Cozy Up to "Our Souls At Night"

Chris here. Lost in the festival announecement hullabaloo was the announcement that the screen legend pairing of Jane Fonda and Robert Redford Our Souls At Night will be debuting out of competition at Venice. Shouldn't we be a little more excited that we're getting these megastars in a new love story?
The film arrives on Netflix on September 29, so maybe it's also just lost in the theatrical vs. streaming debate as well. But it seems the legends have something lovely in store: both star as neighbors who get another chance at love after losing their respective partners. The film comes from The Lunchbox's Ritesh Batra and (500) Days of Summer screenwriters Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber, so expect a certain degree of warm fuzzies to go with your stargazing. Netflix just dropped a charming little teaser with Fonda and Redford getting cozy on their road trip, so it begs the question: which screen performance of Fonda or Redford would you must want to snuggle up to?
Reader Comments (9)
Well obviously if we're talking about them together it would have to be Barefoot in the Park they're both bottomless wells of charm in that one with the bonus of a fabulous Mildred Natwick and a funny Charles Boyer.
Separately that's tougher at least as far as Redford goes. He didn't play many snuggly roles, for him I guess it would be The Way We Were though I can always watch All the President's Men and Three Days of the Condor.
Jane during her sex kitten days had several, I have a soft spot for Any Wednesday and Sunday in New York but Cat Ballou is dynamite. I'm not big on Barbarella.
Such a shame it won't be an awards play for Fonda who was unfailry overlooked for Youth 2 years ago,one last hurrah would cap off her phenomenal career,talk about stepping from outside your father's shadow.
Straight to Netflix?
So sad I won't be able to see it on the big screen where Fonda belongs.
Jane's plastic surgery gives her a strange Muppet quality? I can't imagine this being released in movie theaters, so I guess it's good that Netflix gave it a home.
I wouldn't want to snuggle up to it, but Fonda's performance in 'Klute' is one of best screen performances of all time. Her snot dripping crying scene must have been great inspiration to Viola Davis.
Robert Redford at Three Days of the Condor. Jane Fonda's every performance at her peak because she needs it and those movies tend to hurt her and no one should hurt her.
p.s. Wear your seat belt, Jane Fonda!
The novel was just beautiful. Love Fonda and Redford. Can't wait for this one.
I literally smacked the computer monitor repeatedly when i realized that her son was a piece of shit and she was giving in to him. Oh HELL NO, if my CHILD tried to guilt me into anything I would knock the stupid out of them. "What?! You can't keep your marriage together so I HAVE to be alone to pacify your immature ass??! But you still want to keep my Grandchild away from me to prove that you can still be a effing parent? When you can't?? This movie pissed me off beyond any explanation I can give. If I had a friend that was going through this I would kick her ass if she gave into her drunken fucking child. Bullshit, complete Bullshit.