would you rather...?

It's our stoopid 'hang with celebrities' thought game courtesy of the joys of curating your own image on Instagram. This week's confessional poll.
Would you rather
...judge everyone with Anna Kendrick and her owl friend?
... take an empty subway car ride with Molly Pope?
...hang out at the piano with Liza Minnelli, no big deal?
...go see Isaac Mizrahi's cabaret show with Allysa Milano?
... freshen up your gloss with Gwynnie?
... snuggle with Jesse Bradford and a piglet?
... plan the Hurricane Bianca 2 sequel with Bianca del Rio & Rachel Dratch?
... harvesting the bounty with Oprah?
Pictures after the jump to help you decide.
Reader Comments (12)
Snuggle with Jesse Bradford. Always.
Judge with Anna Kendrick and her owl.
I am not hanging out with that ugly bitch Gwyneth.
Oh for sure Bianca, especially if the things I've heard about Katya being in the sequel are true...
Alyssa Milano, The Original Little Mermaid. . . ♡♡♡♡♡
How is Oprah's harvest not falling out of the basket? I need to go there to find out.
I love Liza but I would never say no to Mr Bradford...
This is a great group but it's definitely Bianca and Dratch. Easy.
Anything with GWYNETH PALTROW, I know she`s not everybody`s cup of tea but I just think she`s lovely and so talented , miss her career between 1998 and 2008 when she delivered everything from feisty (Shakespeare in Love) , iconic blase ( Tenenbauns), classy fun (Shallow Hall) to terrific depth ( Sylvia, Proof, Two Lovers), then she became Pepper Potts, such a waste.
Judgment Day w/ Anna and STinG
Having just re-watched "A Star is Born" on TCM, I simply must talk to Liza about her mother!
Hurricane Bianca 2 all the way , co/written with Jordan Pele
It's impossible to choose between Liza and Oprah!