Beauty Sleep

After wrapping up the film year and February ending TFE needs some beauty sleep but we'll back on Sunday night or Monday morning, refreshed. Have fun this weekend! See lots of movies.
Celebrations of Toshiro Mifune for his centennial and Rachel Weisz for her 50th + the new Smackdown schedule + trips to the movie theater for Wendy, Saint Frances, The Hunt, A Quiet Place Part 2, Emma. And you know how we love anniversaries so we'll look back at The Picture of Dorian Gray, Tristana, and Muriel's Wedding for their 75th, 50th, 25th respectively. All that plus whatever you assign us on streaming since that Voyage experience went well.

Reader Comments (8)
but les Césars!
Yay! I missed the Smackdown!
...and the Smackdown, per chance.
Have a great weekend. Enjoy the Cute Kittie!
I walked out les Césars and you're going to take a nap?
Can't wait for the Muriel's Wedding fest. I can never get enough Toni Collette, and in one of her best movies to boot.
Sleep for Leap Day!
“You’re terrible, Muriel.”
But I love this site. Thanks for all you do, and have a restful break!
Great work Claudio, Glenn, Et al! A well earned rest for a great team.