Beauty vs Beast: All You Need Is Lovers

Jason from MNPP here with this week's "Beauty vs Beast," which is falling square on Nicole Kidman Eve - the actress, perhaps you know her work, is turning the big Five-Oh tomorrow, and I heard if you put a cube of ice below your pillow tonight she might visit you while you sleep! I kid, don't come as me, Kidmaniacs - I adore her every bit as much as you all do. Which is problematic for this series - where could I possibly find someone to challenge her? I mean there's... no... I couldn't... could I? I am sorry, folks, but this is the only choice. Who else might beat her but the one whose heart beats so big and free...
PREVIOUSLY It appears that none of you learned anything from Rosemary's Baby, and you're all perfectly willing to fall prey to a pretty face covering up a treachorous heart - you gave Guy (John Cassavettes) the win with 56% of your vote over Roman (Sidney Blackmer), and while I'll admit they're both bad choices I really find Guy the most despicable so I can't agree with y'all. He deserves that loogie he gets! Or as Nick T put it:
"I'm sitting by this bag of garbage at work and like. It's less charismatic, sure, but also less morally repugnant, so it's got the edge. Still, I don't think Roman's creepiness is given its due since his wife is way more fun to watch. I'll give him my first born as tribute. It only seems fair."
Reader Comments (13)
I can't choose! How could you?!
Quoted twice in a row? Gosh, thank you Jason!!
Yes, I voted for Christian, because I love the performance, the pipes, and am forever confused as to how Ewan didn't get as much traction as Nicole (though I hear Nathaniel saying how Oscar hates sensitive men, so I'm not really confused). But I'm starring at that photo, listening to Come What May, and choosing just feels wrong. This one really should be Beauty vs Beauty, or Beauty and Beauty.
I demand a "Both" option!
I went with Satine but...ugh, I love Christian so much as well
Christian all the way. How is this a contest? I think his version of "Your Song" is better than the original.
This is exactly like choosin btw Fred n Ginger in Top Hat!!! Satine wld probably win by a landslide judgin from her fandom here...i rem I'm more impressed w McGregor when i ist watched MR! n was shocked tt he was snubbed while Kidman was nom (I still tink she shld've been nom for The Others, a far superior performance)
Kidman was all glitz n glamour here + she got a Camillish ending n that is alr a guaranteed winner in the hearts o her many gay fans.
Nat, u said u hav no choice. But u do!! U could've do a Beauty v Beast for the three ladies in The Hour!!! Wahahaha (evil laugh)
Christian by far.
Christian. Sorry Satine.
It really is a beautiful duet between the two of them, but of course I'm voting for Satine!
Moulin Rouge gave me a crush on Ewan McGregor that I still haven't shaken after all these years.
My very first movie review (for The Others, the same year as Moulin Rouge) started 'Nicole Kidman is a goddess'
So this matchup pains me, but I go with Christian by a hair.
The Hardest One Ever. As usual, it's Nicole by a nose.
Both performances are such tightropes because the characters are so stylized and yet, both are incredible in the film. But, I have to edge to Nicole Kidman. It's her birthday, after all.
Satine, Nicole Kidman! what a beautiful woman, how could you not love her!?