One Film, One New York

Have you heard about NYC's fun new free arts event? On September 13th they'll be playing one famous shot-in-and taking-place-in New York film, chosen by the public, all over the city in all five boroughs, at the public screening outdoor venues and in some theaters. The five options are The Wedding Banquet (1993), On the Town (1949), Desperately Seeking Susan (1985), New York New York (1977) or Crooklyn (1994) and were selected by the film critics of the New York Times. You can vote on which one here but the best thing about it is whichever film wins, the public wins because they're all good films.
Where would your vote go? I'm still trying to decide on mine. I'm only sad that this date is during the Toronto International Film Festival so I'll have to miss it. *cries*
Reader Comments (17)
"On the Town" (1949) would get my vote- a glorious feel good celebration of New York - every year during Fleet Week I expect the sailors to break out in song.
New York New York, simply because I've been in a big Liza mood recently and I've never seen it on the big screen.
A bit ridiculous you don't have a Woody Allen film here...
The Wedding Banquet as a reminder of what NYC is in all of its diversity.
The Wedding Banquet for me. Love this idea.
New York New York is extraordinary on a big screen, but Desperately Seeking Susan would be fun with a big crowd in a unique venue.
Joseph -- it's strange that the critics didn't pick one since they're so "new york city" but it's impressive how much ground they do cover with their 5 choices.
They were obviously picking films that celebrate the city
New York New York, one of the director's best and so underrated.
I hate New York, New York.
I vote for Desperately Seeking Susan because I love dirty 80s NYC so damn much.
New York, New York is the choice
I've still never seen The Wedding Banquet, so that's my choice. The others seem like good choices, although New York, New York doesn't feel like a movie you want to watch outdoors. Don't ask me why, it's just a gut feeling.
The today filmmakers should watch On The Town to learn how to direct a musical. And everybody. I know a lot of people who hates the gender and loves On The Town. Musical comedies are a good bait for those uninitiated. I had the opportunity to see on big screen with young audience and half crowded space and it was unbelievable - the actors didn't seem real - it was like watching a cartoon. The sound system of the theater was very good, but was impossible to hear anything in the number "Prehistoric Man" with Ann Miller and Jules Munshin because of laugh and cheers. In the end of the number, applause. The male audience of our days, specifically, wasn't/isn't prepared for the "volcanic"(as they used to call her when she was active) Ann Miller. Saucy for the Hollywood old age but maybe saucy for now.
I agree with Gwen
Cash -- i agree. I like New York New York a lot but it's very long and very serious for an outdoor all over the city event. I think a comedy would work best for this.
The Wedding Banquet is arguably still Ang Lee's best film. Yes, I said it. Hilarious, delightful, and poignant all rolled into one. I don't live in NYC but if I did, it's the one I'd vote for.
Love the idea, and love those posters, too. Sometimes simplicity is so refreshing, especially in this day of stuffing seven characters' faces "artfully" throughout the space.