Would you rather...?

I can't ask a 'would you rather' with Sarah Paulson spotting Madonna at the Met Gala as an option because it would win in a landslide. Obviously anyone in their right mind would choose that.
So you get a second option.
Would you rather:
...eat a watermelon with Lindsay Lohan?
...have a wrap party with Daniel Wu?
...hang out in Uma Thurman's trailer?
...paint on/with (?) Ronnie Kroell?
...recover from jet lag with Alan Cumming?
... "walk" dogs with Doona Bae?
... or museum it with Gabby Sidibe?
Reader Comments (9)
that pic of Sarah Paulson gagging over Madge is everything!
Uma Thurman's trailer. No question.
Madonna looks manly and too casual
Um. Daniel Wu. Duh.
DC --Daniel Wu is always an exciting option but I'm leaning museum with Gabby Sidibe. Fits my mood today.
Doona Bae, easily
Hang out with Uma Thurman, chat about QT and why she's not getting better film roles.
Madonna''s face looks a bit plastic...I would go with Daniel Wu
I'll join you and Gabby at MOMA. Tea for Three?