Yes, Yes, Yes: "Big Little Lies" Season 2

The new trailer for Big Little Lies has broken us. We cannot perform our Yes, No, Maybe So breakdown because we were mouthing 'yes' repeatedly with no sound coming out for all 58 seconds of this trailer, such was the wide-eyed thirst for all of this. That final bit with Meryl Streep? That was an audible YES capped by Reese Witherspoon's perfect micro-stunned reaction.
Reader Comments (27)
Leave it to Meryl to totally transform a line-reading. I CANNOT WAIT.
I wish Meryl wasn't in this. She's such a distraction.
Meryl's the reason I'm seeing this.
I really NEED this to be as good as the first series! But the trailer looks pretty terrific indeed.
As much as I love that there are 5 leads (possibly 6 with Meryl), who based on this trailer all have an equal amount to do, I need Reese to have the time and material to win herself that Emmy.
Looks bad and unnecessary.
bring it on - cant wait. I hope the whole season is meryl vs reese, what lethal aadversaries.
I love Meryl's line reading. The show will do itself no favors making Bonnie a lead without addressing the ways her blackness would impact her among this group of rich white women. It'll be glaring, especially during a murder investigation.
So excited for this. I felt like the first season was magical for so many reasons and better than the book.I have high expectations for season 2.
Looks great and Meryl looks like she fits in really well. I only hope Laura Dern has enough to do! I want as much Dern as possible.
That distinctive voice belies the rather innocuous appearance of Meryl Streep. This is like getting a
gift of fine wine. I can't wait to sip it and savour the pleasure.
Love it and can not wait!!!
Who says monoculture is over? This will no doubt be appointment television.
Genuinely excited for this including Streep which the teaser did a fantastic job of emphasizing her importance without overshadowing the principal players.
Bonnie's blackness won't be ignored since they cast black actors in the roles of her mother and brother for season two.
@3rtful: that doesn't mean anything. At some point the show will have to address the fact that she's a black woman involved in a murder situation with only white wealthy suspects/witnesses (especially since she's technically the murderer).
I was one of those who did not think the first season was quality TV and seriously still don't think what Streep's character could add to the show yet I'm in awe of how terrifically great she delivered that line. Sometimes I take her for granted.
I don't know well they'll handle the racial implications. But I'm sure everyone but Laura Dern's character will enthusiastically cover for her. @Me34
The line delivery was great but that fake wipe of a fake tear felt mannered.
Meryl Streep... fear her!!!!!
I cannot believe I am agreement with /3rtful. and that Me34 sounds like a dips hit...
Yes with the heat of a thousand suns!
Looks totally unnecessary. The story was completed beautifully, it did not need a season 2.
rdf- Oh wow...
I love it. Meryl is the supreme actress of our time!
I was skeptical there needed to be a season 2, but will I be watching? Helllssss yeah.
Let's not forget Andrea Arnold, even more promising.
Are they gonna have another "mystery" component this season? Maybe it's smart if they don't, since that was a big problem with season 2 of the similar DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES -- The S1 mystery was so good that they could never replicate it.
Check out the Spanish HBO trailer! Has new footage at end with Streep screaming:)