National Ice Cream Month is Sweet Torture.

by Nathaniel R
You put that ice cream in your mouth and you are in very very very big trouble.
You guys. I recently gave up dairy for health reasons [insert huge hangry sigh]. Well, "gave up" in this case means severely cut down. An occassional piece of cheese is allowed and I also have two pints of Nina West endorsed ice cream still in the freezer which I'm veeery slowly metering out as rewards for the good behavior of not eating ice cream. But really --what is good about not eating ice cream? NOTHING. NOTHING AT ALL.
So after the jump let's celebrate ice cream at the movies...
Carl is not enjoying his ice cream enough in Up (2009). There ought to be a law against that. Extra points for the animation team at Pixar for understanding exactly where and how intensely Dug would be staring in this scene --- THE REALISM.
Ryan Gosling is delicious. Plaintiff's Exhibit #8,406,174
Don't remember this moment in The Way We Were (1973) but 100% sure that "A Country Made of Ice Cream" is a literary masterpiece. Want to go to there, immediately. Booking flights now.
How often do you think about how great The Florida Project (2017) is? Answer: Probably not often enough! Sean Baker's last three movies have all been superb (Starlet, Tangerine, and The Florida Project) so we're eager for the next one. Where is it ???
This is the only relatable moment in Forrest Gump (1994)... and 'that's all I have to say about that'
Audrey Hepburn was the most elegant actress of all time, a beautiful humanitarian, and brilliant in her Oscar winning breakthrough Roman Holiday (1953). But she was also an ice-cream cone waster (you don't throw it out when there's still ice cream left, what the?!? If you don't eat the cone you haven't finished the ice cream cone!) and this we cannot forgive.
Why won't someone stream the 70s Witch Mountain films from Disney? Magical twins Tony & Tina and my extremely vague toddler memory of those movies deserve better!
In conclusion here is Emma Stone to demonstrate how we feel about giving up ice cream...
Reader Comments (7)
The way Karen Black attacked her ice cream cone in The Day of the Locust (1975) always makes me want some.
As far as dairy substitutes go, non-dairy ice cream is one of the few that have really figured it out. There are so many good options!
As for cheese, the only one I have found to be edible is the Daiya brand...and ONLY when it's cooked (in pizza, pasta, etc.)
Betty Draper having her ice cream and Sally's
You can also make “ice cream” with freezed very ripe bananas. Just add cocoa and mix in blender or food processor until ice cream consistency.
You don't have any gelato-selling places near you? If they make it fresh in house, the fruitier options have little to no dairy (you can always ask them to confirm).
the guy who played Tony in Escape to Witch Mountain came to visit our grade school when I was in the 4th grade. I had such a crush on him!
Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, the beach and ice cream in What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?