Wheeeee. It's festival season!

Meryl Streep days ago across the Atlantic in Venice joyfully demonstrating exactly how we feel whenever we arrive at film festivals. Chris Feil and Nathaniel R (that's me) are both officially on the ground in Toronto, ready for The Film Experience's favourite fest each year, TIFF! Screenings start in just an hour or so. And we're off...

Reader Comments (12)
Hate her.
Off topic: Spain officially selected "Pain and Glory".
I'm on pins for your reviews or mini reviews as they mostly are at the festivals.Go easy on Renee.
Love it! Critics seem divided on The Laundromat. Would love to hear your thoughts!
Have a great time gentlemen! So excited for your take on Judy Nathaniel.
Have at it, guys! So jealous, wish I was there.
I hope you find peace, Joan. Doesn’t sound like The Laundromat is an Oscar film but I look forward to seeing it. Have fun.
Going to be refreshing this site even more than usual.
The I Am Woman premiere is tonight.
Give Scarlett the Volpi Cup!!!!!
Yay - have FUN (exhausting as it may be)!
Look forward to reading lots of mini-reviews and seeing your reactions.
Love her, and looking forward sooo much to your coverage! Between you and Chris I'll know which movies I should see for their quality, which I maybe should see for Oscar possibilities, and which to avoid.