September. It's a Wrap

September was surely the fastest month of the year. Over in a flash and though we were just getting the hang of our new schedule (temporary corporate gig on the side for financial survival reasons) and posting was lighter than usual, we’re aiming for a more typically robust October.
Highlights of September
Remembering Jean Seberg - Mark offers up a primer before Seberg arrives
"Over the Rainbow" - a beautiful episode of Soundtracking to celebrate Judy
Reader Writes: Kris in Telluride - Let us know if you’d like to send a guest post!
The Irishman Jason reviews Marty's buzzy mafia epic
TIFF Awards - Chris & Nathaniel wrap up their coverage with personal kudos
How Had I Never Seen... M - a new series kicks off in which team members watch something classic that they've never before seen
I Am Love - Michael eats shrimp with Tilda for "The New Classics"
On Becoming a God in Central Florida have you watched Kiki's new series?
Horror Actressing Amy Irving in Carrie
Most Discussed Articles
She Had Oscar Buzz - Elie talks Kirsten, Scarlett, Emily and othes waiting on their first nomination
Celebrating JLo - Murtada wants to know what you think about when you think of the Hustlers star?
Coming in October: Joker, Pain & Glory, Parasite, Maleficent Mistress of Evil, Gemini Man, Celebrating the 2019 Honorary Oscar winners (Lynch, Davis, Wermuller, and Studi), and something spooky for the holidays TBD

Reader Comments (2)
Are you planning on doing anythin' for Boys Don't Cry's 20th Anniversary.
"temporary corporate gig on the side for financial survival reasons" <---- this is a very depressing 10-word short story.