Open Thread

So... what have we missed while we've been away at TIFF? Today is travel day as Chris and Nathaniel depart Toronto so fill us in so we can catch up on the regular non-festival world. What movie or TV thing are you hearing the most about this past week? Are you eager for the Emmys tomorrow? What do we need to write about immediately that we haven't. Fill us in.
Regular programming resumes Monday along with some leftover TIFF bits like Call Me By Your Name, The Shape of Water, Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool and more.
Reader Comments (27)
What about your Q&A section? Still waiting :)
I really can't think of anything accept how much I loved mother!
However, I have just watched Scenes From A Marriage, fell in love with Liv Ullman, and need a retrospective, or at least someone to point me in the right direction of which of her films are the essentials, because I'm about to start diving in to her filmography!
thank you so much for the TIFF reviews, team TFE! your opinions are always the ones i value / concur with the most. very much looking forward to your reviews for call me by your name, the shape of water, and film stars.
recently i've been getting back in some french films bc i've realized i have kanopy streaming through my school (a perk of grad school?). watched cléo de 5 à 7 and belle de jour - ugh, both so so good.
Oh, Harry Dean. Oh, Harry Dean Stanton.
Update your review page so I know what to see !
Is Pfeiffer giving one of those great perf sin bad movies.Is mother! going to hurt Lawrence in the future.
Saw Shape of Water yesterday as well as mother!. Still sorting my thoughts out on the later, but thought Shape of Water was cute. Definitely not amazing like the accolades would lead you to believe.
Have you seen Hannah? I didn't know about the movie before last week but now I am crazy about the idea of Charlotte Rampling getting a second nomination.
I saw an early preview of Battle of the Sexes and wonder if any of you have seen it. It took me a bit to get into the lighthearted tone of the film, but Emma Stone does really great work in it. It's also refreshing to see a closeted character feel that pressure without having that be her primary story arc.
@JB Autumn Sonata with Ingrid Bergman was excellent. Many Ingmar Bergman movies
she starred in.
Did you all ever do a review for "The Room", since "The Disaster Artist" is coming up? Because it, I wow....
@markgordonuk, mother! is not going to hurt Lawrence's career. She is by far the biggest female movie star in the world and it would take many, many, many failures to knock her off that throne. She's beloved in the industry and the media seems to have a tremendous investment in keeping her likable--her ignorant and offensive comments receive little coverage.
@JB, Persona, Shame, The Passion of Anna, Hour of the Wolf, The Emigrants, Face to Face, and the aforementioned Autumn Sonata would be great for a Liv Ullmann retrospective.
Ok, I hate this site's obsession with elegant (TM) white ladies (Cate, Meryl, Nicole, Julianne, etc.) but I have to say MPfeiffer was great in mother!. She was just so magnetic which is saying something considering she was often in the same frame as JLaw.
"She was just so magnetic which is saying something considering she was often in the same frame as JLaw."
Michelle Pfeiffer is a screen goddess. Jennifer Lawrence is an average-looking, minimally talented hick who got herself a great career by appealing to the lowest common denominator. There is no comparison.
Peeing in sinks and bragging about rubbing your butt against sacred rocks is not cute.
@Thela You may not like JLaw, but she's as magnetic as it gets. I dare to say that although Pfeiffer is a much getter actress and has shown undeniable charisma in a lot of movies, she is not as powerful as a movie star like JLaw. She's just too cold. You need a Julia Roberts to top JLaw.
I'd love to know what you both (Chris/Nathaniel) didn't see that you wish you had?
I had my first TIFF experience this year and half of the fun has been picking up other people's best film recommendations in the queues even when I know I had no opportunity to catch them myself.
BJT - I tried and failed to fit ZAMA into my schedule on multiple attempts, so definitely that. Also LOVELESS was a tough ticket to get with too few screenings and in smaller theatres. I was bummed I didn't see any docs despite several I was interested in (mostly I just wimped out on post-9PM screenings for a lot of options...)
Still thinking "mother!". I went into it telling myself that at least it wouldn't be boring; but then, I was bored anyway. At least "Black Swan" was funny, but this was beyond pretentious.
We need to hear you, Joe, Nick, and Katey discussing mother! Please throw in like 10 minutes of just Michelle Pfeiffer. Thank you!
Harry Dean Stanton
All the Money in the World trailer was released.
I don't know really what to think about it, but it seems more commercial to me. The trailer seemed a bit chaotic.
Michelle Williams looks like the lead to me. The trailer hypes up Kevin Spacey's role as J. Paul Getty and he is near unrecognizable. Perhaps a makeup nom isn't out of the question.
There's a really strong chance that Jessica can win tomorrow. Is she does, and she deserves it, try not to be total pricks.
brookesboy -- LOL. well if you can say she deserves it with a straight face, i can say i won't be a bitch about it with a straight face :) fair is fair.
bvr -- we'll definitely have a post-tiff podcast
BJT -- where to even begin with that question. My back (which had never fully recovered) went out again during the fest so far the last 4 days i was only able to manage 1 movie a day from the pain so i missed at least 8 movies i'd planned to see.
BUT I WOMAN... FEELING. Hong Chau the fucking boss. It's category fraud for her to be in supporting.
All the Money in the World trailer ... it feels like Michelle Williams is playing a role meant for someone like twenty years older? Or am I just oblivious to the true-to-life facts? Not sure.
Sorry, Nathaniel, my post was not directed to you but the haters in general.