Fatal Distraction

This exquisite screengrab posted by Peter Knegt here.
All I see when I look at this picture is Glenn thinking of boiled bunny rabbits. She's not going to be ignored, Dan.
Best Actress,
Glenn Close,
Lady Gaga

Reader Comments (55)
Photo of the Year
I saw all the videos they release today and, with all the respect, but Gaga was one of the wick casting for round tables in all history of it.
I know is her first leading role and etc, but become more an more clear that if the Oscars go for her acting, will be a popularity choice. Not the BEST choice. The Best acting of the year. Which is all of the other girls give. Especially Glenn, Regina and Rachel.
Cher has an award of Best Actress at Cannes and four or five movies released when she won.
Ganga winning will be the same thing as Jennifer Hudson winning. And, that day we all knew that Abigail Breslin, Emily Blunt, Cate Blanchett, Toni Collete, Carmen Maura was WAY better choices.
I hope Gaga becomes a great actress on the future, but, right now, her awards are reflects of the love we have for her persona, not for her acting skills.
I'm gonna get this printed as wallpaper and cover my house in it.
evangelina -- you and me both!
I said before seeing the movie Close's nearest threat for the win isn't Gaga but Colman. Now that I have seen The Favourite I'm comfortable Close has a fighting chance to finally clench victory for herself at the Oscars.
Stop giving critics awards to Gaga. You're legitimizing the Globes to do same! I can't take this shit. 2019 sucks already.
This picture looks really meme-ready any angle you look at it.
If you watch the video from Hollywood Reporter, the camaraderie among the ladies looked and felt real. It was all-affirming and quite lovely to witness actually. Kidman, Gaga, Close and Hahn were particularly supportive of other actresses in that roundtable. And there's a lot of moments too that show Close and Gaga in sweet and intimate moments. Probably not gaga for each other, but close.
Close and Cynthia Germanotta (Gaga's mom) apparently are friends if this video is to be believed.
"Probably not gaga for each other, but close"
I love a good pun.
Queen Glenn's coronation has officially begun.
That's fun, but does it happen with actors or we immediately assume rivalry only between actresses?
Glenn Close for the Oscar!
It's fun to think of Glenn's look as the steely competitor staring down her foe - But after watching the videos, I think she is more of a proud mentor - Glenn is intensely listening to someone she respects (who is also her close friend's daughter). I see it as maternal and lovely.
(it's interesting because Glenn has 2 personas - viper and mother figure - I see the mother figure here .. but I guess the viper is more exciting)
hello -- it's just fun to create narratives and mix movie characters with actresses. i dont actually think any of them hate each other as "competition"
Can we all just give thanks that Amy Adams wasn't in this year's roundtable?
Agree with your astute observations about Close in the videos. She does come across as more maternal, nurturing even, a proud mama who listens to other actresses and gives occasionally funny rejoinders. Love the in-between short takes showing how the actresses interact with one another. Why can't they all appear in one movie?
I think Glenn (but pure speculation here) is more attuned towards being in the company of young(er) actresses and listen to their stories rather than anything less collegial. I remembered during the 2011(?) Oscar period when Jessica Chastain chastised the media for pitting her against Jennifer Lawrence and for reducing the Best Actress competition between them as passive aggressive catfight. Chastain said something like: quit pitting one actress over another; we do different and wonderful work. Maybe there is really some intense rivalry deep inside but I like the collegiality at the end of the day that rises through the surface to recognise each others' works. So overall I like these roundtables that gather these actors/actresses to talk about their work and experiences and listen to each other, To see them in one place at the same time is thrilling.
I think we all know there's no real rivalry here. Close is actually smiling in the photo. And acting-wise, we all know there's no rivalry. But a multimillion dollar hit and a great voice may just win the day anyway, because it's not really all about acting.
Tyler sees things clearly y'all.
To me GaGa always seems like she is on drugs. There can be one hundred people in the room but ...
Whatever C3PO hurtful says is Opposite Day! Don’t jinx me.
Apparently there's a new Kenneth Branagh movie with Dench and McKellen about Shakespeare's final days that will get a qualifying run. Nathaniel, have you heard about it?
@Peggy Sue: the Judi Dench/Ian McKellen film is called All Is True. According to the imdb it will have a limited release in the US, on 21 December. I don't know if that is a wise thing to do. This year is packed-full with good Best Actress and Best Actors candidates. And not a word has been heard about the film. It will open on 8 February in the UK.
I don't think the film has been screened for other award bodies, but I just don't imagine Dench or McKellen hitting the campaign trail to give the film a minimun visibility.
Marcos -- Yes, but I've seen a tweet praising the makeup and another one saying that McKellen has killer scene for the supporting category
Oh my god if Ian McKellen pops up with a great Supporting turn and suddenly snatches the Oscar from all the lame names being bandied about I will be SO FUCKING HAPPY
So did Glenn's coronation begin the day she lost Gotham or the day she lost NBR? Or will it begin tomorrow when she loses NYFCC?
Suzanne--post of the day.
@Suzanne: Guess all the Glenn Close love is gettin' to ya, hon? Maybe you'd feel better on one of those Lady Gaga's monster sites?
Does anyone know when The Wife is coming to DVD/streaming? I live in NY and it's only playing at one theater at 11am ... I won't be doing that! I would definitely like to see it before the Oscars.
This should be a scene in a musical version of All About Eve.
I respectfully yet passionately disagree, @brookesboy - @bruno earns Best Post of the Day honors!
Suzanne just put her paws up! Give a twirl!
There are 3 locks for Best Actress this year. Close, Colman and Lady Gaga.
Emily Blunt will probably be the 4th cos of 2 very good performances;- Mary Poppins Returns and A Quiet Place.
The 5th nomination could go to any one of 5 other women. So this nominee has ZERO chance of winning.
So it really is between the other 4 women.
Colman will get the 'nomination for a lifetime of work' just like Charlotte Rampling and Isabelle Huppert received.
That leaves Lady Gaga and Glenn Close.
The younger members probably haven't seen The Wife and probably never will. The popularity of the film and soundtrack will have these members voting for Lady Gaga en masse.
The older members will / SHOULD vote for Glenn because this would be her 7th nomination and her Oscar is LONG OVERDUE. I haven't seen either films but the reviews for Glenn's performance have been stronger than Lady Gagas.
Hopefully Glenn Close will get her Oscar and Lady Gaga will get a consolation prize of best original song. Something she should have won for The Hunting Ground.
Blunt swoops in on her brolly and snatches it wigs and everything.
The Wife should’ve been released after Christmas. Seems like voters like ‘freshness’ with performances an The Wife was so last summer.
I am putting it out there. Blunt is not happening.
Close is missing the coronation this year. I think most of the hype has died down and she ain’t winning nothin yet.....think the narrative is stronger for someone else to win in the coming months
It’s gonna be one of those painful awards seasons... Why do I get the feeling that Glenn might be this year’s Peter O’Toole (Venus)?
Painful thought, but sounds plausible to me.
I love how people believed back then that Jennifer Lawrence was an underserving winner and now the want Lady Gaga to win...for THAT performance!
@Jamie — I wish I could disagree with you. :(
George, how do you know those are the same people?
Bette Streep - You accidentally started your last paragraph with an unnecessary 'hopefully'.
I think people are underestimating the counterweight of Lady Gaga's Best Song chances.
That is—voters will be able to give them both Oscars this year. It's not clear in this horse race stage, but I expect it will be intuitive when people look at actual ballots.
Why isn't anyone talking about Kidman, about how great she was in both films? Sure I hope Glenn Close wins but Nicole deserves that nomination.
O'Toole had an honorary to dissuade voters from sentimentality.
@Gustavo Horn
Jans - I share your frustration. My main interest in this race is seeing McCarthy nominated for Best Actress, but there are so many other great performances I have enjoyed this year. It's depressing to see the comments (through no fault of Nathaniel or the other contributors at TFE) become all Close and Gaga, all the time.
@3rtful Oh yeah that’s right
I’m scared if Glenn doesn’t win, she will boil all 17 of Olivia Colman s bunnies.
The Oscars are really good about spreading the wealth so unless A Star is Born is a sweeper - Gaga should win one Oscar - song.
And the SHADE fell across the land....
BEST photo EVER!!!
Some of those who would vote for Gaga will say: "I'll just vote for Song".
And some who would vote for Close will say: "Well, I can always wait for Sunset Boulevard!"
Glenn is not getting any love from Critics awards, but let's wait for the SAG and the Golden Globes.