Instagram Battles: Juliette with needles, Jess with Playbill, Gwynnie with "farmgarita"

Would you rather...
...hit a Broadway show with Jessica Chastain?
...have a photo op with the women of Big Little Lies?
...double fist with Armie Hammer?
...get acupuncture with Juliette Lewis?
...drink a farmgarita with Gwyneth Paltrow?
...share a tongue bath and head massage with Luke Evans?
Pictures after the jump to help you decide.
Reader Comments (19)
don't even have to think twice--Bway with La Chastain...what show did she see?!
Armie and Luke do look very cute in their pix.
Chastain and Paltrow kinda pale in comparison to all the others. REALLY pale.
Dern and Kidman are unusually tall for actresses.
Big Little Lies, always. Even if it meant missing a double entendre with Armie Hammer.
brookesboy -- she's holding the playbill right there in the pic!
I wish Gwyneth would stop doing this to herself. She'd be spot-on for any of the roles on Big Little Lies but Hollywood has no imagination to see her as an actress anymore. I don't even blame Hollywood—audiences can't appreciate her work because she is so distracting and exhausting offscreen.
The tragedy of it all is that she is SUCH a good actress. She could've doubled back for a second Oscar later in life, but now that seems almost impossible.
Has she ever given a good performance as a woman over 30? Maybe Two Lovers. But even that was so small and so long ago.
Hayden her Margot is the highlight of performances she's given and characters played. She would have been a better nominee with her co-star Huston on that 2001 slate of supporting actress nominees. I have only seen Tomei and Winslet and I wouldn't do away with them. And the eventually winner really won for her previous year's performance in Requiem for a Dream.
Broadway. That dog video goes on way too long. Like uncomfortably long.
/3rtful -- Requiem for a Dream had nothing to do with Connelly's win. She was amazing in that movie but the mainstream never warmed to it (including the Academy -- i know an actor who nominated Ellen Burstyn solely because she is his favorite actor but he refused to see the movie) and Connelly never got her due for it outside of some cinephile conversations.
catbaskets -- yes. but it is cute for the first like 30 seconds :)
Hayden -- agree with every word of that.
My favorite Paltrow performance after her 30th birthday is in Infamous. Unfortunately, it's over before the end of the opening credits...
I'd hate to miss massaging Luke Evans. But I got to go with photo-opping
with the Big Little Lies ladies.
Polite disagreement re: Jennifer Connelly and "Requiem." She was the surest lock of the acting winners that year all season (aside from a brief category fraud blip) because she had an overdue narrative from the year before. Even those that hadn't seen "Requiem" had heard how effective she was in it.. I think she even got spotlighted in EW's Oscar issue.
If I was putting percentages on it, I'd say 45% Best Picture heat, 35% Requiem, 10% size of performance, 5% real-life glamour, 5% the performance itself.
I'll take acupuncture with Juliette Lewis. Maybe that's why she keeps getting better looking all the time.
Do you reread your comments before sending them?
Unless you are not a native speaking American, your
syntax in expressing yourself is not very good.
I do not day this in a
Mean spirited way.
For the first time ever, I can say I recognize that drink in a celebrities hand! I was just taking pictures of that carrot margarita two weeks ago since the color was so pretty. I didn't actually want to drink it though :)
I would rather be back at that delicious restaurant but I would want to hang out with someone a little more fun I think.
As much as I would enjoy a gin (or five) with Armie Hammer, and would love to see a Broadwya show with Jessica Chastain, to be in a room chatting away with Nicole, Laura, Reese, Zoe and Shailene would be too hard to pass up!
I'll take Broadway with Jessica please Nathaniel.
Go to Broadway w/ Jessica Chastain.
Gwyneth Paltrow can fuck off.
Paranoid -- hmmm. that's not how i remember it at all. I wouldn't even put Requiem at 2% ! The conversation was only about Ellen Burstyn for a very long time with that one. A Beautiful Mind was the best picture frontrunner and that's all she needed considering her competition was in either much less beloved films (at the time) or had already won and there is literally nothing Oscar loves more than longsuffering wives in that category
but regardless... i'm happy people think of REQUIEM as an important stellar performance now because she's f'ing great in it.