You Will Be Linked

The Atlantic drive-in movie theaters are having a moment. Not that there are many of them around.
Variety Anne Hathaway to star in the adaptation of the memoir French Children Don't Throw Food
The New Yorker "pandemics and the shape of history"
MNPP Dolly Parton will be reading to children every Thursday on YouTube
Variety in the land of stars getting creative during the shelter in place, Emilia Clarke is offering a virtual dinner for charity for coronavirus relief. You get to cook with her and eat with her if you're selected.
/Film Genius: Queen of Soul starring Cynthia Erivo as Aretha Franklin delayed til later this year (in related news Respect starring Jennifer Hudson is moving to 2021. I think we know who loses in an acting cage match between the two, even if they won't be competing at the same awards show.)
Boy Culture the last time various household name artists charted on the top 40
Coming Soon remember the days when Netflix never cancelled any of their shows? Those days are long gone. October Faction and V Wars are both cancelled after their first seasons (though Locke & Key gets to stay for a second round)
Deadline Sony moves all their big ticket 2020 movies to 2021 in one swoop.
Deadline Oscar-nominated songwriter Adam Schlesinger ("That Thing You Do") of the band Fountains of Wayne in a medically induced coma due to coronavirus
Exit Music
James Corden gathered up Ben Platt and the current touring company of Dear Evan Hansen to sing "You Will Be Found". Lovely song. It starts around 2:30
Reader Comments (7)
These Celebrities!!
It just dawned on me, what is to happen of this year's Awards contenders? With everything getting shoved back a year it seems, does this mean the contenders for the Oscars are going to be REALLY slim pickings?
Man Glenn Close should star in a film ASAP and have it released this year, it's a slam dunk to win! lol
Adam Schlesinger also co-wrote most (all?) of the music performed on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. He's a genius.
Adam Schlesinger is awesome as Fountains of Wayne are very underrated. Ed O'Brien of Radiohead has also been infected and I'm going to fucking lose it if one person from Radiohead or NIN is killed by this pandemic.
Glenn, pull some strings and release the super cut of you auditioning for all the roles that went to Meryl. That could be a winning film this year!
Oh I use to love going to the drive-in when I was a kid! Such a shame there aren't many around now. They'd be packing them in and it's a great communal yet safe experience. Glad for the few remaining that they are doing so well.
Any update on Nathaniel? I've been keeping an eye out for the write-ups on Only Angels Have Wings and Pollyanna anxiously. Hope he's coming along well!
Respect is still on the radar for this year. It moved to Christmas.