Sir Roger Moore (1927-2017)

By Deborah Lipp
Sir Roger Moore has passed away at the age of 89. Known first for the television show The Saint, he achieved world renown as James Bond, playing the role officially more than any other actor. (Moore and Sean Connery each made seven Bond films, but one of Connery’s, Never Say Never Again, is not part of the official franchise.)
When Roger Moore arrived in Phuket, Thailand to film The Man With the Golden Gun, it was not a resort. The city was thrilled to have a film crew working there, and pulled out the stops, giving them the best luxury housing that could be found in the area – there was no hotel...
Soon, the cast and crew realized they were staying in a brothel that had been emptied of business on their behalf. It was the only place big enough for them. Phuket’s life as a resort is because of James Bond, and the extreme beauty seen on film, bringing tourism and wealth to the area.
What Moore saw, traveling the world as Bond, was extreme poverty while he experienced privilege and luxury. It moved him. Ultimately, he became a UNICEF “good will ambassador.” He received a knighthood for his humanitarian work. But Sir Roger remained both humble and joyful.
Roger Moore's seven Bond films (1973-1985)
Sir Roger Moore will not be remembered as a great actor, and, for many Bond fans, he will not be remembered as a great Bond. He will be remembered as a great presence and a great person. He created an image—as the Saint and as 007—of sophistication and unflappable elegance. And to everyone who worked with him—every actor, every bit player, every crew member—he will be remembered as a kind and playful man with a twinkle in his eye and a keen sense of the absurd. He loved life and shared that love generously.
Rest in peace.
Deborah Lipp is the author of The Ultimate James Bond Fan Book and occasional contributor here at TFE.
Reader Comments (18)
Roger Moore was my first Bond so I'll always love him. The first one I ever saw in theaters was OCTOPUSSY (1983) and even though i understand, in retrospect, that it wasn't a very good Bond movie, I loved it.
I also thought he was just terrific in this film I saw as a kid called FFOLKES (1980)
RIP Dear Spy who we loved..thank you for years of excitement you gave me Mr Moore TT
Such sad news. But what a life. He was probably my favourite Bond - the one I grew up with (my first one in theatres was For Your Eyes Only) and the most purely enjoyable.
Last November at the Royal Festival Hall in London, there was an onstage interview and Q&A with him, all about his life and films. I went along with my Dad (who had taken me and my brothers to see For Your Eyes Only way back in 1981) and a bunch of friends and we listened intently to Roger Moore and applauded him for the hero he was.
My mum once shared a lift with him and today told me it was her "one claim to fame". My Dad projected films and TV programmes for him in the ATV days in the '60s.
Roger Moore was a brilliant Bond, underrated as an actor, and rightly celebrated for his humanitarian works, and for being so gracious. I love watching him not just as Bond but in his other films and TV work. He's an absolute hero. R.I.P.
Well he was always my favorite Bond. The thing I'll remember about his movies--and I'll definitely be rewatching them--was that he actually seemed to enjoy himself, and have a good time in/with the role. RIP.
My fave Bond, no questions asked... he nailed with his performances the absurd of the whole projects that were delivered for us, he understood the franchise as a slightly less camp 60's Batman, but with spies, and that's why his films are probably the most fun of the franchise, and the most rewatchable... Connery took himself too seriously, Craig is perfect but is a reimagination, more grounded in reality version. Dalton and Brosnan were OK - specially Brosnan who seemed to be born for the role but somehow disappointed a bit. RIP Sir Roger Moore.
My favorite James Bond as well. Rip
Nat, I remember really liking ffolkes, but I can't remember a thing about it, except there was a lighthouse.
Everyone loves their first Bond. I am older than you, so I identify Bond as Connery, but Moore's impact on the character was indelible.
His final Bond was an earliest movie memory of mine.
Deborah-looking at those posters, I'm realizing I've never seen any of his Bond films-any recommendations on which one to start with?
Roger Moore is a favorite of mine. Though I prefer Sean Connery, Daniel Craig, and Timothy Dalton as Bond, Moore will always have a special place in my heart. He was the guy I first knew as James Bond and I thought he was cool and still is cool. For my mother and her family, he was a much bigger deal as they loved, loved, loved, loved The Saint. They were ecstatic when he became Bond and my mother's favorite Bond film is The Spy Who Loved Me. There's something about him that was just all fun and was also very humble as he made Bond into something different and you can root for him. R.I.P. Sir Roger Moore aka Simon Templar aka 007 James Bond.
A charming man who lead a charmed cinema life.
John T: Not wanting to speak for Deborah, but which film to start with? Just start!
But if you want a first-up recommendation: The Spy Who Loved Me...
Being the SECOND person to play a role is always a thankless task, but I think the only reason the series has been able to continue for so long is that he was as good as he was, proving a new actor could always bring a new sensibility to this role.
Moore is the third Bond. There was a one-off Bond between Connery and Moore.
Marsha -- i absolutely agree with this notion. And not reinterpreting it is a huge problem if you take over a role. In a weird way i think this is also the problem with the new Alien movies. For awhile the series was fascinating because each new Alien movie was obviously a different sensibility and the series was becoming a weird franchise of INTRODUCING... NEW PROMISING DIRECTOR. But now it's just Ridley.
Non-Weaver Alien movies shouldn't be grouped with everything that came after. Of course Resurrection is the worst of the original series because it had no new place to go. It is aesthetically the most artsy one.
JOhn T -I found this on a facebook from a friend who thought Roger Moore the best Bond. he ranks the Moore Bond movies
/3rtful -- i'd argue that the concept of Alien Ressurection was pretty good but the execution not so much. It gave Weaver some new beats to play which fourth film in, I'm sure she needed.