. (Here is the new poster to the left.)
The hilariously drama queen thing about the title and Luke Skywalker's pronouncement at the end of the new teaser is that we (i.e. everyone on the planet with any sense) know there will never be a "last" Jedi. Not with literally billions to be made every single year from milking this franchise until no one cares anymore ... an event that surely won't occur in our lifetimes.
Exhausting as it can be sometimes to live inside a film culture that wants the exact same things annually: two Marvels, two DCs scattered from spring to Fall, a Star Wars movie each Christmas, at least 15 concurrent bi-annual franchises and a few ever-discussed franchises that are infrequent (James Bond for one), Disney has done a bang-up job stoking the fire for annual Star Wars adventures, a fire that would burn bright without any stoking whatsoever!
But they stoke well you must admit. Here is the excellent teaser for The Last Jedi, which is mostly focused on Luke and Rey with a few key shots reminding us of the other players.
What'cha think?
Reader Comments (8)
Looks fantastic...does anyone know if Disney is in the black with their purchase of Lucasfilm? Has that been reported on?
This. Looks. Awesome.
But what I wouldn't give for their marketing department to stop here. A proper tease, and then let the film all feel fresh. We're gonna see it, Disney. No need to sell the thing.
After the outrageous Episode VII, Gareth Edwards did redeem the franchise with 3,5 - Rogue. Johnson... I did like "Looper", but I am not fully convinced he's the right one for a Star Wars film... so far, my rank of the 8 films...
1. V
2. 3.5
3. IV
4. III
5. VI
6. II
7. I
8. VII
so, proceeding with caution on VIII, and certainly not trusting the reviews, which praised the dumb, unimaginative and contradictory VII
SQUEE!!!! /10 year old me
Should we assume that's, sob, Princess Leia from the back in the Cloud City hair style?
It looks fantastic. Fully on board with no other trailers until Christmas.
It looks a more serious Oscar play trailer than a fun time at the movies.
Devin D -- i so agree... but i'm guessing we get at least two more trailers that give a lot away.
I think that even though the movie will probably underwhelm, when I watch the trailer I'm a kid again and Luke Skywalker is still my hero.
I'm so eager to see what they will do. Yet, I believe that Luke has realized that the ideas of the Jedi has become obsolete and it's time for the Jedi to be DELETED!!!!!!!