Kidman in Cannes. Part 4.

Jose here. Before leaving Cannes, Nicole Kidman schooled starlets in the proper way to wear Chanel by showing up at the amfAR gala looking like a million bucks. But little did we know that Nicole would make one last Kidmanifestation at the French riviera even as her holy physical presence was across the ocean...
Who She Wore: Chanel
Which Director She's Trying to Lure: Aronofsky. This dress screams Black Swan.
What Evelyn Stoker would think of this: "That sounds better in French."
After Nicole's departure she was invoked once more at the closing ceremony where she became the first woman to receive the Anniversary Award. Almodóvar's jury, perhaps refusing to accept they weren't allowed to just give her the Palme d'Or, came up with a special award to celebrate her body of work at the festival. And with reason, even though not all her projects were received with universal acclaim, can you name one other actor who's worked with Sofia Coppola and Jane Campion in the same calendar year? Not to mention, Yorgos Lanthimos and John Cameron Mitchell! Even though Nicole wasn't there to accept her award, she sent a video speech:
Nicole Kidman accepts the #Cannes70 Special 70th Anniversary Prize for her contributions to four projects at the Cannes Awards Ceremony.
— Nicole Kidman News (@KidmanUpdates) May 28, 2017
Clearly, to dress up in a full gown to accept an award via video would be nonsensical, so Nicole decided to go the ultra casual, yet iconic, route and accepted her award in a white shirt. Do you think she was going for Holly or Carrie?
And then, just like her appearances began last week, she vanished in a cloud of vanilla scented fabulousness
(Fine... the screen faded to black, but it's the same)
Thanks be to the Kidman.

Reader Comments (18)
Saying she looks like a million bucks is a bit generous. She's a beautiful woman, but that hair color and style have got to go.
From K @ all Kidmaniacs
This write up has forced me to take off my mask.... "holy physical presence..'
When I began reading this blog site some time in Feb., I actually enjoyed Kidman as an actress and as a not so phony one at that// However, when the HBO series began, it seemed as if the "second coming of Christ" had occurred ( excuse my religious reference)
I think some people wanted to take an opposite stance and NOT deify her beyond any realistic norms. I feel that is for teenage girls to do.
I know that was my feeling. I rooted for her to win the Oscar for "The Rabbit Hole", LOVED her in To Die For... The Hours ( not so much )
My other favorites are Margot at the Wedding and The Others.
She is a decent actress , but many surely can act circles around her.
Hope this gives you all a little peek into my real feelings on the subject. I have NO intentions of writing about her again ( even if she wins 10 Oscars ) Now I feel better about the whole subject!!
She is that fabulous Chanel perfume commercial
She's a clothes hanger. The projection people put on her here is over the top. Have you seen her up close?
Her speech seemed insincere and rambling. I wish I got awards for attending conferences. And can we give The Kidman Experience a break, or is that the new direction?
@Jaragon - "Drive!"
I love that dress, but (always) miss the red hair. Why the readers who hate her so much spend their time posting on the articles about her instead of clicking on any of the other posts on this site continues to baffle me.
You do realise that by constantly clicking and posting on these Kidman related articles, you are are only making them more popular. If it's a Kidman article, partially thanks to her haters, it's a guaranteed 30+ comments and a whole lot of clicks.
Not saying that Kidman articles are now clickbait, because the writers are genuine fans, but they are now serving the same purpose of driving traffic. And what website doesn't like traffic? There are are often at least 3 or 4 articles a day that might barely generate a handful of comments, but put something up about Kidman and her detractors who don't bother commenting on all those other well written articles that have nothing to do with Kidman, suddenly find the motivation to post and usually help make it the biggest topic of the day.
Kidman is a subject that clearly generates a lot of passion.
Right, because she is so cold and insincere. Her only focus is her career, plastic surgery and more publicity for herself. She is just like Tammy.
If you want to give the Kidman Experience a break, the best way to do it is to stop posting in articles about her. It's pretty easy to do. Just skip over them
There are several non-Kidman articles that are up on any given day. Why not post on those?
I miss her natural red hair too! She started out as a redhead, but had gone blonde ever since she won the Oscar for The Hours.
Unless a movie like Birth demanded a darker more drastic hair color, she's alws in this dainty blonde mode.
So she's a perm (bottle) blonde now??
People too easily take the bait. I watched Split on the airplane and I see a lot of that here. I never liked Nicole with baby hair. And this is less interesting the more you stare at that pink belt. Nicole has become her own phenomenon but how long can she barely eat? I am sure she is eating bread again, at least a piece.
Love me some Nicole. She's having a great year and her stans are so excited her career is getting reevaluated.
Haters can seethe.
If only Nicole Kidman's detractors realized that their thoughts on her matter to us about as little as they claim Nicole matters to them. Imagine what they could do if they took all the time they spent criticising her and applying it to something more worthwhile. They could take a pottery class.
Then you all should not respond to the detractors. It shows you are seething!!!!
Did Nicole actually do anything newsworthy or give a great performance in any of her Cannes films? No. They will be ignored like all of her other work. Who the hell would ever watch Birth or The Paperboy? You can't see how much your blind devotion to her is detached from reality. She's just an aging offbeat actress! I don't like her big shiny plastic head, but to each their own.
I have a sneaking suspicion that her "detractors" on this thread are actually one (maybe two) people posting under different aliases. No wonder IMDb dissolved its message boards.
You are totally wrong on my part. There are those who do not like Kidman... Wake up,man!!!!